Amazon Prime Video Thread :

Maisel ended beautifully

On the 3rd episode of The Peripheral
its pretty good stuff.
2nd episode blew my mind.
Concept is nuts, makes you ask alot of questions. I kinda get it but im still alittle lost
Love how information is being doled out tho
Cho Chang in HP films is in this
she is:pimp::evil::blush:
:smh:Talking in a Scottish accent too
Cho Chang is bad AF
If you love sci-fi
do yourself a favor and watch
The Peripheral

Just AMAZING storytelling

Glad it got renewed already
Concept is slick
gonna be tempted to read
the book with the strike going on

I LOVE all of the characters
Great ensemble
If you love sci-fi
do yourself a favor and watch
The Peripheral

Just AMAZING storytelling

Glad it got renewed already
Concept is slick
gonna be tempted to read
the book with the strike going on

I LOVE all of the characters
Great ensemble
I think I posted “The Peripheral is the best thing on television right now, and it’s not close”

Show is downright special. Absolutely loved it.
Yeah its really something special.
The concept is something else for sure.
it might've surpassed Severance as my most anticipated new shows for next season.

hoping they can resolve the strikes soon
So they can get to filming

I forgot all about this show, seems like so long ago season one came out. Dope to see Hamm is in season 2, I’ll probably knock this out quick.

Still need to watch The Consultant.
I think I posted “The Peripheral is the best thing on television right now, and it’s not close”

Show is downright special. Absolutely loved it.
looks promising but I kept on falling asleep. I still haven't finished EP 1 on it's entirety.
Think I'm gettin gold and starting not to care about shows led by kids so if they can make this good, I'll be impressed.
Season 2 of The Peripheral has been canceled btw.

I watched season 1 the week before this happened. Bummer.
Amazon CEO sounding like he gonna cut that budget for season 2.

Gonna tell producers to have an intern render some Orcs in Unreal Engine 4 and call it a day.
Wheel of Time S2 is up, have no idea what's going on. Don't remember anything.

Nybaeve getting kinda annoying though with the constant stubbornness.
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Wheel of Time S2 is up, have no idea what's going on. Don't remember anything.

Nybaeve getting kinda annoying though with the constant stubbornness.
Same. I have no idea wtf is going on but I'll continue to watch nonetheless.
Wheel of Time S2 is up, have no idea what's going on. Don't remember anything.

Nybaeve getting kinda annoying though with the constant stubbornness.
Forgot they're doing three episodes first and then weekly after that. Slow start to the season so far tbh, but it's still interesting enough to where I'll follow. It's been so long that them changing the actor for Matt isn't as distracting as I thought it would be lol
wheel of time is still boring AF. Wonder if the books are actually good. Only interesting things to me so far is that seanchan people who look weird and Selene who is fire and always DTF.

The blonde aes sedai who wears the red robe has the most rectangular jaw i’ve ever seen.
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