and we're done

I was wrong, it was 9-21. Your point still stands though. Felton shoots too much trying to keep us in games and ends up taking us out of games.
1. Noah is that guy that you love having as a teammate but hate to play against. Dude got under everyone's skin right in the beginning of the game and it made a huge difference. Dude plays his role to perfection and I think at the moment deserves to start at C in the ASG over Tyson.

2. When you combine Noah being annoying as **** with thibbs being a defensive mastermind, and then the refs letting them get away with murder, everything compounds and creates the frustration we saw today. Our players arent like the Miami heat or the Thunder players, we have a bunch of players with attitude who take things personally which is fun and what we as new yorkers love in a team, but today we saw the ugly side of having a team like that.

3. If we're gunna win a title we have to learn to play through games like this. The same **** happened in Memphis and the Knicks reverted into running last years Melo-ball isolation. The one positive to take is that hopefully the team learns from this now instead of having to learn these lessons on the fly in the playoffs.
Chandler: Hey man i'm tired of this %. Let's get outta here early

Noah: Yea of course you smell like $%.

Chandler: You say what?

Noah: Hah, i said I want an early shower.

Chandler: Oh i got you dog. Let's pretend like we're gon fight.

Ref: Hey guys hurry up. I got some last minutes chrismas shopping to do.


Chandler: Hey man i'm tired of this %. Let's get outta here early
Noah: Yea of course you smell like $%.
Chandler: You say what?
Noah: Hah, i said I want an early shower.
Chandler: Oh i got you dog. Let's pretend like we're gon fight.

Ref: Hey guys hurry up. I got some last minutes chrismas shopping to do.

......... Son. What are you doing ?
The officiating was bad but I don't want the Knicks to use that as an excuse.

We got out-played. No if, and, or buts about it. Our offense was looking like it did last year, stagnate with no ball movement. Felton is slumping hard. But honestly, I'm not even that mad about our offense, our defense was horrible. Uninspired and flat out suspect at times. They outplayed us. We let the Bulls get way to many open shots. Our defense has been lazy these past few games, I'm sure Woody is going to light them up about it.

I really wanted to win this game, I hate this Bulls team and Noah. Can't wait for the next one.

yea, i aint trippin off this game, all them injuries, and horrible no calls.
^ not to mention the rebounding is horrible and i cant see how amare coming off the bench will help that
Tough loss yesterday, especially because we were finally starting to put together something like a run in the 4th. But it is what it is. These games will happen. We are a scouted team now. What we need to do is have a better gameplan when teams eliminate our PnR.
Sheed supposedly has a stress fracture in his left foot. Might not be back until after our three game road trip according to RealGM.
Not surprised. He's been out for 2 years and was playing hard and a decent amount of minutes

I wanna know what caby's issue is
I'm pretty sure Noah called Tyson a gay slur. Get that Kobe fine in action.
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I think this week showed we can use Amare (if he plays some defense and tries to rebound) and Shump. He started out great, but Felton's had some horrible games (both houston games, all 3 nets games, last night) and Shump can take his minutes when he's playing like garbage. To be honest, Felton started pissing me off the 2nd Bk game, but hopefully he can get it going again, or Shump can take his minutes and shots away.

As much as it seems like there's no role for Amare on this team, Sheed, Kurt and Camby are going to be injury prone all year and Melo and Chandler are going to break down having to carry this team every night. It can't hurt to have 1 other legit scoring option and who can run the floor and play the 5 against smaller teams. Health and stamina is going to be an issue with this team because we went with all the 39 year olds.

As a sidenote, Ronnie Brewer is useless offensively. I'd like to see Copeland take some of his minutes on a night where we can't score.
I think Felton has been playing through an injury

My main problem with him is he can't control a game. he can't manage the team like Kidd.

The team is okay when they get punched in the mouth scoring wise. They are okay coming back behind big. Like we saw against the spurs and nets.

Our problem is we can't get back in a game when we get punched in the mouth by what the players perceive to be bad officiating. Such as Memphis and tonight. We go straight into iso mode when we go against a physical defense and feel like we are getting screwed over by the refs

Also, I think sometimes we simply phone it in on the defensive end. Seems like we go way harder in the more marquee games like the nets and heat. Tyson in particular
Our problem is we can't get back in a game when we get punched in the mouth by what the players perceive to be bad officiating. Such as Memphis and tonight. We go straight into iso mode when we go against a physical defense and feel like we are getting screwed over by the refs
How many teams do though? Got some games as an example? At best I can think of a few games where the Spurs did it against LAL. Other than that I can't think of many games where a team was playing 5 on 8 and managed to persevere by getting over the consistent inconsistency by referees except in the rare exceptions where the coach gets tossed and/or a fight breaks out cuz then the momentum shifts and/or the refs are forced to stop being bias and call the game tighter.

The better teams in the NBA that benefit for those types of officials rarely if ever have to get the other end of it. MIA, LAL, Chi (back in the 90s), etc.
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Well then I guess we are screwed. I dunno. We don't have a choice. Just gotta try to play our game and tune refs out. Only way to really do anything is send tapes to the NBA like Cuban. Woodson doesn't have the clout of Phil so I dunno if he can do what he would do through the media.

NBA rescinded @carmeloanthony’s second tech from last night, issued by an overreacting Olandis Poole. So what if he had not been ejected?

The second tech on Anthony last night was rescinded. All that means is he gets to keep his money. They won't replay the end of the game.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Welcome to the last couple of season's for us Bulls fan's.
MVP Rose still wouldn't get the calls he deserved.

Either way.......:nthat:
Hey I agree. Rose definitley doesn't get superstar treatment. I think it's because he doesn't flop like a ****

But you don't see rose pout as much as melo. Or at least from what I've seen

[h1]Rasheed Wallace has stress reaction[/h1]
Updated: December 22, 2012, 2:58 PM ET

GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- The New York Knicks confirmed on Saturday that Rasheed Wallace has a stress reaction and chronic condition in his left foot.


Wallace, who had been serving as Tyson Chandler's backup at center, has missed the past four games, during which the Knicks have gone 2-2. With Wallace out, Chandler has been playing additional minutes. Not only is Wallace out, but Marcus Camby has plantar fasciitis.


Stoudemire will accompany the team on their road trip, starting on Tuesday against the Los Angeles Lakers, but Woodson suggested that it's more for the guys to stick together during the holidays.

"At this point, right now, we're still trying to hash out when he's ready to play," he said, "and he's not ready yet."
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