Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

It really just clicked in my head that when people argue that Muslims and black people are more dangerous than white supremacists, they mean solely to people who look like them.

It makes perfect sense that white supremacists aren't afraid of white supremacists, I don't know wtf I was thinking
They can live in places where they never have to look at a POC for the rest of their lives but will still complain/hate. :smh: :lol:

Bunch of snowflakes!
It really just clicked in my head that when people argue that Muslims and black people are more dangerous than white supremacists, they mean solely to people who look like them.

It makes perfect sense that white supremacists aren't afraid of white supremacists, I don't know wtf I was thinking

And WS will harm or kill people that look like them. Like we saw over the weekend. The evil is spreading to anybody that's not banging WS. All the "I'm not racist but I didn't speak up when cops were killing black people" all the "trust the system" white people have let this build.

Black people have been talking about serious this is but now all of a sudden it's like "OMG this is awful" when you see white people going at other white people.
And WS will harm or kill people that look like them. Like we saw over the weekend. The evil is spreading to anybody that's not banging WS. All the "I'm not racist but I didn't speak up when cops were killing black people" all the "trust the system" white people have let this build.

Black people have been talking about serious this is but now all of a sudden it's like "OMG this is awful" when you see white people going at other white people.

You not wrong. I've seen people recently that I've never seen mention white supremacy against melanated folks one time suddenly openly talking about getting rid of the Nazis etc.

I'm like where the **** have yall been the past few decades? It took a white lady getting run over for yall to catch on? Like I'm glad they get it but god damn.

Love seeing stories like this though

**** these losers. Ol wearing the losing teams super bowl tee *** hose.
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This racist movement was the "norm" before . Glad we didnt live before 1964
Some wypipo praise MLK because he protested correctly, peacefully.


I hate when they use King for their blind ideologies. "MLK didn't die for this." Or when it's in regards to protests ..."MLK would be ashamed" and then they try to bring up one of his quotes about peace ... :smh: smh

Little do they know, a lot of his quotes and speeches are directed at people like them. Like the one I posted a few pages back.
this dude was outed as a NAZI from here in charleston.
he has lost his job and will likely live in fear for the rest of his life as he should.

then charleston doing what it does best:

i drive by mother emanuel everyday i go to work, i drove by the night it happened before any news was available and saw a young girl maybe 7 years old being escorted out by a female police officer.

the street the church is located on is named after john c. calhoun a traitor and big defender of slavery.

Lol @ them saying **** like "anyone that knows me knows i am a good person"

No, no youre not.

"Look, I was there early, people started rolling in we made introductions. We moved from one barricaded zone to another and were standing in a line," Krofta said. "I just met him. He came down from Ohio (and) he wasn't affiliated with a group. I am a nice person. I get along with everyone. We exchanged small chat. That is the sum of it and the truth. Hate me all you want but my conscience is clear."

:lol: stop it khamsa
Wonder if the death o
this dude was outed as a NAZI from here in charleston.
he has lost his job and will likely live in fear for the rest of his life as he should.

then charleston doing what it does best:

i drive by mother emanuel everyday i go to work, i drove by the night it happened before any news was available and saw a young girl maybe 7 years old being escorted out by a female police officer.

the street the church is located on is named after john c. calhoun a traitor and big defender of slavery.

So this is what geek squad do on their day off.
this dude was outed as a NAZI from here in charleston.
he has lost his job and will likely live in fear for the rest of his life as he should.

then charleston doing what it does best:

i drive by mother emanuel everyday i go to work, i drove by the night it happened before any news was available and saw a young girl maybe 7 years old being escorted out by a female police officer.

the street the church is located on is named after john c. calhoun a traitor and big defender of slavery.


Charleston:nthat: I'm from St. George
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