Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Yeah, they should make a Museum of our Misguided Past

have all the generals and columbus in it

show how bad slavery and the genocide of the native americans was

highlight how lee wanted no momuments

yeah, im down with that
So instead of removing the statues, ninja is suggesting they be restored?

It's really scary what has happened to the public's trust in journalism in this day. Fake news does exist but it primarily targets those that are less educated and love social media.

That's why people like Maurice Symonette exist:


Science? Fake
News? Fake
Books? Unnecessary
College? Liberal bastions of snowflake-ism
Climate change? Fake
Every religion but theirs?
Facebook memes? Fax b
Alternate facts (mistruths or lies)? More fax

Anything against what they believe isn't real.

I don't trust MSM either for the most part but I also am not dumb enough to not fact check verifiable information through multiple sources.

Idiocracy too lit.
Yeah, they should make a Museum of our Misguided Past

have all the generals and columbus in it

show how bad slavery and the genocide of the native americans was

highlight how lee wanted no momuments

yeah, im down with that

This is a good plan.
Yeah, they should make a Museum of our Misguided Past

have all the generals and columbus in it

show how bad slavery and the genocide of the native americans was

highlight how lee wanted no momuments

yeah, im down with that

dig it. a preservation and warning about human nature. man, that's perfect.

EDIT: a single Museum of Human Potential, a Hall of Endeavor with the roots of medicine, the origins of higher math, great literary/artistic works, and stuff from ISS along with a Hall of Disgrace where human experimentation exhibits, slavery, scale models of Fat Man and Little Boy, and beautiful marble statues of Hitler can be showcased.
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But my question is, if the statue is rebuilt will it be a big deal to destroy it since it's no longer old?

now you're deliberately obfuscating my point...

restoring mean put da ORIGINAL slate that was smashed to pieces back together as it was.
If the restored statue is referred to as a new statue could we destroy it?
If they redesign it into a different pose, could we destroy it?
If they use different materials, could we destroy it?
So....because it's old. That's flimsy.

I get that the statue is almost as old as the country is impressive and if it were a statue of anybody else other than a lost murderous sailor I'd be a bit more sympathetic. I wouldn't bat an eye if the first slave owner who owned my family had a statue up somewhere in this nation and somebody blew it to rubble. He's not worthy of a statue because of who he is and what he authorized to do and did himself.

Man old things that mean nothing can be destroyed. Columbus is useless to any culture. I still don't understand how people don't get that the Columbus they were taught in school is pure fiction. Fighting to keep his statues standing is literally the same as fighting for a headless horseman statue.
If the restored statue is referred to as a new statue could we destroy it?

it was a slab..... they're gonna restore it and its still da same old artifact, restored...

do i really have to explain da difference between something new and something restored? :lol: :smh:
it was a slab..... they're gonna restore it and its still da same old artifact, restored...

do i really have to explain da difference between something new and something restored? :lol: :smh:

You struggle with basic math and days of the week, your high horse is lower than a centipede.
But please, continue to stick up for a doggone statue
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