Almost got shot, NT lawyers/criminal-justice majors help me out

Wait, we callin the police now???
I thought we hate police. NT, we need to get this strait
so I know how to feel.

NT hates crooked and prejudice police?

Is that a problem....everybody should hate that no matter what but I understand whites tend to turn a cold shoulder to issues that don't affect them
Christmas themed porno word I know how I'm spending my night!
What's that tall white dude's name w/ the greath white hammer shark?  Dude's bald, and like a HOF MVP in prono land.

That casting sofa dude is funny dude, always gives a chocopie to the girls and acts like nothing happens.  When they asked if they get paid, he gives them the sales pitch.  Funny thing is he will ask if they need to buy Plan B when he deliberately launched. lolz
Dude aint gone do ****. He just wanted to scare you strait. Mission accomplished.
You hit his car, he hit your heart.
If he was gonna shoot, then his gat woulda did the talking, instead of him.

I came in here thinking you just Neo-ed some ****....
Christmas themed porno word I know how I'm spending my night!

What's that tall white dude's name w/ the greath white hammer shark?  Dude's bald, and like a HOF MVP in prono land.

That casting sofa dude is funny dude, always gives a chocopie to the girls and acts like nothing happens.  When they asked if they get paid, he gives them the sales pitch.  Funny thing is he will ask if they need to buy Plan B when he deliberately launched. lolz
Lol wut
No kidding lol

You can't just punch people's cars when they won't obey your ad hoc traffic law.

From a common sense standpoint, this makes perfect sense. From a legal standpoint, homie can't just threaten someone with deadly force for something like that.
You lucky he not crazy don't hit nobody car when you clearly don't want problems :smh:
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Shouldn't have hit the car. You got your card pulled.


Same **** I was thinking.

You're not always about that life, but when you are, you're about it for 2 to 3 seconds. :lol:

Dude ain't gonna come back. He was just letting you know and blowing off some steam.
OP tapped dude car and then got punked when he jumped out the car. Then you let dude belittle you :smh:
And if didn't even draw on you, point at you and much less didn't fire... change the damn title. :smh: What exactly almost shot you? Some words?

Stop hitting people's property thinking you're gonna slide. You thought you were the baddest on the block for a minute. Talm bout "I got this Dad." :lol:

Boy stop.
im just worried for my parents, im gone january 20something because i move back to my dorm, but what if he does something to them?

You should've thought about that before you punched his car and then denied doing so after he confronted you. Had you just apologized instead of trying to be something you're obviously not, this entire situation would've ended differently.

Good luck.
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