and we're done

once again...please tell me how the Nets are better than the knicks?...i just don't see it
You can honestly sit-back in your chair with no Knick-bias and complete basketball objectivity, and say you're 100% sure the Knicks will be better than the Nets?
To me, this can be Woodson's chance- bring Amar'e off the bench and let Melo play the 4. It's a way to 'ease' into Amar'e off of injury without insulting the guy. If it doesn't work - then go back and start him and that's that.

Carmelo can complain about it but you have Tyson next to you to hold down the paint defensively and who else in the East is really going to take the toll on him at PF? David West and Boozer would be difficult on him, but after that ? A lot of teams are playing stretch 4's themselves.

Also, when healthy don't we have the parts to complement 2 different lineups? A) Melo at the 4. B) Amar'e off the bench leading a 2nd unit

You can play Felton/Kidd with either or and then you have 1 offensive minded SG (JR), one defensive minded SG (Shumpert)- one offensive minded SF (Novak) one defensive minded SF (Brewer). No reason you can't mix and match those 4 guys. Play JR and Brewer together, play Iman and Novak together.

I know nobody wants small ball and a reliance on Amar'e defending the paint - I don't either. So why not pair him with Camby? Camby at least is someone a defense has to considering honoring from 12-15 FT facing up. Tyson is a bad pair with Amar'e because he clogs the lane and has no game outside of 3 FT.

By post AS break, I'd be happy to see:

Starters: Felton/JR/Brewer/Melo/Chandler
2nd unit: Kidd/Shumpert/Novak/Amar'e/Camby

(or without Iman, match James White with JR + Brewer/Novak)

This isn't perfect and there will be overlapping (I'm not by any means saying play both lineups and equal amount or not give Amar'e 30 minutes) and obviously Melo is not exclusively playing the 4 nor should he. First he needs to get healthy and Ideally you'd want Iman starting to check opposing starting wings. It also would force a need to go back to pick and roll and well-spaced, free flowing offense. Moreso with the 2nd unit - but Jason Kidd can run a team in his sleep.

But, this is just how I would approach things. It won't happen, but I think it's logical. On the surface it would only seem to complicate things more but I think in the end it would simplify roles and provide complementary parts to both 'stars'. Not jamming things together just because you feel you need to. It also opens up the offense without crippling the defense - To me, that's why this team finally clicked late last year and looked like a legitimate team.
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OFT, the Nets bench is horrible and no one on their squad plays D outside of Crash. This whole Nets things is HYPE at its finest. And I don't have any bias because my team is the Nuggets but I support the Knicks hard because of Melo, JR, and the players around them, not really because of the organization.
OFT, the Nets bench is horrible and no one on their squad plays D outside of Crash. This whole Nets things is HYPE at its finest. And I don't have any bias because my team is the Nuggets but I support the Knicks hard because of Melo, JR, and the players around them, not really because of the organization.

You don't think you have any bias? :lol:

Your allegiance is with Melo, clearly you have a Carmelo Anthony bias. You'd support any team he went to. Like many LeBron James fans did. I'm not calling you out for it, but it's bias. Don't call it what it isn't.
You don't think you have any bias? :lol:
Your allegiance is with Melo, clearly you have a Carmelo Anthony bias. You'd support any team he went to. Like many LeBron James fans did. I'm not calling you out for it, but it's bias. Don't call it what it isn't.
Yeah, when I was quoting 7th ave I was only thinking of it as his knicks bias and my nugget bias and not in the sense of me having a melo bias and I understand what your saying and your absolutely right about me supporting melo. But I'm also a fan that can see the flaws in my favorite player unlike other fans I've came across. I'm also a dwill fan and fell like Charlotte should've never got rid of Crash after they made the playoffs that season. But its just something with the pieces outside of the starters with the Nets that I can't understand why people are so excited other than its something new to root for other than the Knicks. But if the Nets could've kept morrow and green and then added AK47 it would be more understandable. And I just find it funny how in Atlanta everyone had something negative to say about Joe Johnson but now all of a sudden those feelings have been thrown out the window since he's with the nets. Because obviously the nets aren't better than the celtics or heat, and from the way teams like the Knicks, Sixers, and Pacers OVERALL rosters are, I don't think the Nets will be better than any of those squads. But I do appreciate your feedback fam.
What's the over/under on Knick fans blocking Coupelt this season?

I say 8 and take over.
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Is it that funny? That far-fetched tho? Considering what happened last year and with the Nets & Sixers getting better? Can you blame the dude?

Going to be a tight division. Real tight. Couple games could separate 1-4.
You can honestly sit-back in your chair with no Knick-bias and complete basketball objectivity, and say you're 100% sure the Knicks will be better than the Nets?
You don't think you have any bias?

Your allegiance is with Melo, clearly you have a Carmelo Anthony bias. You'd support any team he went to. Like many LeBron James fans did. I'm not calling you out for it, but it's bias. Don't call it what it isn't.
tim teufel Volume 2.0.


Good post, Allen.

I doubt other teams respect Camby's jumper these days though...but I agree Amare would be more cohesive with Camby rather than Chandler.

It might take a bit of time because of all the new parts but I think this team can be better than last year's on the defensive end. They're certainly capable of it and have enough pieces to accomplish that...what I'm more concerned with is the other side of the court. I completely lost faith in Woodson after last year's series to Miami...he's been on that ISO ball **** since Atlanta with very few in-game adjustments (if any)...who's to say it changes this year? In a perfect world, I'd like to see Jason Kidd being paired up with Melo and Felton with Amare (under your scenario). Kidd can feed Melo the ball anytime he wants at the high post but his true value as a playmaker would be making sure everyone else around Melo doesn't become stagnant and he'd also use opposing defense's focusing on Melo to the Knicks advantage.

Felton and Amare have shown us they know how to work well together and, regardless of what Amare is trying to market himself as these days, the pick & roll is their bread and butter.

The reality is Kidd comes off the bench and Felton is starting so we won't see these our coach's creativity is apparently limited to one end of the floor.
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