and we're done

Prigioni stepped up. That's all the positive things I can say about the Knicks in this game. Can't say I'm as excited for the season to start. Just the way we're losing just reminds me of more of the same and I can tell like past season will play great against the good teams, play down to the worse teams, and save amazing performances lose to the best teams.

Hope I'm wrong but I'm seeing the same body language out there for the most part.

As for you Raptor fans all I can say is Valancinuas and Lowry look good for yall.
Wish we had Mike Lawry 
I can't call it chucking when Melo was missing wide open shots in rhythm. It wasn't even like they were running towards him so he could pull up and then pass it to somebody in the paint.
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I can't call it chucking when Melo was missing wide open shots in rhythm. It wasn't even like they were running towards him so he could pull off and then pass it to somebody in the paint.

I know, but after the third or fourth miss he should realize that it's better to just do what was working before, and that was taking it to the hole. When Prigoni got the steal and passed it to Melo, he just pulled up for the three instead of running the lane. I'll admit when Melo gets hot, no one in the league can stop him, but tonight wasn't one of those nights.
I forgot all about this game. You can tell its only preseason its only 1/2-1 page rant. The regular season its 3+ pages. Depending on who they lost to the Bobcats forget it

The sky is always fallin :lol:
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I know its only preseason but Zik is right.

The same problems we have had for a season and a half haven't gone away. Just like you can see Boston's efficiency and chemistry in the preseason, you can see our lack of those things too.

We have a lot of time to pull it together and I'm optimistic that we will but we need a lot of improvement on both sides of the floor to finally win a playoff series.

STAT looks like hes back to the old STAT, which is a great thing. Even saw him pull of a damn good "Dream Spin".

Amar'e needs more touches I've seen this since Melo came...STAT will be on fire and then players stop looking for him and start feeding Melo.

I know Woodson is a defense first guy and lets the talent figure out how to score but we badly need some offense sets and a solid offensive philosophy to make all of these pieces work. When good defenses clamp down on us, we turn into a playground team and play hot potato around the perimeter or go Melo iso.

The sky isn't falling, we have plenty of time to improve and with veteran leadership and a motivated team I think we will.
I really don't think preseason performance is any indication of what this team will look like. Everyone is going at 1/4 speed. Woody (pause) is just trying out different combinations and rotations. You really can't take much away from these games...especially when you consider that we're also without Camby, JR, Brewer.

Preseason. ZzZzZzZzZz.
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If there's anything I'd like to see, it's more Melo/Amare pick and rolls. I'd think it would be easier to pull off now that we have two big men that can actually hit a shot from outside the paint (Kurt moreso than Camby).
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