and we're done

I'm cool with the we are not done. Bargs just gotta stay healthy. Welcome to the squad :pimp:
The floor spacing and pick and rolls should be nice.
We actually have our 15 first round pick

We essentially traded a pick that could be swapped to get rid of novak and cam by contracts earlier

I think the bk trade was overrated and this is just classic knicks. But not in the top 10 of bad moves. Just seems desperate and kind of pointless. Evenif we swapped picks. That's still an asset that could be uzed

These twittter accounts are getting crazy.
I'm not knocking the trade, Novak was truly 1 dimensional and Camby never played, got that part, but I think there could have been something better out there, just saying. So who's gone next?
Aint nothing wrong with a poor mans dirk, solid pick up
Bargnani is a homeless man's Dirk.  

I mean he has a chance to be good for you guys, and a place to fit on the team.  I wouldn't have given up a pick for him, though.  And he's a worse shooter than Novak, a worse rebounder than anyone, and a worse defender than anyone.
^ I really hope that Warriors rumor is real. Am I being trolled?

This other trade was for cap space. Novak and Camby were stupid contracts that have two years left so I get the deal. Just hate giving up a first round
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

At Bargs being the first 7 footer in history this past season to play more than 28 mpg while averaging less than 4 rpg :lol:
He'll be way more useful then Novak and Camby have become.

He can play a Sheed role on the offensive end. The way he did at the beginning of the year and our offense was at its best. Floor spacing will be excellent.

Defense is the con and hopefully he can stay healthy.

It's an o.k. Move if he can stay healthy.

The pick IS a tad bit much but this may give us a trade exception? :nerd:

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