Alot can be said about a person depending on whether or not they give a courtesy wave in traffic.

I'll only give the wave if im passing by them and theyre staring right at me. But if I pull in front of them i usually dont cuz i know they cant see it with my tint. lol but driving in nyc is like driving in a big #@@ parking lot for the most part so I get put into those situations a lot. And I almost never get waves when I let ppl go.
Hell yeah, if somebody doesn't thank me then it's no freebies for anybody the rest of the week.

One person has to ruin it for the rest. SMH.
I'm so confused on what this thread is talking about. If it about driving, yall must hate me cause I don't wave and on top of that I rarely use the flicker. I only use it for tight spaces.

What is all this door talk?
All this waving talk sounds like it could be the basis for a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode or something. 

Man, I wave every damn morning on the way to work.  If you let me in, I wave--simple as that. 

Or what about when you're at a 4-way stop and everyone just comes to a stand still?  Ever been caught in a wave-off before, where everyone is just waving everyone? 
  So awkward.  I usually just give it a 2 count and if nobody is moving I just gun it and hope for the best. 
Not to thread jack, but I can't stand when I hold the door open for a female and she does not say thank you. I usually blurt out YOUR WELCOME while watching them just walk through the door. I don't get how you can honestly just not say thank you, no matter what mood your in.
My pops usually gives a light horn honk to say thanks. Also as a pedestrian I think a person should wave a thanks if a person lets them cross.
never bothered me cuz i dont let people in and i'll gladly pull up just so you dont try to inch your way in.

i do expect you to let me in though
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by mdresident

Why would it matter if they wave or not?? you should do nice things and not expect anything back...

   you know who says this? people that dont give a courtesy wave
yep.  and ignore people who hold open doors.  self righteous bastards
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Truth. It urks me when I'm being nice and letting you pull out of the spot and you don't acknowledge. (Going to myself I should have just went and been a #%@@)

for real! i always wave and sometimes even 2xs just to make sure the person saw.  when i don't get a wave back for slowing down to let someone switch lanes or go out from a parking lot then i'm kinda salty
, but what can you do? some people are appreciative and some aren't
I give courtesy waves when someone is letting me merge onto the highway, enter traffic, or let me use the crosswalk. I never wave to people that are speeding, and then abruptly stop at an intersection when you're trying to walk, they get a mug from me.
Alot can be said about a person depending on whether or not they give a courtesy wave in traffic.
and them folks that can hold a hour long convo with you one day, then walk by you like a total stranger the next day

i dunno if it's just me, but if spoke to someone longer than 5mins JUST ONCE, i feel it's courtesy to nod,wave, or acknowledge
them every encounter after that.

...this guy that come into the club goes to the gym i attend, so do like 3 ladies. so the three ladies were holding a convo with me
and this guy is like "hey wassup man hows it going blah blah"....i see him the next day and was like "hey wassup bro?!" 
he hits me with the
nd throws on his headphones
On the real, I'm just gonna start saying "you're welcome" even if the person I hold the door open for doesn't say thanks.
Gettin a courtesy wave is coo and lets u know the person appreciates it, but half the time I don't even care. When somebody lets me through I do the quick 2 honk then wave cause sometimes u can't see the hand inside the wheel
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Gettin a courtesy wave is coo and lets u know the person appreciates it, but half the time I don't even care. When somebody lets me through I do the quick 2 honk then wave cause sometimes u can't see the hand inside the wheel

i can't front sometimes when dudes posted on the block or at the bus stop and i don't feel like being bothered or have lady in the ride feelin' myself
i'd give the two honk  and dueces...they be looking

but i always come back after i drop the chick off or handle my business
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