Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

"Chris Colombo.....he was a lone wolf. Rough childhood. Nobody is talkin' about that."
Virginia judge denies bail to crying neo-Nazi Christopher Cantwell
Columbus wasn't a mixed bag though, he was one thing. If by mixed bag you mean he brought his wife flowers sometimes or some **** like that. But really all he was is a conqueror, why are people willfully ignoring that what we know about him was a created fantasy?
Columbus wasn't a mixed bag though, he was one thing. If by mixed bag you mean he brought his wife flowers sometimes or some **** like that. But really all he was is a conqueror, why are people willfully ignoring that what we know about him was a created fantasy?

you are speaking to someone who still has a poster of tyra banks from the 90s on his wall. kid sized bed with the race cars blanket to match. he has his head so far up, he honestly believes the sewer filth he spews.

funny how ninjarat wants to complain about destroying antiquities, yet he has no qualm nor opinion on papi colon stripping africans and natives of their history. and on top of that making people raise up statues of him.
Columbus wasn't a mixed bag though

spoken like someone who hasn't spoken to a Italian, or da fact that before Columbus got to da Caribbean, no one from da old world had gotten in contact with da Americas in over 500+ years..

ol boy was a mixed bag, for sure though.
While you're clearing your throat, you don't find it a bit odd or inappropriate for someone of your heritage to defend the replacing of the slab celebrating the man who landed on your family's land & killed and raped many of them?

For someone who values his taino part so much he should have nothing but disdain for Columbus. 25,000 down to ~200, crazy.
da fact that before Columbus got to da Caribbean, no one from da old world had gotten in contact with da Americas in over 500+ years..

So before Columbus got to the Caribbean folks were already in contact with "America"?
I'm at a lost for words if he's saying folks were speaking to people on what became American soil 500 years before Columbus
spoken like someone who hasn't spoken to a Italian, or da fact that before Columbus got to da Caribbean, no one from da old world had gotten in contact with da Americas in over 500+ years..

ol boy was a mixed bag, for sure though.
I've spoken to Italians, but since when did they all become bastions of history?

I'm done though man, there are actual sources of facts, independent resources etc. but this ***** just hit me with "you ever spoke to an Italian b?".
I'm at a lost for words if he's saying folks were speaking to people on what became American soil 500 years before Columbus

He's probably referring to the Scandinavians that arrived in Canada around 1000 AD
While you're clearing your throat, you don't find it a bit odd or inappropriate for someone of your heritage to defend the replacing of the slab celebrating the man who landed on your family's land & killed and raped many of them?

you know Spaniard is part of a Hispanic's DNA right?

if history was altered, and Columbus would've went da right way into da Indies, my family nor i would even exist.

so yeah, what you talking bout? :lol:
It's crystal clear obvious what's being said and so is the attempt to deflect

You an embarrassment, whether you know it or not. I suspect you don't tho

If the white man hadn't come and stolen our ancestors from Africa we wouldn't eem be here guys.

i already knew that card was gonna be played :lol:

that's why "oh noezzzz" bout history in this identity politics binge Democrats are on gonna backfire on em....
Italian-American leaders vow to fight for Columbus statue
By Kirstan Conley and Rich Calder

August 22, 2017 | 10:52pm


Getty Images
Italian-American leaders vowed Tuesday to fight “like never before” to prevent the city from removing statues of Christopher Columbus, a day after a top elected official called for monuments honoring the explorer to be included in a city review.


Columbus Circle monument could be next statue to go
The leaders had assembled at Columbus Circle to protest a skit about Italian-Americans on “Saturday Night Live” earlier this year — but shifted their focus to a defense of Columbus after City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito questioned the propriety of honoring him.

“That will be a fight like never before seen. The Italian-American community will really mobilize and do anything possible to prevent that from happening,” said John Fratta, chair of the New York State Commission for Social Justice. “It is a slap in the face to the Italian-American community and we are not going to tolerate it.”

Mark-Viverito defended her position Tuesday, saying at a Harlem senior center that the 90-day review of city monuments — announced last week by Mayor de Blasio — needs to be thorough.

“[Columbus] is a controversial figure, and I know that some people may take offense to that. But for many of us who come from the Caribbean Islands, we see him as a controversial figure,” said Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico.

Brooklyn Council member Jumaane Williams went further, saying he supports long-running efforts to remove the statue at Columbus Circle.

A number of the Italian-American leaders threatened to sue if that were to happen, and state Assemblyman Andrew Raia (R-LI) told The Post he would try to thwart any city bid to yank Columbus by passing a bill in Albany to block it.
you know Spaniard is part of a Hispanic's DNA right?

if history was altered, and Columbus would've went da right way into da Indies, my family nor i would even exist.

so yeah, what you talking bout? :lol:

so he discovered you?

also, by speaking to an italian, do you mean someone that is from italy and lives there? if so, i've spoken to more italians than you have, and none of them praise colon. not sure where you are getting that from. perhaps some survey that tested italians living in on the east coast
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