Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Majority of Americans want Confederate monuments to stay
By Danika Fears and David K. Li

August 17, 2017 | 9:51pm


The statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Va.AP
Confederate monuments may be coming down across the country — but a majority of Americans say they should remain in place as historical symbols, a new poll found.

Overall, 62 percent of Americans think the statues should stay, while just 27 percent believe they should be removed because they’re offensive to some people, according to the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist Poll.

Fierce debate over the country’s Confederate symbols is still raging after a “Unite the Right” rally last weekend protesting the planned removal of a Gen. Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Va., led to violent clashes and the death of a 32-year-old counter-protester.

Overnight Wednesday into Thursday, vandals defaced a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee outside a chapel at Duke University in Durham, NC, breaking his nose and face.

“Racist ideology has no place in a Christian church,” Duke Divinity School alum and Ocracoke United Methodist Church pastor Richard Bryant told the Herald Sun newspaper

well well well.....
Majority of Americans want Confederate monuments to stay
By Danika Fears and David K. Li

August 17, 2017 | 9:51pm


The statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Va.AP
Confederate monuments may be coming down across the country — but a majority of Americans say they should remain in place as historical symbols, a new poll found.

Overall, 62 percent of Americans think the statues should stay, while just 27 percent believe they should be removed because they’re offensive to some people, according to the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist Poll.

Fierce debate over the country’s Confederate symbols is still raging after a “Unite the Right” rally last weekend protesting the planned removal of a Gen. Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Va., led to violent clashes and the death of a 32-year-old counter-protester.

Overnight Wednesday into Thursday, vandals defaced a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee outside a chapel at Duke University in Durham, NC, breaking his nose and face.

“Racist ideology has no place in a Christian church,” Duke Divinity School alum and Ocracoke United Methodist Church pastor Richard Bryant told the Herald Sun newspaper

well well well.....

Why are you acting like this is some breaking news? :lol:

There's a reason they're still up despite people calling for them to be removed for a long *** time. The reason? That 62%. Ignorant people didn't all of a sudden become sensible because some racist dude ran a girl over. That poll result was to be expected, unfortunately.
Dude doesn't know how statistics works. He stays posing these silly surveys and tries to extrapolate it to the greater population.


this is from da ******** poll but applies here...

Q: Can a sample of 500 Native Americans be projected to the entire population?

Surveys of this size can produce accurate estimates of any size population by employing “probability sampling,” where every member of the population has a known and equal chance of being selected. Such surveys are used to measure consumer confidence, the unemployment rate, political attitudes and health. The Post’s survey of 504 Native Americans has a margin of sampling error of 5.5 percentage points, meaning that if the same survey were repeated 100 times, in 95 cases the results would not be expected to differ by more than 5.5 percentage points. Surveys can have other sources of error and variation which are more difficult to quantify, including measurement error and non-response error and the fact that about 5 percent of Native Americans are unreachable by either cellular or landline phone. Statistical weighting to Census Bureau benchmarks helps correct for some of these issues.
Sample population says 62% surveyed were white.

yeah, that reflects da current American race breakdown.

Population of the United States by Race and Hispanic/Latino Origin, Census 2000 and 2010
Race and Hispanic/Latino origin Census 2010,
Percent of
Census 2000,
Percent of
Total Population
308,745,538 100.0% 281,421,906 100.0%
Single race
White 196,817,552 63.7 211,460,626 75.1
Black or African American 37,685,848 12.2 34,658,190 12.3
American Indian and Alaska Native 2,247,098 .7 2,475,956 0.9
Asian 14,465,124 4.7 10,242,998 3.6
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 481,576 0.15 398,835 0.1
Two or more races 5,966,481 1.9 6,826,228 2.4
Some other race 604,265
15,359,073 5.5
Hispanic or Latino 50,477,594 16.3 35,305,818 12.5
-The sampling method and survey are good. Marist is solid

-Attitudes regarding on the Civil War are not just a race thing, it is a regional thing, and secondly a political ideology things.

A white progressive in California might be more likely to want a statue removed than a moderate black person in Alabama. If you look at the break down of question by demographic

Not to say that the black person is cornball but instead they might have a slight indifference that makes them appear to have the position of a southern conservative white racist. This is the rub with surveys, even well constructed ones, beyond the measurement error, there is a grey area. A black person might just don't care and think the fight over it is a pointless fight and want to focus on more concrete Civil Rights gains, they might want to keep it up to remind people of the racist history of the area, or they just want them off public land but feel that private land operates under difference rules.

White Supremacist have been disrespecting black people from the time they can under how the world works. Black people drive on streets, send their kids to school named after racist pieces of Confederate ****. They flag is flown and told to folk that his is part of their states heritage, so that some point many probably just say **** it. Let the fragile racist have it, the real fight is for something greater.

So context matters. Any survey on an issue like this will not capture the nuance

Now while I am thrilled that a person like Ninja who has struggled mighty at all forms of Mathematics like: basic statistics (not lying), basic math (still not lying), reading a number line (I was amazed too), telling time (god I wish I was joking) and using calendars (dead serious). I find it funny that he finally gets it together to support white supremacist symbols.

But still, the implication of his argument is ********. Populism does not always equal the right thing to do. There were times when slavery, and Jim Crow where favored by most America, it still made it wrong. And lets look at the hypocrisy, single payer health insurance is favored by most Americans, yet Ninja and the politicians he supports reject it completely. If Ninja he is such a populist then he would be furious that Hillary Clinton is not president because more people wanted her to be president of that Orange Bigot.

Yet Ninja happily slaps away populism in that instance, because his ego depends on it.

And another example just crossed my mind. During the Civil Rights Era, one of the changes was to our immigration policy. That allowed for more people of color to immigrate to America. From places like Asia, and the Caribbean. Communities like the large Dominican community in uptown New York probably nearly becomes what it is without that legislation. And that did not have popular support when that fight started. Funny, the man that wants to use survey to criticize liberal possible going against public opinion, might not be in this country if not for Liberal going against public opinion (especially in the South). Even better, his constant celebrating of "da looming census" would not be possible without it. Ohhhh da irony.

So well, well, well, maybe populism and a defense of white supremacy is not always the way to go.

Buts congrats on the stats pa. It truly warms my black progressive heart.
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. I find it funny that he finally gets it together to support white supremacist symbols.

this is why Trump's base doesn't go anywhere.

personally, i find liberal ideology as repugnant as conservative mantras. its literally choosing between getting froze to death or getting burned to death :smh:

your liberal mess of a common sense just equated me supporting "white supremacists symbols" because i posted da latest news in regards to da topic at hand. :lol: :smh:

instead of understanding that most Americans don't give a F bout a Robert Lee Statue covered in pigeon crap occupying a city street one way or another as seen on that poll, you wanna blame & tie me to da ideologies of "white supremacists"

So no arrests have been made from the incident where the protesters beat that young man in the parking garage in Charlottesville?
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