Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Yo idk if this was posted but when homies mom was all puzzled by her sons actions and said ,"he has black friends"

I just cringed.

normally the first words of a racist smh

sad part is how would she know after not living with or seeing her son for the last 6 months after moving away from where they are from initially. People dont get 6 months is a long time to for someone to or act on impulses theyve carried with them for a long time
did they catch the *** holes who beat that guy up with a pipe?

I don't belive so. 2 or 3 of their identities have been exposed, so let's see what happens now . Hate to say it but I wouldn't be surprised if those dudes face zero charges.
What I don't get is that these are they same people condemning Kap and are throwing up Nazi salutes. The Nazi's killed tons of Americans and were ultimately behind Pearl Harbor.

Kaep, Lynch, Bennett, and everyone else....everything they've been protesting for over the past year is confirmed more and more each day. Not that it needed to be confirmed, but there's no disputing it now with 3rd Reich symbols, Nazi flags, Iron Crosses right in our faces.

It's funny because the "we're taking our country back" nonsense in actuality is spawned from economic and international relation problems caused by upper class white males :lol:
Lawyer plans to take down racists who framed an innocent ‘anti-Trump’ man as the Charlottesville terrorist
Deandre Harris, a 20-year old hip-hop artist and educator, speaks out on surviving an attack by white supremacists in Charlottesville

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Wow, so now they ****ting on the victim? Between this and the folks claiming this was a "false flag" things are going to get a lot worse.
Charlottesville was not an isolated act of fascist Terrorism.

In June 2015, Dylann Roof was inspired by the “hate facts” posted on Daily Stormer and Council of Conservative Citizens to murder nine people at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

In July 2015, John Russell Houser, a far-right former bar owner, shot and killed two people and injured nine others before committing suicide in a Lafayette, LA movie theater which was playing Trainwreck, due to its feminist themes and characters, as well as its lead actor's Jewish background. Houser was said to have been a misogynist and praised the actions of Adolf Hitler on online message boards.

In November of 2015, a group of well-armed 4chan regulars attended a Black Lives Matter camp in Minneapolis, harassing them with racial slurs. They opened fire on activists attempting to chase them out when they returned a second night, wounding five.

An antifascist protester of Milo Yiannopolous was shot in stomach on Inauguration Day by Elizabeth Hakoana, who came to the protest with her husband, who planned to “crack skulls” of the “snowflakes” at the event and provoke a reaction to justify shooting someone.

Later in January, Alexandre Bisonette, a supporter of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, opened fire on a Quebec City Islamic Culutral Center, killing six.

In February, a white U.S. Navy veteran, Adam Purinton, 51, killed an Indian engineer, wounded his Indian co-worker, and shot a man who tried to stop the murder at a bar in Olathe, KS while yelling "get out of my country."

In March, James Jackson, a subscriber of Alt Right Youtube channels, traveled from Baltimore to New York with the sole purpose of murdering a black person at random. He stabbed Timothy Caughman, killing him.

Sean Christopher Urbanski, a University of Maryland student and member of online alt-right facebook groups, randomly stabbed to death black Army Officer Richard Collins III in Baltimore.

A man in Portland, OR stabbed 3 people, killing 2, who intervened to tell him to stop making racist remarks to muslim women on a light rail train.

Anthony Robert Hammond hacked a random black man with a machete after yelling racial slurs at numerous people in Clearlake, CA in May.

Jimmy Kramer, a 20 year old Native American, was run over during his birthday party in Washington state by a man and woman in a large pickup truck who first circled the party yelling racial slurs and taunts at the group from inside the truck. Kramer died and his friend was hospitalized.

A Minnesota mosque was hit by an early-morning explosion on August 5, 2017 as worshipers had just begun to gather inside for morning prayers.

Edit: As others have pointed out, these are some just the most recent white supremacists attacks
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