All Women Flirt, All Women Cheat....*Pics Inside*

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

J23S : I like your taste in women.

Mature women FTW
what about the ones that don't do either?
you saying "all women" implies that you've met each & every single one, which, needless to say, you haven't. therefore, it is considereda generalization. my argument would be null & void if you said most women flirt & cheat. had that been the case, i wouldn'tconsider myself to be in the most women category.

pay attention.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

what about the ones that don't do either?
you saying "all women" implies that you've met each & every single one, which, needless to say, you haven't. therefore, it is considered a generalization. my argument would be null & void if you said most women flirt & cheat. had that been the case, i wouldn't consider myself to be in the most women category.

pay attention.
Good point, BUT all women do one of the other. So you mean to tell me you never flirted before?
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

what about the ones that don't do either?
you saying "all women" implies that you've met each & every single one, which, needless to say, you haven't. therefore, it is considered a generalization. my argument would be null & void if you said most women flirt & cheat. had that been the case, i wouldn't consider myself to be in the most women category.

pay attention.
Good point, BUT all women do one of the other. So you mean to tell me you never flirted before?

while in a relationship? i'm an overall friendly person. it's not necessarily flirting, but some may take it that way. however it's never tointentionally get attention from the other (or same
) sex.. it'sjust my personality.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

what about the ones that don't do either?
you saying "all women" implies that you've met each & every single one, which, needless to say, you haven't. therefore, it is considered a generalization. my argument would be null & void if you said most women flirt & cheat. had that been the case, i wouldn't consider myself to be in the most women category.

pay attention.
Good point, BUT all women do one of the other. So you mean to tell me you never flirted before?

while in a relationship? i'm an overall friendly person. it's not necessarily flirting, but some may take it that way. however it's never to intentionally get attention from the other (or same
) sex.. it's just my personality.
Yea while in a relationship. You may not think its flirting but guys see it another way therefore it being flirting. So you ARE in that category
What excatly is flirting though?
Many women who are guilty of this would be quick to say they dont consider a certain action to be flirtatious, while the dude that is on the receiving endwould consider it to be flirting.
Originally Posted by Diego

What excatly is flirting though?
Many women who are guilty of this would be quick to say they dont consider a certain action to be flirtatious, while the dude that is on the receiving end would consider it to be flirting.
Spot on.
i agree w/ OP. maybe not ALL but a majority, the mindset of females these days is def not how we wish it was.

i ran into this chick the other day while shopping who was with her boyfriend, she puts here # in my phone, touches me & all while he's standing rightthere.

i've gotten to the point where i dont even ask girls if they're in a relationship if im in it just to smash, most likely because i'd end up hearinga yes and my trust for females would drop even lower
Originally Posted by Diego

What excatly is flirting though?
Many women who are guilty of this would be quick to say they dont consider a certain action to be flirtatious, while the dude that is on the receiving end would consider it to be flirting.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

J23S : I like your taste in women.

Mature women FTW

her !%% ain't mature...just old...

nothin mature about a grown woman waiting on some clown to come home from jail even tho he 'won't change'
damn her eyebrows look crazy

eyebrows is pet peeve of mine, really can make or break a chicks appearance.

mytmouse speakin truth though damn
Originally Posted by eight2one

your always in some situation bro lol!
not really a situation, i aint even trying to get downwith ole girl like that, just proof that mase was right
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by eight2one

your always in some situation bro lol!
not really a situation, i aint even trying to get down with ole girl like that, just proof that mase was right

You see if we had more pimps, it wouldn't be no jealous guys
See me, I live by the four pimp rules
Number one, you control the situation
You get in they head before you get in they bed
And number two, girls run like buses, you may miss one
Catch another one every hour on the hour, promptly
And number three, what that girl ain't willin' to do
You got a hundred more girls more than willin'
And number four, is a new rule to the new pimp testament
You can't be a playa and hate the playas
That don't make no sense

who knew Mase was full of knowledge!!
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