AJ XII "Nubuck" 2009 Retro

^^^^ he is humored because I pull your cards in a respectable fashion. Aside from that, how ignorant do you think myself and other consumers are?

"You Guys WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT, with a Catch..... A very Big Catch"
What is the logic behind getting what we want, but with a catch? If that is the case, it is not what we want.
Speaking for myself and all retired Ambassadors, I will make purchases when the kicks don't crease after 11 steps...
Until then enjoy that teenager/mommy & daddy money

Those look soo ugly and outta shape its not even remotely funny

No bueno

Looks like I gotta see them in person smh
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

^^^^ he is humored because I pull your cards in a respectable fashion. Aside from that, how ignorant do you think myself and other consumers are?

"You Guys WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT, with a Catch..... A very Big Catch"
What is the logic behind getting what we want, but with a catch? If that is the case, it is not what we want.
Speaking for myself and all retired Ambassadors, I will make purchases when the kicks don't crease after 11 steps...
Until then enjoy that teenager/mommy & daddy money
You asked for a Hint .. So I gave you exactly what you asked for. (Sheesh
) I'm not a Teenager And I make my own Money thank you very much. But Itotally agree, people should buy what they like for their hard earned money. I mean if it's quality you seek then go buy some Nike Retro's cause we nowat this point in time that's where the quality is at. Plus as we all know the only way for a shoe not crease is to simply not wear them, but I totally getand understand your point of view at the momet.
JB has to reach last years numbers... so expect a lot of expensive shoes....

and thanks WilliamR. and GG. i actually saw some pairs for 59.90 on some websites, they looked identical, i couldn't tell the difference between the newre-retros and the other pairs...
Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

These are some more pics of the 09 retros
Thanks for the pics....but these are shaped like clown shoes and look ashy as hell. If this is the quality we have to look forward to in thisglorious 25th anniversary the brand is planning with all this "heat" that has been rumored to release then y'all can have it. I'm over thisregurgitated trash.
I understand you are hinting, but that was not a hint, it is a recycled lie.
In late 2008 the same exact hint was given. "You will get what you want, but with a catch"
Guess what, that "thing that we wanted with a catch" retired many many many ambassadors
I guess once the remaining ambassadors figure out that their "hope" were just more rumors, we can expect more loss of consumers
It's cool, life goes on, and when they are done suckering all the herbs... Never mind, 2 all my 20 and below NTers, enjoy your mommy and daddy money forretro. that are built like fusion
Im sorry but if all of the future Retro models are built like these as far as quality, shape and color...

Than ill NEVER BUY another Air Jordan again.

Matter of fact, im going to convince all of my friends/family NOT to buy these or any other Jordan aswell. And they believe anything i say because theyactually think i know more about Jordans than anyone. Im going to boycott JB. Im going to make flyers, cards and stickers to magnify the Sweat Shops, qualityand price of the shoes.

You wanna play dirty JB? I will too. I have nothing else better to do in my spare time BUT to do what i said in the sentence above.

Yea call me OD, too much, etc....Im serious. Im done with JB. DONE!

Regardless of what shoe they put out, if it is nothing like the original than i dont want it.

%*+* you JB!!
Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

Im sorry but if all of the future Retro models are built like these as far as quality, shape and color...

Than ill NEVER BUY another Air Jordan again.

Matter of fact, im going to convince all of my friends/family NOT to buy these or any other Jordan aswell. And they believe anything i say because they actually think i know more about Jordans than anyone. Im going to boycott JB. Im going to make flyers, cards and stickers to magnify the Sweat Shops, quality and price of the shoes.

You wanna play dirty JB? I will too. I have nothing else better to do in my spare time BUT to do what i said in the sentence above.

Yea call me OD, too much, etc....Im serious. Im done with JB. DONE!

Regardless of what shoe they put out, if it is nothing like the original than i dont want it.

%*+* you JB!!
Amen. When I buy a retro, I want the exact same shoe that I wanted as a kid but couldn't afford. I don't want a half-assed replica ofthe original.
I sometimes lock myself in a room and pray that MJ one day realizes how they are doing his company and starts taking over and actually does what is said on theback of the XII... Such hypocrites....
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