Air Jordan xxxiv first info

Thanks for the heads up on the NDC coupon thapointguy thapointguy . I ended up scooping the CNY. Nike’s return/adjustment policy is straight elite so I just went with it. Got the original colorway with the price adjustment discounted too!! If the CNY goes lower even better for the pockets, but waiting it out is risky business, given this models sizing (having to go up .5 from my usual size). Figured better to have in hand and then contact them for the adjustment, than not having it all.

Very tempted to get on the black cat pair...Trying to stay the course and wait for the lows though...

Dookie Boys pair will be here today from DSG...Haven’t decided if I’m keeping them or not...Wanted to get them in hand first...If they don’t hit with me I’ll slide them to somebody in here...
Damn man.

been tryna chill out on sneaker purchases but all you guys with the cny cops made me cave. Lol

it is a good price and the colorway is fire.

imma sit my a** down after this tho.

gonna take a collection pic once they arrive...
Guess I’ll keep them...Threw them on to do a whole bunch of nothing due to the total shutdown out here in Vegas...Might go shoot around at a local outdoor court a little later...Anybody try the 34’s on the blacktop yet?

Se's came in today. And for the 1st time since the 28s I feel like this is a true sig Jordan and not some thrown together team shoe to make the yearly quota. I hope it's not anymore colors I like that come out. Because with the retros dropping the last thing I need is another problem lol.
Need them to restock the infrareds with the coupon....
How about we just hope they restock and don't worry about what the coupon since clearly JB doesn't need to Mark these down for them to sell. I'm hoping to get a restock just so I can get them at retail at this point. Then again I haven't checked stockx goat or anything to see if people are selling them at retail, maybe I won't need to weight for a restock at all
How about we just hope they restock and don't worry about what the coupon since clearly JB doesn't need to Mark these down for them to sell. I'm hoping to get a restock just so I can get them at retail at this point. Then again I haven't checked stockx goat or anything to see if people are selling them at retail, maybe I won't need to weight for a restock at all
Not sure what size you need but FTL has pretty much a FSR....
I bought the chicagos this morning and nike cancelled the order

That sucks! Did you use a cash back app like Rakuten?

My infrared order got cancelled (after having my size in stock for 2 days) and I have a theory it’s because I used a cash back app. . They give you a 20% off coupon and it’s a win win for them.
That sucks! Did you use a cash back app like Rakuten?

My infrared order got cancelled (after having my size in stock for 2 days) and I have a theory it’s because I used a cash back app. . They give you a 20% off coupon and it’s a win win for them.

I always use cash back, so yes I did
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