AJ XII "Nubuck" 2009 Retro

Originally Posted by coolkicks23

These are beautiful, but ima pass, I NEED YEEZYs!!!
go straight ahead

these aint nubucks, they wack swede. please compare the old ones to the new, anyone that got a pair can tell the difference
Originally Posted by purplehazen

these aint nubucks, they wack swede. please compare the old ones to the new, anyone that got a pair can tell the difference
go a page or two back
Originally Posted by abernja

Originally Posted by HoopsTV2000

Picked up the DMP Pack ($309) SIZE 13 and XII ($150) SIZE 13 with ease today, my local spot got them in last week, they still have some pairs too for those interested. I'm in the NC area.
Nice jacket, gloves, and helmet. The shoes are nice too, but the jacket especially

Our pairs come in next week. For $100 I can't pass them up.
Abernja, Where do you live if you dont mind me asking, i dont mind payin $150, but I can always purchase a pair for a buck
With all the negative comments towards these 2009 Nubucks i really thought they were going to suck . But really these shoes are DOPE. The quality aint no 2003but to me its way better then the crap that has been dropping . I say go out and cop a pair . If I can get another pair for the player price I WELL DO SO .
^^^^ yeah they are pretty nice in person
Personally I thought that they were going to suck compare to the 03 version
But na quality is not the best but is good overal
I like the shoe colorway ... I love the good criticism from those who give there opinion of the shoe but not complain...
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