American Horror Story, FX series Wednesdays @ 10pm est

Another great episode
I really hope they work the anti-christ angle
great show! just watched all 11 the past few days.....i watch way too much tv.....this year best 4 shows for me have been curb, breaking bad, homeland, and this only thing is how much longer can they stretch this out.....maybe the father does the smart thing and when he finds out that his wife and daughter are dead he family moves in next season and mom and daughter make a few appearances during the season to warn the new family.....not likely i'm sure they will want to keep most of the cast together for at least one more season.

will they be able to explain how ghosts can kill humans? call humans? appear to any human on the property when they feel like it? if ghost can kill humans how come the 3 copy cat killers that tried to kill the mom and daughter havent been able to kill the mom and daughter now that they are ghosts? i think the answer to that is they died off the property, i forgot.

don't forget the odd mother said she had 4 kids only 1 was not special....where is number 4?
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Yah, they just have to be killed in the house or within the property. The actress' body was disposed on the front lawn of the house iirc and her body wouldn't be in the house anymore after that but she still lingers around. 
Nah, they dumped her body near a park or something like that.  In the show it looked more like an empty lot.  I read up more on the Black Dahlia murder since I didn't know much about it.
I finally caught up with the show.  I watched the first Halloween episode all the way up to episode 11.  I thought the season finale aired already.  I had no idea this show is from the same creators of glee.  
  I also found out that the actress that plays Hayden is the older sister of Rooney Mara (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo).  Who was that guy Hayden was in bed with that she stabbed and he got up like it was no big deal?  I'm not talking about Constance's boyfriend.  It looked like it was the ghost of Constance's husband.  He had a white shirt and short black hair.  They haven't shown his ghost before.

This show is awesome.  Nothing like it on tv.  It's very brutal and gruesome.  The image of Thaddeus will give me nightmares.  I'm wondering why Moira didn't get any type of revenge on Constance.  She's been annoying her for decades now.
Who was that guy Hayden was in bed with that she stabbed and he got up like it was no big deal?

i think that was Constance's husband, she killed him and the maid when she found them in bed.

Kate Mara has been around for a while now, long resume movies that you might have seen.........The Mara girls are the great grand daughters of the founding owners of the Giants(Mara) and Steelers(Rooney)......Kate Mara and Rooney Mara
Talented sisters.  Rooney got nominated for playing Lisbeth and American Horror Story got nominated as well.

It's weird that they only showed her husband's ghost during that very brief scene.
^true, another thing ghosts can kill the living right.....well why woudnt/couldnt the husband kill Constance.....unless i'm wrong that the ghosts can kill the living??
So I really wonder if Dylan McDermott is gonna make it through the next episode alive. He's gotta be back next season, he's too big of a name to be one and done like that, so his character likely wouldnt just pack up and leave. I bet he kills himself in the last scene...
I really want to see how they end it this season and setup for next season.  Will Ben stay and deal just deal with what happened or will he want to join them and another family moves in?  I was thinking they might've jumped the shark a little by killing those 2 off and leaving Ben by himself.  That's a lot of crazy stuff and it's not even the finale yet.
Originally Posted by Noskey

So I really wonder if Dylan McDermott is gonna make it through the next episode alive. He's gotta be back next season, he's too big of a name to be one and done like that, so his character likely wouldnt just pack up and leave. I bet he kills himself in the last scene...

Whether he kills himself or not, I think he's gonna join the rest of his family and become the newest permanent resident of the house.

This show seems like it's cramming seasons worth of events into this one season.

A lot of times shows usually kill off major characters 2 or 3 seasons in;  AHS killed off two in the last two episodes.

Interested in seeing how they finish off this season.

If they really wanted him to leave with the baby,
y didn't they help him get out of the house?
Originally Posted by Noskey

So I really wonder if Dylan McDermott is gonna make it through the next episode alive. He's gotta be back next season, he's too big of a name to be one and done like that, so his character likely wouldnt just pack up and leave. I bet he kills himself in the last scene...

I was so close
If only his wife didnt take that gun from him
and if he didnt die until the end. I was kind of shocked they killed him off like that. Oh, and that 'Omen' kid mother %@%@+#, he's gonna be a problem next season.

As I posted in S&T,

Originally Posted by Noskey


I didn't like it.  Don't know why his wife and daughter just let him get killed like that?  They couldn't stay with him for a few more minutes until he left the house?  
  So next season are they just going to scare off every family that buys the house?  I guess Constance is ok raising the anti-christ.  She seems like the one character that will never die.
Why is the maid's ghost the only one that's aged?  The rest of the ghosts stay the same age as when they died but not her.  I know she looks like her younger self to adulterous men but it seems odd she's the exception to not aging rule.
Been watching this season and I have a lot of unanswered questions.

I wasn't too fond of how they killed off Dylan McDermott's character as well.

Can't wait until the next season to see how Tate plays a role in raising his child, if any..
Am i the only one that thinks its over? meaning that there was a beginning middle and end....done for season 1....season 2 will be a completely different story with none of the actors returning, different location different is called american horror story.....there are so many horror books/short stories that they can make into season long show.....I been saying this for years that some shows shouldnt return the cast, should be a completely different story.....we as the viewer get tired of it, it becomes predictable after a few seasons....i also like the abc show revenge, a show that should be a one season and done show, then on to the next story of revenge with new plot/actors but i'm sure like most shows they will milk their 1st good season to make it last as long as possible to collect checks. 
to me the end had closure, the harmons have their family even ghost baby and their job is to scare away people so what happened to them doesnt happen to anyone else....Constance is stuck with the antichrist....having a whole season with them scaring away new comers and following around the antichrist will be lame.  with this cast and story i just don't see how any season can match this season.....if they return i can see them looking for away to escape the house for good.

if they make do a one season and done thing, they will get a huge following and bigger stars wanting to be part of it
It did look like it was structured to be a mini-series.  The way it ended made it seem like there would be a different story for next season.  We won't really know until we read interviews from the creators.  Not sure how well a show would do if it changes everything for each season.  Viewers get attached to casts and characters.
i think whats appealing about a one season show/cast/plot is that you know that you will get closure....if you watched 24 they really didnt have cliffhanger shows, teasers sure but mostly beginning middle end.....with that show the star returned every season but the stories always changed....i wished they would have done this with another great show called homeland
24 was a fun show to watch but I felt like it was really stupid most of the time.  The Jack Bauer character became too comical (Chuck Norris) territory and it seemed like they would just rotate between Middle Eastern, Asian, and European terrorists.

Anyway, I would've preferred for this current story to continue on for one more season.  It feels like the last few episodes rushed everything.
true but we also got tired of jack, the cool part was that the stories changed but the fact that jack would always do insane stuff to save the day was what made it comical....if they would have used different actors each season and made them fail sometimes then people i think would have liked it more......dont forget at the end of the day american horror story had an ending where the family didnt win they lost to the house.....we will see....i'm surprised not many people followed this show....this was my first fx show and i got to say it was really great

maybe there will be a 2nd season with the cast, didnt constance say she had 4 kids?
^The idea of a one and done is kinda dope. There are damn near
countless horror stories & urban myths to play off of. This story
line can get played and corny like The Walking Dead (imo).
Originally Posted by shogun

I didn't like it.  Don't know why his wife and daughter just let him get killed like that?  They couldn't stay with him for a few more minutes until he left the house?  
  So next season are they just going to scare off every family that buys the house?  I guess Constance is ok raising the anti-christ.  She seems like the one character that will never die.
Why is the maid's ghost the only one that's aged?  The rest of the ghosts stay the same age as when they died but not her.  I know she looks like her younger self to adulterous men but it seems odd she's the exception to not aging rule.
She only appears young to men who lust after women 
so will the dead baby remain a baby forever ?
It's already been confirmed that season 2 will have a new cast, new setting, new story line. I think Constance may return, and other characters with smaller parts may be back, but they'll play entirely new roles. I'm really a fan of how they set it up. 
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