All-encompassing Cleveland Indians thread. 46 days until Opening Day.

Texas is very good offensively. It's tough to beat a team when your pitching can't throw a K. Oh well. Might head to the game mañana since I'm in town...
Texas is very good offensively. It's tough to beat a team when your pitching can't throw a K. Oh well. Might head to the game mañana since I'm in town...
Napoli was so safe. 

The throw beat him by a day, but Santana was on the other side of the plate and waited forever to put a tag on.
Napoli was so safe. 

The throw beat him by a day, but Santana was on the other side of the plate and waited forever to put a tag on.
Wasn't able to go to the game last night because my friends flaked on me last minute. 

Hopefully I can get them to go with me tomorrow afternoon.
Wasn't able to go to the game last night because my friends flaked on me last minute. 

Hopefully I can get them to go with me tomorrow afternoon.
No Hannahan again today - hamstring issue.

Everett sucks. Orlando kind of sucks. Hannahan is hurt. Uh... make the god damn call.
No Hannahan again today - hamstring issue.

Everett sucks. Orlando kind of sucks. Hannahan is hurt. Uh... make the god damn call.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Wasn't able to go to the game last night because my friends flaked on me last minute. 

Hopefully I can get them to go with me tomorrow afternoon.
I'm going to the game on the 17th.  Pumped for it. 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Wasn't able to go to the game last night because my friends flaked on me last minute. 

Hopefully I can get them to go with me tomorrow afternoon.
I'm going to the game on the 17th.  Pumped for it. 
Choo batting sixth today.

Orlando batting second may be the worst idea Manny has had all season. Like he is going to help set up an inning with his first pitch rollover grounders or short flyouts to right.
MLBastian Since losingHafner to oblique injury, Indians have hit .231 with .290 OBP & 3.6R/G. Prior to losing him, Tribe hit .271/.342 with 5.3 R/G.
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