Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

I'm laughing cuz you support one and not the other when they basically complement each other :lol:

Won't need as many charities if there's more equality and opportunity for under privileged social groups.

oh rusty means at da same time Kennedy & da Democrats went over there to collude with da Soviets to unseat Reagan? :lol:

your socialist political happy ending thread is →→ that way.
I reason I asked was because the efforts of Cristobal Colon were reaped by the Spanish and not the Italians, as you can tell from the genetic makeup of the Americas.

So basically, Spanish speaking countries full of African slaves celebrate the man. And Italian people who had minimal longstanding effect on the creation of the new world until the 19th century, celebrate the man also.

This is why WE should celebrate him? The man that was shunned by both Portugal and Italy? The very fact that they celebrate the life of someone they couldn't even invest in is hypocritical enough.

Good for the kids, I didn't know that, but damn the statue. If it gets ruined oh well.
See how they rewrite history.:lol:

I remember my mother telling me this as some sort of source of pride when I was a kid. Our educational system gotta do better, man.
oh rusty means at da same time Kennedy & da Democrats went over there to collude with da Soviets to unseat Reagan? :lol:

your socialist political happy ending thread is →→ that way.

So now you want to bring up the 1980s.

When I posted a video of Trump shady you other Papi Reagan, the past did not matter. And you seem really cool with meeting with he Russians when your Bigot Papi's son does it.

Anyway, you made the corny joke, not me.

Like I said with you, everything is a partisan pissing match because you don't have the capability to debate at any other level.

Making simple *** arguments to cape for racist white folk is the only lane you and your hooptie know how to drive in
it wont be messed with, da city literally JUST renovated Columbus Circle....

and that Melissa broad who suggested this already in hot water for ruining da PR parade.
I agree, I'd be surprised if this gets any real steam...but lets not act like removing that statue is going to undo all the work. The actual Columbus statue was barely touched. The circle would still be a very nice spot with or without the statue.

I only say this because this isn't the first person I've heard say that they just renovated it, as if that's some sort of valid reason to not remove it.
says da guy that hasn't seen a argument that he could inject identity politics he didn't like... :lol:
Says the snowflake that could not handle me making light of him buying a silly piece of jewelry.

Sorry if me bringing up the fact racism exist upsets you. But my mind has not been colonized like you, and I don't worship racist white folk like you do.
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See how they rewrite history.:lol:

I remember my mother telling me this as some sort of source of pride when I was a kid. Our educational system gotta do better, man.

Man, I don't even wanna touch on the education that these children are receiving. I thought about it and decided against it.

If you think about it, the millions going into these fundraisers are literally continuing the passage of rewritten history.
I only say this because this isn't the first person I've heard say that they just renovated it, as if that's some sort of valid reason to not remove it.

why you would renovate Columbus Circle without Columbus?


da recent architecture literally was designed to highlight da statue.

folks definitely wouldn't of spent a dime renovating da circle if they had foresight to see this controversy boiling up later :lol:
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I still don't see how that's an argument to keep the statue if the public and our representatives decide to remove it.

There are tons or roundabouts around the world without a giant centepiece statue and they look just fine. There is also the option to replace it with someone more fitting.

How is the renovation an argument to keep it? They definitely would have still renovated it with or without the statue. The roundabout was in need of a serious fixing...and that had nothing to do with the statue. It just was time for an update at the time.
I still don't see how that's an argument to keep the statue if the public and our representatives decide to remove it.

Does da fact that its called Columbus Circle ring a bell.

da entire design language for da station & surrounding parts are there to accentuate da statue...u seen da Subway tiles?


da whole place was recently restored.
Does da fact that its called Columbus Circle ring a bell.

da entire design language for da station & surrounding parts are there to accentuate da statue...u seen da Subway tiles?


da whole place was recently restored.
I know. I was in college three blocks away when they started.

You can't really be thinking that renaming a plot of land in a city would be out of the question...right?:lol:

Are tiles really what's going to prevent this from happening? You're implying that it wont happen because it would be too much work. Do you not see how wild that sounds?:lol:
I know. I was in college three blocks away when they started.

You can't really be thinking that renaming a plot of land in a city would be out of the question...right?:lol:

u seen da fight for da horse carriages... so what you're saying is u really wanna pick a fight over Columbus NYC, where folks more worried about their rent & bills... :lol:

i wish Deblasio would be that dumb during election season now. :lol:
Like I said, it wont gain much steam right now...mainly because De Blasio is up for reelection.

Beyond that, I'm not too sure that this compares to the situation with the horse and carriages. That was about animal cruelty, this is literally about the history of our country.

But yeah, not much will come of this at this moment, only because some people have their own agendas and don't want to rock the boat too much. I think there is a VERY valid argument to have his statues around the city removed. If you take a real look back, he was legitimately a hack. He wasn't very respected in his time as a navigator. Add the fact that he committed some horrible acts.

Columbus could eat a duck.
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These conversations about removing statues or not are all irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

If we all just focused on conversation about how (and execute) to actually solve or have a bigger impact on race issues and poverty we'd come a long way.
This country has accomplished some amazing things when people are focused on coming up with a solution and when push comes to shove. We just need to shove harder.
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