Americans got it all wrong with life, Europeans got it right with life

There's a reason why we have the largest economy of any country. If you prefer a chill lifestyle over fast whips and hot chicks, then this may not be the place for you.
I hope you realize that there's more hot chicks in europe % wise than the US and you actually don't need a flashy car to impress them..  China actually has the largest economy now.  
Where are you getting the more hot chicks percentage wise thing from :lol:

I mean, I'm not saying we have better looking girls here, it's debatable, but there's like no way to say that as a fact.

And if you hit up anywhere in any part of the world that's a tourist attraction, you're likely to find a higher percentage of better looking people. People who have money and are cultured/worldly are going to be more attractive than the average person. But to pass it off as fact that bumble-**** suburbia X in Europe has more attractive people than bumble-**** suburbia Y in America, isn't really possible.

If anything I'd take my chances with our diversity and mixing.

Not every town in Europe is going to be Helsinbørg, Sweden with thoroughbred blonde Viking goddesses prancing around.
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Where are you getting the more hot chicks percentage wise thing from

I mean, I'm not saying we have better looking girls here, it's debatable, but there's like no way to say that with assurance.

And if you hit up anywhere in any part of the world that's a tourist attraction, you're likely to find a higher percentage of better looking people. People who have money and are cultured/worldly are going to be more attractive than the average person. But to pass it off as fact that bumble-**** suburbia X in Europe has more attractive people than bumble-**** suburbia Y in America, there's like no way to say that as fact.
Easy, just off the fact that the average american woman is overweight alone   It's one of the fattest countries.  There's way less fast food restaurants in Europe and they tend to be more active in general.   I mean I've lived in LA and SD so yeah there's a lot of hot chicks there but % wise Europe is killing the U.S just off that alone
That thought crossed my mind and it's still not a valid argument imo.

I think only a small portion of fat chicks would be considered legitimately hot if they lost weight or were never fat. Most would be average at best. And your initial statement was that there's a higher percentage of hot girls. I don't think we're losing that many hot girls here in America to the hamburger :lol:

I know someone who lived in and around Munich for years and said how she thought the people there were so bad looking compared to home.

And another thing to compensate for the potential weight thing mattering is the diversity America has to offer.
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That thought crossed my mind and it's still not a valid argument imo.

I think only a small portion of fat chicks would be considered legitimately hot if they lost weight or were never fat. Most would be average at best. And your initial statement was that there's a higher percentage of hot girls. I don't think we're losing that many hot girls here in America to the hamburger

My sister lived in and around Munich for years and said how she thought the people there were so bad looking compared to home.
Well I guess i'm saying on average european women look better than american women.  It depends on the country as well, for instance in the nordic countries, swedish and danish women in general are very hot whereas it's a lower percentage in Finland and Norway
Final thought is that it can't be proven, even with statistics about weight.
Well I guess i'm saying on average european women look better than american women.  It depends on the country as well, for instance in the nordic countries, swedish and danish women in general are very hot whereas it's a lower percentage in Finland and Norway
What does that even mean? American girls is not an ethnicity.  A lot of the American women have lineage from those European countries, Latina America, Asia, etc. How do you quantify who's better looking? Isn't it all subjective anyway?
Final thought is that it can't be proven, even with statistics about weight.
I mean I guess it comes down to if you prefer overweight women or fit women.  I prefer the latter and in my experience I think european women> american women easily but that's just me
The average woman looking better in Europe =/= more hot girls in Europe.

I ain't worried about average birds b.

And still, neither can really be proven without extensive travel having been done by a team of people from a diverse background with different tastes in women :lol:

Now back to studying for a lame *** summer class for me woooooh
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maybe its just me but i can't tell the difference between a french, spanish or italian woman 
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