Anaheim PD Open Fire on Unarmed Women and Children

My daughter living a full life w/o fscial scars n this superficial world is more important to me than my life
Everything is justified as long as you pose as a threat to me and to others. But it comes with great judgement. :smh:
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LOL. Liberal media is at it again.

And another great example of bad parenting. There's about to be a riot and your holding your child in front of the police line?
LOL @ people saying it's wrong to bring kids to a peaceful protest.

Because it's int "DA hood", one should assume it will get violent...hell i guess that's what the cops did huh.

It's sad to think how much insight many people lack when it comes to what protest means.

ya'll would rather cry about not getting yeezys or how Lebron is a big meanie.

I commend people willing to bring their families out.

If anything police officers had a great opportunity to show kids, the future, how professional they could have been.

liberal agenda? the ball spins in more than one way pleighboi
So just assume it will get violent????

Sort of how like cops assume males of color are up to no good?

Come on fambs. you really bout that assumption life?

Then you give a green light to cops to hunt and shoot anyone down.
show me the videos of people throwing debris please.

and i apologize, i know youre from da hood and maybe u were there idk.

Im not giving people who threw water bottles or set afire to a dumpster a pass.\

just like im not giving cops ODing in their methods of "protecting" either.

it's called a neutral stance.

you clearly show a bias in your comments
I've read it was an impromptu protest..not an organized one --

dude was shot.
people came out trying to find out why
started arguing
someone threw a bottle
cops fired with rubber bullets
dog got loose
Proof of me saying the police were in the right? Don't worry, I'll wait..

LOL u asnwer my question with a question. cute.

LOL when did I retort anything about you saying anything. I said your comments show bias.

Stormfront is that way ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Feel like both parties were in the wrong for something. Protests can be quite delicate, it only takes one idiot to start throwing things/acting a fool and ruin it for the rest of the group.
Dude's are taking this a little too far , we don't even know the other part of the story .

Thats how it always is when it has to deal with the police. They(people in general) never want to hear the other side of the story. They see police and automatically think the worst.
Thats how it always is when it has to deal with the police. They(people in general) never want to hear the other side of the story. They see police and automatically think the worst.

Because at least 75% of the time, that's the case.

However, what I really want to know is why are there so many problems with police brutality in California? To be one of the most diverse states in the Union it appears they have way more instances of police brutality (especially against minorities) than anywhere else.
show me the videos of people throwing debris please.

You really think they would record, or if they did, release video of themselves assaulting the police? LOL, Liberal media at its finest.

Because at least 75% of the time, that's the case.
However, what I really want to know is why are there so many problems with police brutality in California? To be one of the most diverse states populated, gang/drug/illegal immigrant, cop hating active state in the Union it appears they have way more instances of police brutality (especially against minorities) than anywhere else.

LOL..75% huh?
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ANAHEIM PD  MESS UP EVEN WORST IN 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Please read!!! THis why alot people are angry!!!!!!!!!!!


It's a tragic story. 20-year-old Newlywed (as of last week) Julian Alexander heard some commotion outside his house early Tuesday morning. So he went out to his frontyard with a broomstick or shower rod in hand to check it out and make sure his family was safe. That's when police, who happened to be chasing four burglary suspects saw Alexander and fatally shot him twice in the chest.

"This is a very tragic situation," Anaheim Police Chief John Welter said at a news conference per the LA Times. "Julian Alexander was innocent of anything that was going on in the neighborhood at that time."

His family, obviously floored by this tragedy, are seeking answers beyond the police just admitting it was their fault. "He was a good kid, trying to protect his house," said Michelle Mooney, his mother-in-law, in the paper. "And the police, instead of asking questions, they just shot first. Somebody has to be held responsible for this."

this how the cops do it in my city!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I get it.

You have no proof of them assaulting the police yet you imply it with your comments.

What suburbs were you raised in beaver?
Oh I get it.
You have no proof of them assaulting the police yet you imply it with your comments.
What suburbs were you raised in beaver?
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Because at least 75% of the time, that's the case.
However, what I really want to know is why are there so many problems with police brutality in California? To be one of the most diverse states in the Union it appears they have way more instances of police brutality (especially against minorities) than anywhere else.
its not rocket science... its the same reason they produce good athletes and tanned goddesses...

they have 360 days a year to be outside wylin. dudes is hibernatin on the east coast mid Novemeber to Early March 
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