Am I the only NTer that watches Hells Kitchen/Top Chef

May 23, 2004


This show is funny as hell, my fiance got me into it, I know im not the only NTer to watch the show..

m also into Top chef which to me is a little bit more upscale but its still cool as hell.
i've seen em both...they both get you hooked pretty quick

indian chick on top chef is pretty cute too
I like Chef Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares (both the U.S. and British versions). Ive never watched Top Chef though.
ilan or however you spell his name (the winner of top chef a couple years ago) is a NTer i think! hahahaha, naww jk, but he would be wearing someupperplayground adidas or some $+%@ like that.
Top Chef > Hell's Kitchen but I like them both.

Been watching Top Chef since season one, but an on and off with Hell's Kitchen. Bravo's shows are pretty well produced even they they are all prettysimilar.
Hell's Kitchen is piff...dude has me in tears one time...he called some girl a cow one time..dude is just obnoxious
I was just watching Top Chef yesterday....the episode where they had to create a dessert....
i'm a big fan of top chef, have never really watched hells kitchen though...the head guy seems like a real jerk
I'm an avid fan of Hell's Kitchen, Last Restaurant Standing (BBC America) and Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares (also, on BBC America). Ramsey's theman!
i watch Top Chef i forgot what this dude name is but he is funny
hewore the football helmet a few weeks back during the chicago bear challenge.
I also watch Top Chef, the female host is definitely the best part of the show though. I also like Bourdain's blogs about the show, it intrigues andfascinates me that he likes the show.
I watch them both from time to time. Once I was on my way to put some laundry away, and got stuck. Next thing I know....i'd been standing there for about ahalf hour holding a stack of towels. My wife was like...."you can put that away and sit down, the tv isn't going anywhere." LOL
Top chef is a good show, however i can't get into it until after they have eliminated about 5 people.
Yeah Hells Kitchen is hilarious. Gordon Ramsey told some girl that had her head down to stand up straight and called her a doughnut. He sometimes calls themdonkeys.
I was never really into these kind of shows but once I became a cook I can't stop watching Food network, Top Chef etc.
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