Air Yeezy's where to buy

this N charm
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

one of the chicks was bout to beat up lil out-of-towner camper dudes. dude looked like he soiled his pants, real talk. that was a pretty good laugh real quick.
You talking bout dude wit the raiders hat and the glasses? And Charm I aint see you or I woulda spoke, and L7OSER, which one of them was you
Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

one of the chicks was bout to beat up lil out-of-towner camper dudes. dude looked like he soiled his pants, real talk. that was a pretty good laugh real quick.
You talking bout dude wit the raiders hat and the glasses? And Charm I aint see you or I woulda spoke, and L7OSER, which one of them was you
Yea thats the dude. Yo looked like we was high 4real. He was straight sleep on his feet.
I was the lightskin dude in the gray/black hoody, n max orange 1's.
You are nicer then me Charm. I would have made him break bread for even making the drive from Kentucky..........

NO shoe is worth that type of trip.

Oh well, these would have just been for trading purposes, forreal.
Originally Posted by L7OSER

Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

one of the chicks was bout to beat up lil out-of-towner camper dudes. dude looked like he soiled his pants, real talk. that was a pretty good laugh real quick.
You talking bout dude wit the raiders hat and the glasses? And Charm I aint see you or I woulda spoke, and L7OSER, which one of them was you
Yea thats the dude. Yo looked like we was high 4real. He was straight sleep on his feet.
I was the lightskin dude in the gray/black hoody, n max orange 1's.

Oh aight I saw you than, I was the dude in the silver duncans
Just came back from Bmore to pick up an 8.5 for dkVCU

My dude hopped out in Yeezy to deliver Yeezy...

These run big

Got lost on the way back FML

I hate driving to Bmore.....


for the 8.5!

Heard some funny things about nt'ers after this camp out. Dudes got thirsty at gentei.

SMH at dudes waitin after the fact pairs were claimed "hoping credit cards would decline" lol when dudes paying cash.

I'm gonna wear mine until the soles stop glowing.
lol. Yall funny. I get that and John Legend all the time tho. Used to it by now.
Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Tried my luck at Waldorf to no avail...

I was the asian dude with silver foams.

Lol i know you saw us tryna advertise our trades of size 11-13
Just got back from watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine and it was

Finally have some extra time to type up what happened at Gentei.

I left UMD campus right after my classes on Thursday and headed to Bmore. I arrived at Gentei at about 6:30, noticed that there were only 11 people in line soI thought I was in time. As I'm walking up Oliver comes out of the store and is talking to the people in line and tells me that "all the pairs are [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]pretty much[/color]accounted for." I had called the store a couple time in advance on different occasions and they had told methat they had "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]about[/color] 18pairs." Oliver then says "you are welcomed to stay", I was like if there is no point in me staying then why would I stay, he then said"[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Well last time there was someone in your situation and they ended up getting a pair[/color]."

At this point I had already made the drive and payed $12 Parking so I was like, I might as well chill meet some people and decide what my next move was goingto be. Not too long after this 2 more people show up, one guy had made the drive from OC and the other dude from Rockville (Cool people BTW). People in linetold them that the pairs were accounted for, but they were skeptical since there was only 12 people in line. On top of being skeptical about what randompeople in line were telling them, they were even more skeptical because they too had called SG and were told they had "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]around 20 pairs.[/color]" Right as I was planning to make the trip back home (since I wasn't going to waitfor 2 days on hope) a tow truck pulls up and in a matter of like 60 sec. take a tahoe that was illegally parked in the lot in front of Gentei. The carbelonged to a dude in line that was with 2 other guys who carpooled from eastern MD, as soon as I saw this happen it just added to my feeling of possiblystaying. I was thinking that if they didn't have both the $325 CASH that the lot asked for and the $318 for the Yeezy's then I might be good. Morepeople started getting in line (no one believing that there were no more pairs) at this point there were like 17 people in line. It was getting late fast andI was still there talking to people and speculating. The 3 guys left in a cab to the car lot to pick up the Tahoe and I was crossing my fingers that theywouldn't come back
LOL. ( They were very cool people too BTW)

At this point I was thinking to myself 3 guys out of line makes me #9 in line so if they don't return I'm good. Add this to all the unclear answersOliver was giving us...

"all the pairs are [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]prettymuch[/color] accounted for." + "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]about[/color] 18 pairs." +"[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Well last time there was someone in your situation and they ended up getting a pair[/color]."+ "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]around 20 pairs.[/color]" = Me saying *!@$ it I'm already here I'm #12 in line (#9if they didn't come back) I might as well stay. Plus everyone there was cool people, we were having a relatively good time, and then the drunk peoplecoming out of the bars wrecking were comical and keeping us entertained. Eventually the 3 dudes came back from getting their car so I was #12 again. Dan fromGentei stopped by the line at one point and said hi, we asked if he knew the exact number of pairs they had and he simply couldn't give us a concreteanswer. All he said was, "I left the store early yesterday so I don't know what is going on, I'm not sure how many we have available." Atthis point and continuing throughout the night more people kept arriving and staying in line. I can't blame them like I already said, I guess they wantedto hear a CLEAR response from employees or from Oliver himself.

Fast forward to about 9:30 am on Friday. There are about 32 people in line at this point and no one was budging. At around this time Oliver drives by rollsdown his window and makes an announcement, " Hey guys all pairs have been accounted for since yesterday." People in line were like "how manypairs do you guys have?" Oliver responds we have 12 pairs so after that guy (Points at the 12th in line) we don't have anymore."

I do a QUICK recount of the line and double, triple, and quadruple checked and I was 12.

Once the shop opened at 11:00 am people went in talked to Oliver and Dan and then decided that they weren't bluffing and went home. I on the other handOBVIOUSLY stayed since Oliver made the announcement that there were 12 available, me being the last in line (#12).

Now lets fast forward to around 6:00 PM on Friday (I believe that was the time). One of the guys in line is chilling inside of the store and sees the list onthe counter and notices that he is last on the list even though he was second in line. Then another guy notices that everyone has a size next to their nameEXCEPT for him. At this point they gather everyone together to make corrections. People were kind of annoyed because it was already 5:00PM and @+*# wasobviously not ready to go and organized. I was chillin because I new I would just have to take the leftover size, but didn't care because I was confidentI could either trade for my size or sell the pair then buy my size.

All of a sudden @+*# hits the fan. Oliver leaves the store so Dan is left sorting out the BS. He begins sorting out sizes and writing them on sticker tagsand tags the actual sneaker boxes. The reason I say @+*# hit the fan is because when Dan gets to # 9 on the list, he goes to the back to tag the box, takes awhile in the back, makes a phone call and then finally comes out to tell #10, #11, and #12 (ME) that there was an error and that they only had 9 for sale. Thisis also when Dan told us that,"a Nike rep called requesting us to ship them a pair" We were like **+ is going on??? How do you "miscount"by 3???? Again we got no concrete answers, all we got were "somehow someone made a mistake." Who made the mistake? Oliver? Who? Shouldn't thestore know how many they have available to "regular people?" Especially the owner, shouldn't he know the EXACT number and information? Especially on such a "hyped" release?

We had already done 80% of the camping out, and its not until now that they tell us this BS??? #10 and #11 were heated and were trying to talk to Oliver but hewas not available for comment. They soon left mad as @+*#, I was mad too but not as much as them since I hadn't been given hope until that morning. Don't get me wrong I was still very heated, but for one they had been there longer than me and were "confirmed" a pair since they arrived to thestore. People in line were like "WOW this is some BS we feel for you guys" they were heated as well since a lot of them were no longer getting thesize they were "Guaranteed" the day before. Some dudes were on the list for a "confirmed" size 8.5 or 9 and ended up getting 11 and13's. They were like you might as well stay since there is only a few more hours until release and on top of that both the dudes in front of you left, younever know if they might find the "missing" pairs. I evaluated the situation and ended up staying. Yeah it was probably a stupid move but like Isaid 80% had been completed, what were a few more hours? I was trying to get lucky I guess.

Midnight came and they start the sale. Some people got there at 11:50PM and 11:55PM looking for pairs LMFAO X 20000. I don't know what they were thinking. Dude that was #10 in line came back to see if he could get some answers from Oliver. They sold 9 that was all, Oliver was like "sorry guys that'sit." Dude that came back to see what they would say only got a,"I wish we had more to sell, I really do" followed by a " there'sanother pair dropping next month" from Oliver.

That is what happened, it was BS IMO. They could have just been "upfront" and honest with everyone since the get go and avoided all of the nonsense. I've always liked Gentei they are cool people but I do think that they dropped the ball hard this time. Even though Major does their unethical routine onthe hand that feeds them (their customers) they at least give it to them how it is. They inform them of what they have and how its going to happen openly andwithout all the BS mysteriousness. Just to add to the "mysteriousness" Gentei didn't even give us a concrete answer about the price until Fridayafternoon. We asked and got 2 different answers, one of them said $300 even then the other said $300+tax.
Simply unorganized.

Left heated, got back to College Park, got some sleep. Got up early and drove me and my girl to Waldorf, we got 2 tickets - I got lucky, and got my size.
^ damn..i was probably like 18th in line and left soon after the store opened after being told by basically everyone there were only 12 pairs
but at least u got them..
Miss the Blk/Pink by 45 min. They were olny @ 2 DTLR in DC and MD. Minnisota Ave and out of all the DTLR they pick these...
Originally Posted by Savonne

Miss the Blk/Pink by 45 min. They were olny @ 2 DTLR in DC and MD. Minnisota Ave and out of all the DTLR they pick these...

wrong, they were at 3 different dtlr locations in baltimore alone.
Size 14 sold for $860.


Maybe I'm just too "old school" to get it.

I'm blessed I'm not 15 - 21 years old during these times in the "game".


F'in studying messed up my flow at Security. But I've killed them so much past 10 years on the low (Space Jams, DMP, 1st Spikes, Melo IIs, etc.), itevens out.
"731 balla,"

Just read your post.

Wow. Carried.

Wonder if they will respond, since they are on point in letting the forum know they were selling them and when espn is contacted for "minor"coverage.

Who knows, maybe "The Dream" (who is HORRIBLE Live I may add) did snag a pair for a few extra dollars. Hard to believe any rebuttal from them afterreading your post. You have no reason to lie. I personally know the allocation on these in the DC/MD/VA area. All stores.

Integrity = minimum these days.
I didn't have any luck on Saturday... anyone w/ an 8.5 or 9, feeling generous, with a fair price... PM.
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