AJ XXX (30)

Watch the resellers start posting these up since there was a 3 pair max. Going to be disgusting!
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Watch the resellers this weekend post up their goods for sale. Disgusting!

It is, but I for one won't be biting. Scummy for JB to do this knowing that a lot of people wanted this one. Hopefully, this is just an early release and more will follow. If not, a very scummy move.
Idk what resale is at now but whatever it is its not worth paying, resell will only go down [emoji]128077[/emoji].. these are fire tho hopefully I can scoop up a pair down the road for a good price
Idk what resale is at now but whatever it is its not worth paying, resell will only go down [emoji]128077[/emoji].. these are fire tho hopefully I can scoop up a pair down the road for a good price

Yeah, I love this pair out of the XXXs the most. However, what resellers are asking is just not what I'm willing to pay.
damn those are fire straight up, wish they would widely release those
That's not their strategy. It's release a boring white, blue, black and red pair and then call it a wrap. And drop the best color way as an exclusive in Chicago and Europe post BRexit. Probably the worst JB line release strategy ever.
I'm from NYC and I had my friend coming to F23 in Chicago around 8:45 PM (CST), they told him not to take pictures?

Chicago XX3, on the shelves, are a demo product. What the F...?

XXX Cosmos were all sold out, he just missed out on the sale of the last size 14. Who was it, anyone here? I want that 14!!!
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