Americans need to stay away from DR. right now.. vol. wtf is going on over in the Dominican Republic

Ethnicity and race arent the same thing

its TREATED da same.

being hispanic/latino was mulled over being its own race in da 2020 census..

we're marketed to different, we got our own checkbox when we file for employment for jobs, like im tired talking about this...

Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Colombians and Mexicans literally are treated da exact way as Dominicans.

Ya don't watch sports or politics? we are delineated separate from Black/African Americans in EVERY statical category.
When people say “black” its what we identify as us african americans .... west indians aint walking around by the boatload saying theyre black they identify themselves by their homeland country same as caribbean hispanics do ....same way africans dont call themselves black they also identify themselves by their country
As an actual Dominican who is aware of his African ancestry, I’m not Black by the USA standards (excluding the one drop rule). It is true that many Dominicans don’t acknowledge their Blackness or African ancestry. However, there are many that do and I think that because of the advent of social media a lot are making their voices heard. And at the same time, a lot of Black people in the US don’t acknowledge Dominicans as being Black because the culture, language and names are different. For a lot of US Black people, they see Blackness as part of historically descending from slaves in the continental US with Anglo Saxon names carried down through the generations. They don’t see the diaspora extending to Spanish speaking countries even though millions of Africans were brought to these countries. I don’t think it’s fair for US Black people to simply say that it’s a Dominican problem, it goes both ways. Just because you met a couple of ignorant Dominicans on Dyckman doesn’t mean you have even the slightest understanding of what it means to be Dominican or what the culture is about.

What I am part of is the African diaspora, which to me is much bigger and global than the US definition of Blackness. And it’s something that can’t be denied by anyone.
Majority of us blacks dont identify dominicans black because alot of them seperate themselves has nothing to do with “spanish” because its a west african country by the name of equatorial guinea that speaks spanish ,,also its african countries that speak german,french etc (as is the case with haiti in caribbean) not to mention alotta us recognize places like colombia,cuba was flooded with west african slaves (well before slaves came to america)
Black has a negative connotation in the first place, but it's typically used to lump all people of African decent. If you believe in science then you believe that Africa is the epicenter of human life, therefore we're all of African decent... but anyway, when your country was part of the slave trade, and you (meaning me, in this case) can walk around the mutha****a and the vast majority of the people look just like my black ***, acting dense about the origin of most of the islands natives is just... silly. I get it, you are your own people, you have a sense of pride, but you can deny your roots like so many people do that are delt the **** end of the stick, like it makes a difference, but it is what it is.

It was actually pretty funny... when I was on my excursion we stopped at this little souvenir store where this guy spoke and gave samples of coffee and hot cocoa for everyone, he actually made a joke about Sammy Sosa and someone else who I can't remember at the moment who was known for or believed to be bleaching their skin. Funny that the locales seem to acknowledge their ancestry more than the Dominicans here, but that doesn't surprise me at all. The girl I was with (who was a local) even made a comment about a picture I took of her on the beach... she didn't like it because it made her look too dark. Lol.

The black man is the original man. We could have so much United, but unfortunately we treat each other like crabs in a bucket. A shame, really.
Majority of us blacks dont identify dominicans black because alot of them seperate themselves has nothing to do with “spanish” because its a west african country by the name of equatorial guinea that speaks spanish ,,also its african countries that speak german,french etc (as is the case with haiti in caribbean) not to mention alotta us recognize places like colombia,cuba was flooded with west african slaves (well before slaves came to america)

I don’t deny that a lot of Dominicans are ignorant about history and their lineage. It’s just that it’s not solely a Dominican problem. We’re talking about a chicken or the egg scenario here. Who was ignorant first? It’s a cycle of ignorance that some US Blacks and some Dominicans/Black Latinos continuously engage in. There’s something about specifically Spanish speaking people that draws a huge line in the sand in America. That’s why I look to the African Diaspora because it takes into account my place in this world without having to justify who I am in America and it’s something that not only can’t be denied but can also be proven genetically.
I just rewatched Moonlight. The part where Juan told Little he was from Cuba... and that there are black people all over the world. That's the truth.

Also like Nas said... the darker your skin the realer the struggle. The vast majority of Dominicans I've meet here in the states tend to be more fair skinned... but the majority of the people I saw actually working in PC were darker than me.

I could feel racial tension when I was there... not just towards myself, but between the darker and lighter skinned natives. Usually the folks at the resort in higher positions were of lighter complexion. This us just my observations from a single place in that country, but it was pretty obvious.

At the end of the day, I knew the people running **** at the resort weren't REALLY black, because the food was awful. No seasoning.
The census isn’t very helpful. Especially for observing disparities in third world countries. If everyone checks the same box’s it will be hard to account for disparity. Typically in third world Latin countries the poor are typically the darker skinnned folk. If everyone identifies as the generic Latino etc label it will be harder to identify what specific groups struggle economically and need extra help. Another issue is that some Hispanics/Latinos identify as white so that may also decrease an accurate account of their representation. Also checking a box doesn’t necessarily changes societies views of you. I can be David Ortiz’s complexion and someone can still perceive me to be African.
Black is black, unless you're black... then you tend to segregate by shades. Happens in most societies, because there can't be an upper class with out a lower class. People can't just have... class
Do you believe in the evolutionary theory, ninja?

what else is there to believe?

If everyone identifies as the generic Latino etc label it will be harder to identify what specific groups struggle economically and need extra help

and if Latinos become pawns of whites and blacks and become essentially a feeder system to replenish their population numbers, where's OUR representation? because this convo's end game is exactly that. Arabs groups are in da SAME position..they WANT representation, not become feeder groups for Caucasians.
Pre White colonist interference, people were identified with where they were from, not through the color of their skin. It wasn't until that interference that the struggle and strife over skin color became an issue. The true problem that whites have with those who have melanin, is pretty clear. They know that they are not the original people of the world. It is the reason that they have tried to paint everything white because if left up to nature, everything would be considered BLACK through a white lens. This would leave them, White people, with no power nor influence whatsoever. They made Jesus white, painted the Greek statues white, just to make themselves feel comfortable with stealing their theory about the world. White people have never created anything, never have been the originators of anything outside of the theory on race and what role it should play in the world. In their research they've found that they are indeed inferior, now therefore attempting to reverse what they've done by allowing the claim of nationality over race. However, that is about to backfire as well. So if you are Dominican, best believe that the melanin in your skin isn't there by accident. However your thoughts on the matter of what that melanin actually means was planted there intentionally.

Once you wake up to realize that you are indeed Black, you are not going to be happy about what the people who call themselves White, have actually done to you.

Here is one of the founding father's thoughts on the matter of immigration and identity politics:

In the 1750s, the United States of America was not yet a country, but its trouble with immigrants already had begun.

People of non-WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) descent were crossing the ocean to start new lives in the new world, and earlier Colonial settlers were none too happy about it. Among them, with ferocious conviction, was Benjamin Franklin, noted inventor, eventual American founding father—and hater of Germans.

In writings from that decade, Franklin shared his concerns about the Germans:

They weren’t as smart as the people already living in the colonies.

“Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation.”

They were unable to adapt to the local values.

“Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it.”

They were endangering New England’s whiteness.

“[T]he Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted.”

In short, they were not to be liberally admitted to Pennsylvania, because as Franklin argued, “Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.”

Sound familiar? By denying your ancestral heritage, you've empowered whites to rule over you. White is nothing. It is a creation by those without melanin, to try and rule over you.
Oh look is this argument again! Anyways, I’m in ground Zero and still kicking! Well the wife tapped out


Media is having a field day with this story. Now they’re bringing in old deaths from 2016 into the mix.
Unless you’ve had your trip booked for months in advance and can’t get a refund just don’t go there until we know what’s actually causing the deaths.
Americans are literally dying to go on vacation.
Haven’t heard of any Europeans or anyone else dying out there.
Media is having a field day with this story. Now they’re bringing in old deaths from 2016 into the mix.
Unless you’ve had your trip booked for months in advance and can’t get a refund just don’t go there until we know what’s actually causing the deaths.
Americans are literally dying to go on vacation.
Haven’t heard of any Europeans or anyone else dying out there.

Exactly, Europeans out here living...somehow these random deaths all isolated to Americans....nope I’m not buying it
You never see blond hair blue eyed non melanated people claim they're not white. I will agree there are Domincans who look white and some who look black. Big papi would be fronting like a 2 dollar hooker trying that I'm white ****.
Idk, stopped doing that years caught up with the wedding photography business so now I just post on IG
so take it out your signature then.. I click it every time thinking you posted new material and all I get is an ad for coconut water
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