Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

The cops are treating these racist like family. And its the same thing coming from most of the politicians. None of them are talking about punishing these dudes.

They had tanks and **** for HS kids in Baltimore, Obama on TV calling them Thugs and criminals. But for these racist groups it's "hey guys go home". America.

If you cared to examine who Trump is placing in those judge spots, you would see how minorities already lost.

If only there was a way to prevent this. A way to choose someone else besides Donald Trump to be president. A way to fill the House and Senate with someone other than Republicans. A way that white supremacists spend a significant amount of time on discouraging people from using because they're aware of it's ability to curtail their agenda. If only.....
How can you ignore that and stay silent? It's ridiculous.

Because he's also one of them and part of the problem. Sure, racism had also been here, but Trump directly correlates with the confidence those types of people have right now. Anyone that voted for him or found a reason to support or "get what he's saying" even if they didn't vote for him, they're part of the problem as well.

saw this gem below it:

and if you read the replies there is this:

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Minority Trump supporters, bless their hearts, they are so lost
you wont believe how many people think the black panthers are out to murder innocent whites,

the naacp is just out to divide the country by calling everyone racists and BLM are black supremacists.

look at all the alt-whites playing the victim and distancing themselves from that loon in the dodge.

theyre blaming the cops for not doing their jobs and not keeping order and also ANTIFA and BLM for everything they created.

these are the same folks blaming immigrants for their poor work ethic and yelling out affirmative action for not being qualified for jobs.
Even on NT these kind of views are represented on occasions, though they generally don't last very long. Even at times that kind of rhetoric is coming from someone who is a minority. Don't think I need to name that particular individual.
Yo idk if this was posted but when homies mom was all puzzled by her sons actions and said ,"he has black friends"

I just cringed.
Was I in a coma cause I don't remember BLM causing terror. Dude that killed the cop was a lone wolf, as they'd say.

Rioting isn't right but that's not terrorism. At least to me
Trump Tweet.jpg

This guy is our president. With every tweet I'm in more disbelief he got elected.
Was I in a coma cause I don't remember BLM causing terror. Dude that killed the cop was a lone wolf, as they'd say.

Rioting isn't right but that's not terrorism. At least to me

These are the same people who equate the KKK with Black Panthers

These are the same people who hated Martin Luther King jr when he was alive....and saw him as a threat to America.

These are the same people that have demonized Malcolm X

Same old tricks. New generation
Even on NT these kind of views are represented on occasions, though they generally don't last very long. Even at times that kind of rhetoric is coming from someone who is a minority. Don't think I need to name that particular individual.
keep up da personal insults

i'm this close to reporting you and getting Meth in here to get you back in line
The only bright side about the Trump election was it was not a wave election like say 08.

Dude really did hit an equivalent of a 9 way parlay to get elected, the stars aligned just at the right time. Shout out to that **** boy James Comey. Even still, most people didn't want him to be president

The most disturbing thing is the amount of principled Republicans that overlooked the red flags to vote for such a vile Bigot. And the people who came to terms with exactly what he was, and threw marginalized groups under the bus in hopes Trump could work some magic to better their economic situation. Even though nearly every economist with sense said Trump's plans are BS, and he is lying about what he can achieve.

God I hate that mother ****er
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