Ancient Aliens

you guys are all crazy
Originally Posted by BTonNT

great conversations with the people who PM'd.

it'd be nice if we could all talk about the type of stuff we're discussing without all the usual antics and junk. you all offered some great insight.

but I guess everyone else will be slowly exposed to it - is what I'm thinking

I was just talking about this stuff with my mom last night and she told me she saw some story this past week on the network news about some new discovery/information regarding "alien life" etc. and we arent people who usually talk about or look into extraterrestrials or aliens, etc either

that, the "close-call" with the asteroid collision, the mysterious fireball shooting down, etc. all on network news.

slow exposure occuring over the next couple years imo.
Post it in this thread , we're the ones that actually care to hear .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by BTonNT

great conversations with the people who PM'd.

it'd be nice if we could all talk about the type of stuff we're discussing without all the usual antics and junk. you all offered some great insight.

but I guess everyone else will be slowly exposed to it - is what I'm thinking

I was just talking about this stuff with my mom last night and she told me she saw some story this past week on the network news about some new discovery/information regarding "alien life" etc. and we arent people who usually talk about or look into extraterrestrials or aliens, etc either

that, the "close-call" with the asteroid collision, the mysterious fireball shooting down, etc. all on network news.

slow exposure occuring over the next couple years imo.
Post it in this thread , we're the ones that actually care to hear .

Yes i would like to hear or shoot me a PM,stuff interests me.
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by BTonNT

great conversations with the people who PM'd.

it'd be nice if we could all talk about the type of stuff we're discussing without all the usual antics and junk. you all offered some great insight.

but I guess everyone else will be slowly exposed to it - is what I'm thinking

I was just talking about this stuff with my mom last night and she told me she saw some story this past week on the network news about some new discovery/information regarding "alien life" etc. and we arent people who usually talk about or look into extraterrestrials or aliens, etc either

that, the "close-call" with the asteroid collision, the mysterious fireball shooting down, etc. all on network news.

slow exposure occuring over the next couple years imo.
Post it in this thread , we're the ones that actually care to hear .

Yes i would like to hear or shoot me a PM,stuff interests me.
When you belive everything you read you start to imagine things and over analyze everything around you. " I have dreams, Must be aliens trying to contactme" lol. Its like when you watch a scary movie and you come home think every little noise is a Ghost.

But I do belive we are not alone but I'm not an extremist
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by whiterails

I R Andre wrote:

Dirtylicious wrote:

ehh.. what pisses me off about this program was all these modern day people saying that there's no way these "ancient" and
"primative" cultures would be able to accomplish such creations without "help".... yet when historians refer to Rome and Greece and all
their marvelous buildings and architechture.. and how precise it is(eg Golden Ratio)...there's nary a mention of help from alien beings.

Rome and Greece weren't on the same level as Egypt, and the Mayans in terms of architecture.
You're right. They were better.

Yeah right, maybe in terms of great thinkers but in terms of Architecture its no contest.

Pyramids aren't actually that complex. The reason pyramids drop jaws isn't so much because they are masterpieces of architecture, it's because ofthe sheer magnitude of them. If you have enough slaves, you can have all the pyramids you want. If those same pyramids were the size of a ordinary house on theother hand, noone would give half a damn about them. The Pantheon in Rome has left people wondering how they created such a huge dome for centuries.

There are no aliens behind the pyramids. Sorry. Just a LOT of human labour and of course the architects behind them were very smart and knew their geometryvery well.
you know what is even weirder than all this alien theory stuff? Obama won the peace prize. How did that happen?
Dude at my job put me on to this show
last week, krazy. A lot of it makes sense
and is very interesting. The only question
is if we'll ever really find out the truth about
our past? And was O'drama abducted
Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by BTonNT

I got another pm on this and didnt answer you few there that asked so Ill just put the basic answer in here briefly.
There was more to it than just this, but I dont want to discuss too much of this stuff online anymore. Im just going to go on the topic of aliens since that's what this threads about. Ive seen things that looked holographic also a figure of light, and a few other things that Ive later come to find coincide with different peoples experiences and testimony. Though, I dont think everyone who tells you about experiences or opinions are trustworthy. Also, like some other people, Ive seen things during instances of sleep paralysis as well.
At first I thought there might be ETs but now from my own research, experiences, and intuitions and something more important that I dont really want to detail at the moment Ive now come to the conclusion that I think theyre either produced by technology or demonic or both and similar to what some other people have said and believe, I think the beliefs and the presentation of their existence will and is being used as part of an agenda. Something like what is mentioned in the testimony describing blue beam. My advice would be for people to read the Bible (which is becoming a taboo thing to even say or suggest but nonetheless that's my advice) and also make themselves aware of the amount of information available, not just being someone who follows along with whatever theyre guided to believe. Ive seen and experienced things, some of which Ive shared, and what Im saying might seem pretty empty but a lot of people have had dreams with biblical elements and theres a lot of significant things going on in these times if you find and discern them. Most people dont give much attention to stuff and laugh stuff off or prefer to remain oblivious though. So, this is just my opinion and thats just about all I feel comfortable with posting and discussing online anymore. Put your faith where it belongs. God bless.

Science studies have a reason for sleep paralyze. it has been happened to me also. and every time that it happen i always saw a ghost face or something demonic too. but i remember watching a video or reading a book on sleep paralyze. They say its all a delusion and mostly people see scary things around them when you are in sleep paralyze mode due to the fact that you are half awake half a sleep. make it scary.

See, this is the problem that I have with what science says... If you saw it, how can ANYONE else tell you what you saw!? They cant! because they're notyou. So it's up to you to believe what you want to believe. Dont let "them" tell you what you saw wasnt real. That's almost like mindcontrol.

The other day there was a story on Oprah about a young girl, I think she was around 8 or 10, who had these imaginary characters that she would talk to and theyall had names. She only saw one human (a little girl) and the rest were animals (cats, rats, etc.). Her parents were sort of torn because every day... Everyday! She lived between this imaginary world and the world we live in and she couldnt function and do "normal" things like we all do because of it.She would talk to these things as if they were right there with her just like we are.

Now, whose to say that what she's seeing didnt exist in her world, or even our own, but WE just cant see it? See where I'm going? Remember, Earth wasonce flat...

There have been too many cases that I've seen lately that, to me, have made things like psychology and modern science look bad. Not that I ever trusted it100%, but things are constantly lowering it's credibility to me.

Take this for example:

3 Billion Year Old Sphereoids

Now, what is something three billion years old doin on earth? Those things are suspected to be about 3/4th the age of Earth. Humans wernt supposed to bearound that long ago... Maybe something came here and dropped them off? Why can some of them move on their own? What's up with that? Now either somethingis terribly wrong with our carbon dating methods, or there were visitors here long before we could ever imagine. This is something to think about...

Also, this:

Under water pyrimids on Japans coast

Why is science sort of brushing this off? Just something else to think about...

Now, about alien theories, sometimes I dont think we give ourselves enough credit as humans. Why couldnt humans be smart enough to make this type of stuff thatlong ago? Think about it... What would happen today if some type of disaster happened and a majority of earths humanity population died out? Who would be ourdoctors? Who would be our engineers? Whose making our cars, harvesting resources? See? Everybody doesnt have the knowledge to do all this stuff becauseit's so concentrated in certain individuals that it takes more than a few people to keep this thing going. If a huge portion of Earths human populationwere to die today, it's safe to say we would be set back into a modern stone age and we would almost have to start all over again. If the people whosurvive are smart enough, they could possibly build quicker than some of the not so smart, but what if only "not so smart" people survived? Massiveammounts of research and information is lost.

Whose to say that never happened before?
Antikythera Mechanism- a device that could predict planetary patterns in our solar system...built in 150-100 BC basically proof of what you guys are talkingabout.

you guys know about the temple complex at pumapunku? said to be made around 200bc by a civilization that had no knowledge of the wheel. however without thewheel they managed to transport blocks weighing hundreds of tons up a steep incline from a quarry at least 10 miles away
This stuff is always interesting. Should Google and Youtube "Anunnaki"...beings from another planet within our solar system genetically creatinghumankind. It's just an alternative theory in the creation of man but very interesting. Also, "The Hidden History of the Human Race" by MichaelCremo is a good read on this.
this thread is fantastic

thanks to all contributors
and also make themselves aware of the amount of information available, not just being someone who follows along with whatever theyre guided to believe
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by BTonNT

I got another pm on this and didnt answer you few there that asked so Ill just put the basic answer in here briefly.
There was more to it than just this, but I dont want to discuss too much of this stuff online anymore. Im just going to go on the topic of aliens since that's what this threads about. Ive seen things that looked holographic also a figure of light, and a few other things that Ive later come to find coincide with different peoples experiences and testimony. Though, I dont think everyone who tells you about experiences or opinions are trustworthy. Also, like some other people, Ive seen things during instances of sleep paralysis as well.
At first I thought there might be ETs but now from my own research, experiences, and intuitions and something more important that I dont really want to detail at the moment Ive now come to the conclusion that I think theyre either produced by technology or demonic or both and similar to what some other people have said and believe, I think the beliefs and the presentation of their existence will and is being used as part of an agenda. Something like what is mentioned in the testimony describing blue beam. My advice would be for people to read the Bible (which is becoming a taboo thing to even say or suggest but nonetheless that's my advice) and also make themselves aware of the amount of information available, not just being someone who follows along with whatever theyre guided to believe. Ive seen and experienced things, some of which Ive shared, and what Im saying might seem pretty empty but a lot of people have had dreams with biblical elements and theres a lot of significant things going on in these times if you find and discern them. Most people dont give much attention to stuff and laugh stuff off or prefer to remain oblivious though. So, this is just my opinion and thats just about all I feel comfortable with posting and discussing online anymore. Put your faith where it belongs. God bless.

Science studies have a reason for sleep paralyze. it has been happened to me also. and every time that it happen i always saw a ghost face or something demonic too. but i remember watching a video or reading a book on sleep paralyze. They say its all a delusion and mostly people see scary things around them when you are in sleep paralyze mode due to the fact that you are half awake half a sleep. make it scary.

See, this is the problem that I have with what science says... If you saw it, how can ANYONE else tell you what you saw!? They cant! because they're not you. So it's up to you to believe what you want to believe. Dont let "them" tell you what you saw wasnt real. That's almost like mind control.

The other day there was a story on Oprah about a young girl, I think she was around 8 or 10, who had these imaginary characters that she would talk to and they all had names. She only saw one human (a little girl) and the rest were animals (cats, rats, etc.). Her parents were sort of torn because every day... Every day! She lived between this imaginary world and the world we live in and she couldnt function and do "normal" things like we all do because of it. She would talk to these things as if they were right there with her just like we are.

Now, whose to say that what she's seeing didnt exist in her world, or even our own, but WE just cant see it? See where I'm going? Remember, Earth was once flat...

There have been too many cases that I've seen lately that, to me, have made things like psychology and modern science look bad. Not that I ever trusted it 100%, but things are constantly lowering it's credibility to me.

Take this for example:

3 Billion Year Old Sphereoids

Now, what is something three billion years old doin on earth? Those things are suspected to be about 3/4th the age of Earth. Humans wernt supposed to be around that long ago... Maybe something came here and dropped them off? Why can some of them move on their own? What's up with that? Now either something is terribly wrong with our carbon dating methods, or there were visitors here long before we could ever imagine. This is something to think about...

Also, this:

Under water pyrimids on Japans coast

Why is science sort of brushing this off? Just something else to think about...

Now, about alien theories, sometimes I dont think we give ourselves enough credit as humans. Why couldnt humans be smart enough to make this type of stuff that long ago? Think about it... What would happen today if some type of disaster happened and a majority of earths humanity population died out? Who would be our doctors? Who would be our engineers? Whose making our cars, harvesting resources? See? Everybody doesnt have the knowledge to do all this stuff because it's so concentrated in certain individuals that it takes more than a few people to keep this thing going. If a huge portion of Earths human population were to die today, it's safe to say we would be set back into a modern stone age and we would almost have to start all over again. If the people who survive are smart enough, they could possibly build quicker than some of the not so smart, but what if only "not so smart" people survived? Massive ammounts of research and information is lost.

Whose to say that never happened before?
awesome information. im currently reading a book by some dude who created a spiritual practice in China called "Falun Dafa". he talks alot about how humans have been around waaaay longer than we believe. he claims the earth had been destroyed and recreated numerous times and how technologyand artifacts found all over the globe date back way longer than humans were around.
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