Am I in the wrong? Upset g/fs family on Christmas....

That right there, shows that OP should not be the one apologizing.

I agree with why OP did it, but not how he did it. But no way you've only been with someone 3 months and they're putting s/o before mom/sister. 3 years?
Okay. 3 months doesn't establish anything, that's like a summer fling.
I feel you but bottom line I still have issues getting close to women or being myself. Also don't take women seriously... I'm trying to work that out. I thought things would get easier when older...only thing that got easier was getting the woman. Dealing with them is something I refuse to do now. I keep choosing selfish extremely self centered women. Might finally take my mothers offer and meet women at church. :lol:

You sometimes attract what you are.....
trust me there our self centered girls at church

you don't have to be a pushover, but there's something to be said in having tact when communicating with your SO's family members.

I agree with this.

I swear I thought this guy no longer posted in threads

OP do you have a temper
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Dude I just got out of a relationship with a dysfunctional family. You did the right thing. It seemed like her mother is on a power trip to make you go through all of that, she wanted to see how much she can control you. It's clearly a game she was playing with you and honestly, you won. You don't want to be with someone with a dysfunction family, I was with someone like that for 2 years, and within those 2 years I actually went into their world, I disregarded my morals and what I thought was normal and actually started to think the crazy things they did were normal, because I got so use to seeing it. Needless to say, once I got out, I felt like I got off a spaceship and landed back to planet earth where things were normal again. I know it sucks, I really loved my girl, but I couldn't deal with all of the crazy things that happened. Why I bring all of that up, what your girl's mother did was something my girl's mother would do. So stay out of it my dude. Don't listen to these dudes saying you did the wrong thing, you showed that you KNOW WHAT NORMAL IS and COMMON COURTESY IS and what her mom did was down right rude and you didn't let her play you for a fool. Bravo for that.
I had somewhat of the same thing happen to me, except me and my girl were supposed to be going to the state fair. It was the last day of the fair and it was getting late. I burnt out on em and my girl got pissed but whatever. She had a blast at that damn fair. *Kanye shrug*
Is your girl brasilian or some type of spanish?

Seems like something my mom would do.
You were right.
It's only 3 months
Keep it movin.
Your self esteem,sanity,family>>>>>>>> then this bish family... It's natural for a family to size u up but if they are disrespectful with it l.i.g it and move on 3 months ain't marriage
I emailed her apologizing, basically saying that I was wrong and handled it the wrong way. I told her i'd be more than happy to apologize to her family face to face. I'd give them another chance. And much more... and she can't even respond to say thanks for the apology.... :smh:


I can't believe 5 minutes ruined what we had going on...
... You lost.

I never understand why some guys ask for help or advice, only to not use it and be guided by their own impulse.

Let me as you this, do you genuinely think you did anything wrong by standing up for yourself and pointing out the flaws in another person's logic?

You apologized and got ignore. Was it worth it?
I said my peace, and did my part to try to salvage a good thing.

In the long run it's her loss. I just can't believe how heartless she became out of no where from one incident.
I emailed her apologizing, basically saying that I was wrong and handled it the wrong way. I told her i'd be more than happy to apologize to her family face to face. I'd give them another chance. And much more... and she can't even respond to say thanks for the apology.... :smh:


I can't believe 5 minutes ruined what we had going on...

Hey maybe she hasn't read the email. You never know.
**** her man

like everyone has been saying you dodged a bullet and youre better off without her and her family problems

plus she didnt even respond when you apologized when you didnt have to :smh:

just let it go completely
I emailed her apologizing, basically saying that I was wrong and handled it the wrong way. I told her i'd be more than happy to apologize to her family face to face. I'd give them another chance. And much more... and she can't even respond to say thanks for the apology.... :smh:
I can't believe 5 minutes ruined what we had going on...

yet further down the crapper we go.
I emailed her apologizing, basically saying that I was wrong and handled it the wrong way. I told her i'd be more than happy to apologize to her family face to face. I'd give them another chance. And much more... and she can't even respond to say thanks for the apology.... :smh:
I can't believe 5 minutes ruined what we had going on...


This is pathetic. We need a video of how exactly it went down but this looks so bad on your part...

Ofcourse she won't respond because you bend over for her and her family. You lost any respect your (ex) had for you. After you stand up for yourself you back track and make your actions seem much worse by giving an apology.

3 months is enough for you to throw your backbone out the window? Now imagine if she was for real and you guys were years in... then what would you do if she would have left you. You have to realize that she didn't really want you after all... as much as you want her. You defended her by trying to take her to the movies and it back fired. Instead of the girl saying "don't trip my mom flips, let kick it and talk about it" you got dumped. What part of that don't you understand... she dumped you

i would neg you but cant
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:lol:  my ex is a straight out jesus freak & she has daddy issues. her dad hasn't been there for her & her dad had a 10 year affair with my ex's mom, her mom & my ex had the nerve to judge me & say i was trash without religion:smh: :lol:  & i would turn out to be an evil person without religion, jehova's:smh:  not all though:nerd:
another ex needed someone bad, she tried to get me into getting her pregnant>:  she dumped me, a few months later she tells me she's pregnant, she suckered another dude into busting inside her, now she's single & hating life:nthat:
OP, be safe0] :nerd:

did they go through their O stages? get into gangbangs and stuff?
good for her. now she gonna go on a daytime show to prove dudes the father or what? she better get on her knees and look up to pray to the captain for a man to come save her.
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I emailed her apologizing, basically saying that I was wrong and handled it the wrong way. I told her i'd be more than happy to apologize to her family face to face. I'd give them another chance. And much more... and she can't even respond to say thanks for the apology....


I can't believe 5 minutes ruined what we had going on...
@ that apology...
There was more to it than that... wasn't gonna post the whole thing on NT :smh:

Trust me, it was a very heart felt apology. >D
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