and we're done

I mean, it pretty much depends on what that pick turns out to be. Camby/Novak are dead weight.

Upgrade to the current roster (even if slightly), but not the type of dude I want to go into war against CHI, MIA and IND with and that's all that matters at this point.
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-stretch 4/5
-100000x better than Novaks and Cambys nonexistent ***
-he'll be the 4th option here, no pressure on him
-all euros love NY

-1st rounder (unless its protected)
-injury prone
Another con is he sucks at defense. Like, Novak type awful.

Grunwald's taking a gamble. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt us at all in the short-term. This deal actually benefits our 2015 plan.

Giving up a 1st rounder sucks but you gotta give something up when you're the one sending most of the trash away. I'd feel better about it if there was some protection on that ****.
I mean, it pretty much depends on what that pick turns out to be. Camby/Novak are dead weight.

Upgrade to the current roster (even if slightly), but not the type of dude I want to go into war against CHI, MIA and IND with and that's all that matters at this point.
All of this.
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Solution to getting tougher up front?

Trade for Bargnani...who absolutely CAN'T stay healthy.


Knicks logic, folks.

We couldn't take back Fields contract?
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This isnt a bad trade, bros. We got rid of two bad contracts for dudes that dont even play, and gave up low draft picks. This trade was done for financial purpose, plus Bargnani isnt that bad.

Bargnani > Amare at this point. Dat cap room we gon have in the near future, tho. :pimp:
He's also not the most efficient guy but if he's coming here in a dialed down role then I'm hoping that'll work itself out.

Still don't like the move that much though.
The Knicks are hilarious. I'm definitley not getting emotionally invested for the next few years.
He'll be way more useful then Novak and Camby have become.

He can play a Sheed role on the offensive end. The way he did at the beginning of the year and our offense was at its best. Floor spacing will be excellent.

Defense is the con and hopefully he can stay healthy.

It's an o.k. Move if he can stay healthy.

The pick IS a tad bit much but this may give us a trade exception? :nerd:
That's a desperate trade from a desperate team. Only positive is the cap room in two years. Looks like they know they can't win a chip anymore.
I'm lying to myself. I hate this trade. We traded a big pile of uselessness for a smaller pile of uselessness. The only positive is the contract length.

Bargnani just came off his worst two years in career. He's the white Amare. At least Amare was actually worth his money prior to those two years. And tries to come back and contribute. Andrea is a lazy bum.
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