and we're done


yo did dude in the crowd next to spike's shoulder eat a booger ?


look like it
Felton had been playing way over his head, he really can't guard the top tier PGs of the league and neither can Kidd...Shumpert is very important to this team.

Felton is also easily rattled, loses confidence quickly. He always plays hard though but it's def something to concern about esp come playoff time.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Welcome to the last couple of season's for us Bulls fan's.
MVP Rose still wouldn't get the calls he deserved.

Either way.......:nthat:
That's why yall getting yall ***** spanked now. FOH talking about Rose and calls, he was taking the most FTs up there with Bron and KD in seasons where he was able to play most of the games.
watching isaiah on nbatv. cant believe we're past all that. we're actually a good team . so surreal. time heals all wounds
Felton had been playing way over his head, he really can't guard the top tier PGs of the league and neither can Kidd...Shumpert is very important to this team.

Felton is also easily rattled, loses confidence quickly. He always plays hard though but it's def something to concern about esp come playoff time.


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I'm cool with Felton until he starts to play hero ball and chucks up 20+ shot attempts. Dude does get easily rattled it seems. You'd think having Kidd as a mentor would help fix that, but IDK man :smh:

Shumpert is HUGE for us. I doubt we get burned by no name guards once he gets back. Hopefully he's 100% by then. ACL tears are no joke. It seems like only NFL players recover well from them. I can't think of an NBA player that came back and was playing at the same level or higher after the injury.
^ thats why shump has to start once he comes back 100% and is in game shape... put kidd old as on the bench... shump will guard the best perimeter player something kidd cant do and brewer can do but sucks on offense... so shump will definitely help on the defense as well as the offense... i just hope he dont jack 3s all night like the rest of the team :smh:
Put Kidd on the bench? Disagree. Shumpert can take all of Brewer's minutes but Kidd is way too valuable for this team to have a reduced role.
LOL @ Camby having plantar fasciitis. Of course he would.
Some things don't change :smh: Dude can be healthy on the Rockets and Blazers of all teams but be ghost on us again. I hope at least he can get like 20 games in post all star break to at least be serviceable come the playoffs.
watching isaiah on nbatv. cant believe we're past all that. we're actually a good team . so surreal. time heals all wounds
Checked it and I aint feel a type of way seeing him. I don't know how he'll jive with certain analyst lineups like tonight with 3D, dude likes to joke around a lot and Zeke was playing the straight man and trying to preserve his image.
Felton had been playing way over his head, he really can't guard the top tier PGs of the league and neither can Kidd...Shumpert is very important to this team.

Felton is also easily rattled, loses confidence quickly. He always plays hard though but it's def something to concern about esp come playoff time.


Yall lucky if yall make the playoffs and you'll see the real Toney Douglas then not to mention the unproven, untested Lin playing the likes of OKC or SAS in the first round.
Kidd doesn't have to start. He just has to finish games and get minutes.
Word. Dudes are too wrapped up in who starts. As a line up goes and how we start games you'll see an improvement with a healthy Shump there.
Kidd doesn't have to start. He just has to finish games and get minutes.

exactly... i feel the same way about amare also... he dont have to start but will finish games...

this the lineup to finish the 4th quarter
Refs were so bad the other night in that bulls game, knicks looked soft inside givin up so many rebounds. lets hope they bring it to LA cus i ant hearin laker hype on Christmas day!
Trade Raymond for toney straight up.
We gtta cash out while we can !
Jk :lol: but yeah he needs to just stop taking bad shots. Its not that hes missing them. Its just he's taking 25 shots a game. If u take a few in a row and you're missing attack the rim or stop shooting unless you're wide open.
Ya gotta chill on Felton. I'm not gonna act like his last string of games haven't had me burnt, but Felton is a bull dog. He does have a hot head and it gets the best of him, but I think he will get all the way settled in and more comfortable with his role when Amare and Shump get back. He's been taking a lot of shots but I am not sure Woodson isn't telling him to be that aggresive when we don't have many scoring options to start the game.

When Shump and Stat get back they are going to be the 2nd and 4th option offensively. (With JR being the 3rd option) Felton will fall into a pass first PG. But we still need him to be as aggressive as he's been. Maybe not 20 shots. Maybe 14, as long as he's still getting to basket whenever he wants when Stat is back he will be looking like a Top PG.

I hope we can pull out all 4 of the games to end the year 23-7. (TWolves, Suns, Lakers and Kings.)

Today will be tough against a young athletic team. We gonna get killed on the boards.
We need to whoop MIN and LA even though they're middle of the road teams so we don't have to hear that beating west coast teams nonsense.
Why go away from the biggest thing that has made this team as dangerous as it is (playing with 2 PG's and spacing with shooters around Melo)? Put Shumpert, Melo, Amar'e and Chandler on the floor late and you will get iso ball with a crowded floor. I don't want that.
Why go away from the biggest thing that has made this team as dangerous as it is (playing with 2 PG's and spacing with shooters around Melo)? Put Shumpert, Melo, Amar'e and Chandler on the floor late and you will get iso ball with a crowded floor. I don't want that.
Because playing kidd so heavily through games and having him start is the easiest way to have him break down before the playoffs.
Have shumpert start and kidd come off the bench to play 20-25 mins.
I mean I haven't read anybody saying shumpert is gnna close games. All the responses from last Page have stated it clearly. kidd will CLOSE out games .
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we need to just concentrate on winning our division and regulating minutes so we can be healthy

Pushing for the best record is counter productive if it takes us playing Kidd many minutes. Notice when sheed went out we started struggling too.
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