Am I wrong for saying that I REALLY HATE DC Hoodrats/Hoodrats in general?

Originally Posted by KingJay718

NYC Hoodrats. Especially in Washington Heights and The Bronx.

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Man, hoodrats are so exciting to me, it's been a while since I stayed in the hood, but something about the hoodrats be so sexy. Talking about "yeah you know I am gonna suck yo **** tonight" $$*% like that excites me, don't know about ya'll.
I mean, I remember I took this one (Hood) chick out to Applebees, and this chick started crying on me, I ask why, turns out she had never eaten out before....She was 19 though 
. Anyway, everybit of me wanted to turn back, but it was too late. I was on a damn mission.

Heard her talking to her man on the phone like "Yeah that's why my new $#$%+ drive a car" 

   see.. that's what i'm talkin about...

i just cant get them like a used to...

what am i doing wrong, fambs?

dress like you never dressed before, or pull up in something nice that will turn someone's head, or have alot of tattoos or fake like you're someone important lol.

hoodrats gravitate to that.

what get's me are the one's down here that would rather talk to a dude on a mongoose bike, instead of talking to the dude behind the wheel of a car.
seen it too many times lol, be on the back of the bike of some lil dusty looking dude or walking with him all love struck, but when someone pulls up in a BM or something she's looking the other way..........can't understand women, and I definitely don't understand hood rats.....

now tell me what that lil dusty dude on the bike is going to provide for you? compared to that cat that's pushing the BM...these are the young one's though (18-19)...not the over 19 hood rats....they kind of wise up and chase that money.

i know it sounds hard to believe but just imagine me walking from school and seeing a girl with a short type dress on, cleavage visible, running behind mack mack with a dirty wifebeater, dreads over his face, looking smoked out on some zombie %%#.....asking her "girl when you gon let me come over and F____"

compared to a dude pulling up...mid 20's, asking "ay let me holla at you for a minute"

mack mack get's the occasional screw face from her
but she proceeds to love the attention from him.....dude in the car get's the
and the meanest mug you'd ever picture from someone...

I guess it's the sense of actually knowing that young dude on the bike, and not knowing who the heck some random dude in a car is........she probably see's him on a day to day basis , see's the girls he's ran through, and probably that set a trigger off in her head like "maybe I should mess with him and see what all these other girls see in him"  that's a hoodrats mindstate........they see you with one girl, and if that girl is somewhat attractive or better looking, she's automatically interested.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Man, hoodrats are so exciting to me, it's been a while since I stayed in the hood, but something about the hoodrats be so sexy. Talking about "yeah you know I am gonna suck yo **** tonight" $$*% like that excites me, don't know about ya'll.
I mean, I remember I took this one (Hood) chick out to Applebees, and this chick started crying on me, I ask why, turns out she had never eaten out before....She was 19 though 
. Anyway, everybit of me wanted to turn back, but it was too late. I was on a damn mission.

Heard her talking to her man on the phone like "Yeah that's why my new $#$%+ drive a car" 

   see.. that's what i'm talkin about...

i just cant get them like a used to...

what am i doing wrong, fambs?

dress like you never dressed before, or pull up in something nice that will turn someone's head.

hoodrats gravitate to that.
Or get that Wiz hairstyle...

 @%%%%*$ pigeons.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

I hate PG hoodrats. Both male and female.

Co-Sign to the first degree.. PG Female hoodrats are terrible.. It's like they don't know what a textbook is. I hate those broads... Moat of them probably infested...

So you understand.

Because I'm a woman not from PG or DC I try and keep my dealings with hoodrats from those sections to a minimum BUT I recently had this 22 year old MALE f-ing TELL me he don't read books. Like he tries not to read anything to better himself. What kind of *+#+ is that. Reppin Oxon H ill.


He was serious.
 Sad, just sad. Last year I messed around with this bad sista (
) and on our second date, I figured I'd get to know her (on the first date, all we did was make out 
) Anyhow, to make a long story short.. As we're walking, I asked this chick
"Do you read any books?" she replied "No" and I ask "Do you read anything?" chick says " Yeah I like to read fashion magazines".. 
.. We did what we did but that was the last time I spoke to her, I seriously DISLIKE females who won't take the time out to pick up a $@$!%%# book and educate themselves. There was a reason books were kept from your ancestors, and for you to tell me that you only read fashion magazines?! 
.. Sadly, I come across a lot of females like this. Clothes and TV shows are all they care about.
I can't stand them, but they have the golden box but also the most dangerous. You never know what virus they carry.

In my teenage years I used to jump from one to the next like a super mario 64 obstacle. Luckily I have made better decisions as a grown man and I'm clean. (thank you based one)

I think now they say 1 in every 4 in DC has the monster. I'm not about that life son.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

I can't stand them, but they have the golden box but also the most dangerous. You never know what virus they carry.

In my teenage years I used to jump from one to the next like a super mario 64 obstacle. Luckily I have made better decisions as a grown man and I'm clean. (thank you based one)

I think now they say 1 in every 4 in DC has the monster. I'm not about that life son.

So sad, nut so true about these infested hoodrats...
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by FDUB

Co-Sign to the first degree.. PG Female hoodrats are terrible.. It's like they don't know what a textbook is. I hate those broads... Moat of them probably infested...

So you understand.

Because I'm a woman not from PG or DC I try and keep my dealings with hoodrats from those sections to a minimum BUT I recently had this 22 year old MALE f-ing TELL me he don't read books. Like he tries not to read anything to better himself. What kind of *+#+ is that. Reppin Oxon H ill.


He was serious.
 Sad, just sad. Last year I messed around with this bad sista (
) and on our second date, I figured I'd get to know her (on the first date, all we did was make out 
) Anyhow, to make a long story short.. As we're walking, I asked this chick
"Do you read any books?" she replied "No" and I ask "Do you read anything?" chick says " Yeah I like to read fashion magazines".. 
.. We did what we did but that was the last time I spoke to her, I seriously DISLIKE females who won't take the time out to pick up a $@$!%%# book and educate themselves. There was a reason books were kept from your ancestors, and for you to tell me that you only read fashion magazines?! 
.. Sadly, I come across a lot of females like this. Clothes and TV shows are all they care about.

There are other ways to learn though, not reading books in 2011 doesn't make you stupid

Dmvbatman confirmed for a hater.

Also, I've yet to run into shooters and testing da waters out. Sounds like a fun experience all together.
Originally Posted by youngmoney15

Pg hoodrats are pretty horrid to me. Cant stand em. My high school had a good amount of them.

What school did you go to? I went to Oxon Hill High 05
hoodrats are the ones TRYING to get pregnant. I was messin with this bad costa rican/mexican rat type chick I met on myspace who had that bomb poonany and she gave me the worst pregnancy scare of my life. She was saying she missed her period and that she took a test and she was preggo and tryin to keep it and even had a dude call me and say "If you aren't gonna be there for that kid then I will"
Meanwhile I'm beggin her tellin her how I can't have a baby, I'm getting my masters degree, I dont even have a full time job, and she needs need to get a smasmortion

ANYWAYS, I set up a meeting at the clinic and then later that day she hit me up. It ended up that she wasn't preggers and had made up the whole damn thing!!!

and THATS why you don't mess with hoodrats
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

I hate PG hoodrats. Both male and female.

I can't stand all the little kids in DC. them things are a different breed. I never seen so many young gay kids except in DC. I'm talkin boys 13/14 just running around acting like girls. 17/18 w/make up and girl clothes on. Gay or straight they are just so loud and rude.I really just don't like teens and tweens in general tho
from any background they are all kinda annoying and I hate that I was one of them at one point.
Originally Posted by FDUB

Im glad everyone feels how I'm feeling about that.. They are Terrible people in our society

Until they come up with a culture/style/dance/song that spreads to the suburbs and has all y'all wanna be pretentious douche bags rushin' to the stores to buy it or to the club to do it huh?
Ask Jimmy or Lyor how much they love hoodrats...
Originally Posted by thaisativa1

hoodrats are the ones TRYING to get pregnant. I was messin with this bad costa rican/mexican rat type chick I met on myspace who had that bomb poonany and she gave me the worst pregnancy scare of my life. She was saying she missed her period and that she took a test and she was preggo and tryin to keep it and even had a dude call me and say "If you aren't gonna be there for that kid then I will"
Meanwhile I'm beggin her tellin her how I can't have a baby, I'm getting my masters degree, I dont even have a full time job, and she needs need to get a smasmortion

ANYWAYS, I set up a meeting at the clinic and then later that day she hit me up. It ended up that she wasn't preggers and had made up the whole damn thing!!!

and THATS why you don't mess with hoodrats
you went raw on a %++#%$* ???   

Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by Rod301

kix4kix wrote:
Man, hoodrats are so exciting to me, it's been a while since I stayed in the hood, but something about the hoodrats be so sexy. Talking about "yeah you know I am gonna suck yo **** tonight" $$*% like that excites me, don't know about ya'll.
I mean, I remember I took this one (Hood) chick out to Applebees, and this chick started crying on me, I ask why, turns out she had never eaten out before....She was 19 though 
. I mean I could see if I was wining and dining, but we talking half off appetizers folks. Anyway, everybit of me wanted to turn back, but it was too late. I was on a damn mission.

Heard her talking to her man on the phone like "Yeah that's why my new %$!!+ drive a car" 



I Love The Attitude For Some Reason... It Attracts Me. IDKY... I Got Really Close To Savin 2 Girls From DC, One From Uptown The Other From Somewhere Out SE (Not At The Same Time)... Both Are Cool As Hell Man. Ride Or Die For Whatever Brah... I Was Lovin That #$*&. It Jus Depends The Type Of Person You Are... If Your Use To Bein In The Hood/Dealin With Broads From The Hood Then Youll Grow To Like That. But If You From The Burbs/Classy Environment Your Gonna Hate It.
See that the thing, I am from oxon Hill, Maryland, which is right on the border line of DC/MD. That is one of the rougher parts of PG county, but now I live in Largo,MD. I guess it was how I was raised since my parents are both Nigerian. I was around infested hoodrats for the majority of my life, but I just never got accustomed to their ignorance..

         ^^^ Dude dont worry hood rats aren't accustomed to you either
 ... "more for me"
I used to like em when I was younger and liked that sassy *%!%. Now they hop in the car and I'm banging crazy music like Animal Collective, Janis Joplin, Lykee Li, Prince or whatever and they like, " you got Frank Ocean or some Plies"? It's then that I realize I've outgrown that limited worldview and been around the world too many times for "hoodrats" to understand my story.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

hoodrats are the ones TRYING to get pregnant. I was messin with this bad costa rican/mexican rat type chick I met on myspace who had that bomb poonany and she gave me the worst pregnancy scare of my life. She was saying she missed her period and that she took a test and she was preggo and tryin to keep it and even had a dude call me and say "If you aren't gonna be there for that kid then I will"
Meanwhile I'm beggin her tellin her how I can't have a baby, I'm getting my masters degree, I dont even have a full time job, and she needs need to get a smasmortion

ANYWAYS, I set up a meeting at the clinic and then later that day she hit me up. It ended up that she wasn't preggers and had made up the whole damn thing!!!

and THATS why you don't mess with hoodrats
you went raw on a %++#%$* ???   


Wore a condom everytime; that's why I was trippin so hard about it!
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I used to like em when I was younger and liked that sassy *%!%. Now they hop in the car and I'm banging crazy music like Animal Collective, Janis Joplin, Lykee Li, Prince or whatever and they like, " you got Frank Ocean or some Plies"? It's then that I realize I've outgrown that limited worldview and been around the world too many times for "hoodrats" to understand my story.

Hood Rats are to incompetent to understand the basics of the worldview...
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