Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

I will never understand sitting idle on the sidelines complaining about racism.

"Man, this whole system is ****ed up so **** it--I'ma sit this one out".

For the love of all things holy, please stop being obtuse and vote for the better candidate next time b/c there WAS a definitive better candidate when it came to issues that black folks are concerned about. Was she perfect? So very far from it. Was she the answer to cure racism? Of course not--no politician is. Did she pass all the purity tests? Nah. Was Hillary going to swoop down from heaven and magically make everything better for black people everywhere in the U.S.? Nope.

But your eyes. Things CAN get worse. Things CAN move backwards. We're seeing that. While a politician will never cure our country of the ills of racism, electing a president that openly stoked the flames of it on the campaign trail certainly isn't going to help the cause either, right? That's called hustling backwards.

I just hope that come 2018 and 2020, folks with this line of thinking have their eyes opened. Hopefully these Killer Mike types will have had enough of Da Bigot's nonsense that they'll be forced to pull their heads out of the sand.

@maximus's some late night reading above for you champ.
What is a "White Nationalist" anyways? And smh all because of a removal of a statue?...and the South continues to take Ls
Even when minorities "take over" there will be a race who does the same as these white supremacists...history repeats itself, it's not in the books for multiple races to live amongst each other peacefully
The more we learn to live with each other, the open-minded we would get with one another. I believe that it takes time for this to happen, which also has been proven in historically as well. Also, the characteristics of society reflects more on its own merit rather than past nations, empires, dynasties, or what have you.
I will never understand sitting idle on the sidelines complaining about racism.

"Man, this whole system is ****ed up so **** it--I'ma sit this one out".

For the love of all things holy, please stop being obtuse and vote for the better candidate next time b/c there WAS a definitive better candidate when it came to issues that black folks are concerned about. Was she perfect? So very far from it. Was she the answer to cure racism? Of course not--no politician is. Did she pass all the purity tests? Nah. Was Hillary going to swoop down from heaven and magically make everything better for black people everywhere in the U.S.? Nope.

But your eyes. Things CAN get worse. Things CAN move backwards. We're seeing that. While a politician will never cure our country of the ills of racism, electing a president that openly stoked the flames of it on the campaign trail certainly isn't going to help the cause either, right? That's called hustling backwards.

I just hope that come 2018 and 2020, folks with this line of thinking have their eyes opened. Hopefully these Killer Mike types will have had enough of Da Bigot's nonsense that they'll be forced to pull their heads out of the sand.

What's a killer mike type? Someone with a mind of their own?
They so stupid with the tiki torches lol

I'm not exactly sure what's so funny about it.

It's something they did in Nazi germany and it's symbolism. Just like the chant and salute.


and has been done in other countries since then
Not only Trump but the individuals that did not vote, encouraged others not to vote or worse yet had the audacity to say that both major party candidates for president were the same. @maximus meridius can speak on that particular mindset if he chooses to do so.

Let this be a lesson to everyone, events like today take place when you don't do anything to stand up and speak out against hatred from its very roots. People will try to take what you have no matter how small or insignificant it may appear to you. Never lay down, give in or sit down against white supremacy.

Didn't Hillary win the popular vote? Voting is standing up against racism?

Who were the majority that voted for Trump? White males. White women were also in the majority. So were they racist before or because of Trump?

So who exactly are you angry at?
I will never understand sitting idle on the sidelines complaining about racism.

"Man, this whole system is ****ed up so **** it--I'ma sit this one out".

For the love of all things holy, please stop being obtuse and vote for the better candidate next time b/c there WAS a definitive better candidate when it came to issues that black folks are concerned about. Was she perfect? So very far from it. Was she the answer to cure racism? Of course not--no politician is. Did she pass all the purity tests? Nah. Was Hillary going to swoop down from heaven and magically make everything better for black people everywhere in the U.S.? Nope.

But your eyes. Things CAN get worse. Things CAN move backwards. We're seeing that. While a politician will never cure our country of the ills of racism, electing a president that openly stoked the flames of it on the campaign trail certainly isn't going to help the cause either, right? That's called hustling backwards.

I just hope that come 2018 and 2020, folks with this line of thinking have their eyes opened. Hopefully these Killer Mike types will have had enough of Da Bigot's nonsense that they'll be forced to pull their heads out of the sand.
So unless he voted for who u want him to his eyes are closed?

Sounds like the white man has his hand up your *** further than u realize.
:Lol. Hidden colors 18. Killer mike types.

Y’all just as bad as the people ur condemning...

I can’t complain cause I didn’t vote? Word? I can’t be hip to the political climate cause I didn’t vote?

The clintons really got a long history of looking out for black people...

As Jay Z said......."still *****"
What's a killer mike type? Someone with a mind of their own?


“They’re both the same”. Brilliant. Way to have a mind of your own.

Regardless of Mike’s good intentions (I agree with him on most issues), he speaks from a place of privilege in this video. He’s gonna be good. Do you think he’s really worried about social programs being cut? Nah—he doesn’t need them. He has money. I love Mike but his love affair with Bernie may have been one of the worst things to come from 2016. He helped persuade a lot of young people that Trump and Hillary were the same, and therefore your vote on the national level doesn’t mean a thing.

We’re seeing that isn’t the case. Tell that to all the black kids in schools who have seen an uptick in harassment based on race. Tell that to Muslims who were the focus of the travel ban. Tell that to families being ripped apart from the ramped up ICE raids. Tell that to transgender folks currently serving our country in the military. Tell that to the young woman that lost her life yesterday after a nazi, no doubt emboldened by the President, mowed her down while she was exercising her right as an American. I could go on and on, but it’d be redundant.

Racism is never going to die, regardless of who is President. Hillary wasn’t our white savior, and no politician will ever be. But when you look at our country after the past 7 months, can you honestly say to yourself that all this foul **** would be going on under a Clinton administration? That’s essentially what Killer Mike implied time after time and it’s complete and utter bull****.
Humans can't even talk peacefully on an Internet forum.

Zero hope left for the human race. Aspiring parents need to pass a "baby raising test". There should be a minimum threshold to reach before trying to raise a child. At least half of these morons were probably raised by scumbag bigots and the cycle just continues.
So unless he voted for who u want him to his eyes are closed?

Sounds like the white man has his hand up your *** further than u realize.

You don’t know me, playboy. Fall back.

And if that’s all you took away from what I wrote, you missed the point.
You don’t know me, playboy. Fall back.

And if that’s all you took away from what I wrote, you missed the point.
Our systems makes stupid people feel important and that's all your displaying. Thats all I took because that's all u said. Those social programs your worried about being cut are exactly how they control people. None of these white politicians care about the black community the way u think they do. I think u need to listen to the videos u posted again cause u are the one missing the bigger picture.
Hard to say this but the obama presidency set this whole thing up. I remember i was fourteen thinking damn these crazy *** white people gonna show up out the woodworks with the racist BS because we have a black president. Now tables turned 8 years later the crazy *** white people feel empowered by a president that valued their racism :smh:
Hard to say this but the obama presidency set this whole thing up. I remember i was fourteen thinking damn these crazy *** white people gonna show up out the woodworks with the racist BS because we have a black president. Now tables turned 8 years later the crazy *** white people feel empowered by a president that valued their racism :smh:
I don't blame any minority disillusioned with any part of the establishment. But just look at the faces that took over to make decisions for you while you sat this one out. Legitimate modern day kkk/neo Nazis masquerading as professionals intent on rolling back civil Rights statutes to intentionally hurt us and further their supremacy. Understand in the very least the opposition would've been stagnant, no movement. This current one is forcing regression. Seriously get hip to the things they're working on. I love y'all man (well most of you) and I'm urging you next time just make one more lesser of two evils decision to add to the ones you make daily. Even if you see it as appeasing, do it so we don't get pushed back further. Don't let us go out like this man, war is fought on many fronts. We we're just treading water, now some of us are about to drown. It was hard enough to get out the water before.
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