Am I depriving myself by not watching these films?

No interest in watching the twilight movies. I like the Potter series but haven't seen the last 2. LOTR bored the hell out of me, not sure why.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by capuT

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

You can miss Harry Potter and Twilight and be ok.
i'd say to watch LoTR though


spend 1 lazy Sunday watching the LOTR trilogy.. you wont regret it..

this is coming from a person who hates watching fantasy films.
Same here. 
As for the Harry Potters it's worth watching them, great movies, especially starting from the 4th. 
Originally Posted by ayejreeun

Originally Posted by Iceberg Slim

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

You like the Twilight movies, but say Lord of the Rings sucks?  

Your opinion on this matter can no longer be taken seriously.

Saw this coming but I'm not even mad.
Are you a girl by chance?

im going through the same thing as you OP. i use to not care about the harry potter series but when the last couple came out and how people we're reacting to it ending i had felt like i missed out on a generational thing so i decided to start watching all of them. I'm currently on the second film. I loved LoTR but i dont know if i will ever touch twilight..
Missing out on Lord of the Rings myself. Been meaning to start and complete the trilogy, many of my people swear by it.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

I've never watched any of the Star Wars movies. I might be alone on that one.
Me too.
I haven't seen LotR either.
I have those on my to-watch list but I doubt I'll ever motivate myself to watch them anytime soon.
HP and Twilight would be good to watch if you want to be up to date with our culture.

But in my opinion, no.
I'd say just watch LOTR.
Then maybe Harry Potter, and if you must, Twilight haha.
LotR is on instant stream, i haven't seen any of them but i think im going to give them a try.

star wars is still the only trilogy that matters tho
May I ask why you're even lumping these movies together? Aside from the fact that they've all made a butt load of coin. LOTR and HP, yes. Twilight, no.

LOTR is the truth, amazing movies to go with an amazing book. The HP movies are good (I prefer the books) but by the time it got to the 4th movie they became more "grown up" in their content and therefore appeal to a wider audience.

Twilight is only successful because of the hundreds of thousands of besotted teenage girls and older women who are fiending for a love story to make up for their lack thereof. The books are very poorly written and the movies are incredibly sappy/awkward/stupidly laughable.

I beg of you OP, please don't put yourself through the torture of watching the Twilight Saga.

By the way, Driver is #+%!!*# amazing. See that too.

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

I've never watched any of the Star Wars movies. I might be alone on that one.
Me too.
I haven't seen LotR either.
I have those on my to-watch list but I doubt I'll ever motivate myself to watch them anytime soon.
At least watch the OG trilogy! I was disappointed with The Phantom Menace so I haven't seen any of the new ones since, perhaps I should. But the original trilogy was
my dad loved them so when I was younger we would watch them all the time.
You should watch lord of the rings, you can get by on that without reading the books. HP though, read the books before watchin the movies
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

At least watch the OG trilogy! I was disappointed with The Phantom Menace so I haven't seen any of the new ones since, perhaps I should. But the original trilogy was
my dad loved them so when I was younger we would watch them all the time.
I'll have to check em out then.

On another note:
Have you read the Harry Potter books?
I read all the books in a month because the story was so interesting.
If I had not read the books before I watched the movies then I would have disliked the movies.
The reason why is because when I read the books I visualized my own ideas of how the characters looked like, acted, etc.
When I watched the movies I tried to identify or match the things that I had read from the books.
It was pretty cool to see those things such as the flying car, whipping willow, the list goes on.
I'd highly recommend that you read the books before you watch the HP movies.
You may lose interest in the story from watching the movies as opposed to the books.
Lotr is not a kids movie, nor were any of the books. I will be skipping hp, and maybe watching twilight if it involves vagina. Let alone LOTR is one of the greatest produced films ever. Set the bar for future productions regarding all aspects of film production.
Like all others, you just gave to be in the mood to digest the messages each movie is delivering and learn the style it is being shown in. I have seen all of the HP joints, but none of the others mentioned in the OP. I am going to peep LoTR though.
From reading every reply basically I need to watch LOtR and steer clear of Twilight. Harry Potter is a toss up. Gotcha. Thanks NT!
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