Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA


from trump supporter to white supremacy supporter to thanking the conquests by the europeans

since we are on the topic of thanking people who 'allowed' us to be here. why don't you thank the people who fought for the civil rights movement, allowing millions of immigrants to move to the US. families like yours and mine.

If the white man hadn't come and stolen our ancestors from Africa we wouldn't eem be here guys.

Da colonized mind
i already knew that card was gonna be played :lol:

that's why "oh noezzzz" bout history in this identity politics binge Democrats are on gonna backfire on em....
Italian-American leaders vow to fight for Columbus statue
By Kirstan Conley and Rich Calder

August 22, 2017 | 10:52pm


Getty Images
Italian-American leaders vowed Tuesday to fight “like never before” to prevent the city from removing statues of Christopher Columbus, a day after a top elected official called for monuments honoring the explorer to be included in a city review.


Columbus Circle monument could be next statue to go
The leaders had assembled at Columbus Circle to protest a skit about Italian-Americans on “Saturday Night Live” earlier this year — but shifted their focus to a defense of Columbus after City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito questioned the propriety of honoring him.

“That will be a fight like never before seen. The Italian-American community will really mobilize and do anything possible to prevent that from happening,” said John Fratta, chair of the New York State Commission for Social Justice. “It is a slap in the face to the Italian-American community and we are not going to tolerate it.”

Mark-Viverito defended her position Tuesday, saying at a Harlem senior center that the 90-day review of city monuments — announced last week by Mayor de Blasio — needs to be thorough.

“[Columbus] is a controversial figure, and I know that some people may take offense to that. But for many of us who come from the Caribbean Islands, we see him as a controversial figure,” said Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico.

Brooklyn Council member Jumaane Williams went further, saying he supports long-running efforts to remove the statue at Columbus Circle.

A number of the Italian-American leaders threatened to sue if that were to happen, and state Assemblyman Andrew Raia (R-LI) told The Post he would try to thwart any city bid to yank Columbus by passing a bill in Albany to block it.

Look at these snowflakes. Funny how da identity politics is all good with you when da skin is white.
so he discovered you?

also, by speaking to an italian, do you mean someone that is from italy and lives there? if so, i've spoken to more italians than you have, and none of them praise colon. not sure where you are getting that from. perhaps some survey that tested italians living in on the east coast

Maybe he means Italian Americans who never left the tri-state? ::shrugs::
You gotta give it to him, never ceases to amaze
Word. That's why I'll never block the guy as much as I dislike him. You just never stop being amazed, and some of his nonsense is just hilarious like his struggle with basic math and refusal to ever admit to being wrong even in cases like that.
He's gonna spew his ignorance either way, with or without some people blocking him. Might as well make sure you don't miss out on the hilarious parts. You can always just scroll past his buffoonery or temporarily block him I suppose.
Maybe he means Italian Americans who never left the tri-state? ::shrugs::

The world’s largest celebration of Italian-American culture came marching through Manhattan on Monday.

The Columbus Day parade brings out Italian pride for all New Yorkers. It is now in its 72nd year, as CBS2’s Ali Bauman reported.

and go Google where da World's biggest Columbus statue is Rican and how its been there :lol:

aww man...i would LOVE for Deblasio to pick a Fight with this....and Columbus Day coming right up...

how much political capital do you want da democrats to spend on this monuments crusade...cuz eventually its cross hairs are gonna be pointed at former Presidents, da national anthem & da American Flag itself.

identity politics eventually become da Olympics of self preservation...which ironically boosted white people indentity politics.

this is da fight da GOP wants ya to have, cuz in da end... where's da economic message to woo back voters who voted for Trump this cycle and Obama da last 2 times?
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Dems in my state working on getting stuff removed. So I'ma let them keep doing what they're doing.

I already don't **** with the anthem and am not worried about the flag so eh.
Dems in my state working on getting stuff removed. So I'ma let them keep doing what they're doing.

I already don't **** with the anthem and am not worried about the flag so eh.

as seen in da lastest polls about this stuff, dems in da minority in da issue.

once they Target more Americana figures and not easy targets like Confederates, da blowback will ensue.
It's crazy how identity politics works so well for white supremacy.

It was used to suppress and criminalize Italians and damn near got them banned from coming to the US. Then they granted them whiteness and it was all good.

**** wild.

U.S. government had to pay reparations to Italian families for the lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans 1891

The incident strained relations between the U.S. and Italy. The Italian government demanded that the lynch mob be brought to justice and reparations be paid to the dead men's families. When the U.S. declined to prosecute the mob leaders, Italy recalled its ambassador from Washington in protest. The U.S. followed suit, recalling its legation from Rome. Diplomatic relations remained at an impasse for over a year. There were rumors of war. When President Benjamin Harrison agreed to pay a $25,000 indemnity to the victims' families, Congress tried unsuccessfully to intervene, accusing him of "unconstitutional executive usurpation of Congressional powers."

Liked I stated before Irish, Italian, and Polish Americans got their white pass/n_ hating pass and never looked back.
as seen in da lastest polls about this stuff, dems in da minority in da issue.

once they Target more Americana figures and not easy targets like Confederates, da blowback will ensue.

I live in Va, I don't care about a national poll of 1200 people.

The areas here where votes matter are slanted liberal which is how Hillary won my state in the first place.

We will likely be fine. As long as the Dems keep pushing how they're pushing here they'll keep winning over conservatives.

Even conservative Christians here are trying to get certain stuff removed or relocated. They're working on the slave block downtown right now.

Decision will either be removal or more info on site to explain what it is and the significance of the evil that is white supremacy in the US and Va.

Everywhere else though yall do your thing. If you want stuff done, get it done like the people here are.
U.S. government had to pay reparations to Italian families for the lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans 1891

Liked I stated before Irish, Italian, and Polish Americans got their white pass/n_ hating pass and never looked back.

Yup that's what I was alluding to, glad someone knew what I was talking about. Legit were trying to revise immigration of Italians because of crime. Sound familiar?

That's around when the Mafia thing started too of I'm not mistaken.
Democrats have to stop waisting political capital on the monuments. It's a losing battle, the majority of Americans prefer to keep them where they are.
IMO the monuments should be decided on the local/county level.

Also, anyone saying Dems are the only ones playing at identity politics is wrong, and/or blind and stupid. Trump was the identity politics candidate for older white men.
You just never stop being amazed, and some of his nonsense is just hilarious like his struggle with basic math and refusal to ever admit to being wrong even in cases like that.


On a serious note, the dude is funny as hell. Probably shouldn't encourage his ignorance but I look genuinely look forward to the entertaining responses.
Everybody plays identity politics. And when Ninja says Colombus was a mixed bag it pretty much is true because thats pretty much everyone, just like some viewed Pablo Escobar as a villain but there were a ton of people in Medellin that cried after he died etc. Same goes with Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, Hitler, list goes on
The gymnastics man

These men were horrible. So they're destroying the monuments instead of preserving these racist bastards...okay? So? :lol:

I'm sorry but why? They were terrible men, if they destroy their statues so be it
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