and we're done

Simple Anthony is a ball stopping isolation player, Amare is a motion based pick and roll player. It's oil and water.
yea because those are the only ways both of them can succeed.  they dont know how to move without the ball, make mid range jump shots get offensive boards or nothing like that.. just pick n rolls and ballhogging.

defense is the only reason i question the pair.  forwards are usually the most active defenders on most teams not the laziest.  however if we're talking offense i see no reason why these two cant flourish with a heads up pg and some actual sets being run.  especially when melos in the post our high/low game could be lethal.
SN marcus hatten tho lol....what has that dude done? personally thought he was overrated in st john's lol...anyways not to get off topic :tongue:
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Its simple, Amare is a certified bum after he lost his mid range jumper.
so how the **** does Westbrook and Durant workout? They're both ISO players.

1. 35% of Melo's offense comes form ISO plays as opposed to 19% for Durant

2. Durant is a deadly spot up shooter, Melo is not, when Melo doesn't have the ball in his hands he is essentially useless. Melo only shoots 33% on spot up 3 pt shots, Durant is 41% . Durant spaces the floor even when Westbrook has the ball.

3. Melo is best suited to a half court style of play, Amare works better in transition. Westbrook is demon in transition and so is Durant especially as a trailer.

Basically you have to hope that after 8 years of playing and ISO heavy game, Carmelo can scale back and learn to operate more out of the pick and roll with Amare. Too bad you ditched the best pick and roll motion offense coach in the league for...Mike Woodson.

Id like to see line ups with Novak, Melo and Amare in the front court, spread teams out and run more pick and roll with Carmelo as the ball handler, he;s a good passer when he wants to be.

Unfortunately none of this will make you a championship contender.
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Lin's gonna wet the bed this year, especially when he visits here .... aint worried bout houston ......
Too bad you ditched the best pick and roll motion offense coach in the league for...Mike Woodson.
Unfortunately none of this will make you a championship contender.

you made some great points except for the coaching part... dantoni will never win a championship with his style of play... his offense might have been great but his defense sucked... he just didn't preach defense at all and you can't win like that...not to mention that his players never really developed at all... even amare admitted when explaining he never had a post game or tried it because he just relied on transition basketball... and woodson is not a great coach either but at least he preaches defense which will win games... i think for melo to be better is he needs to trust his teamates and make them better which is what great players do and he needs to have better shot selection... he thinks hes in the playground where he can cross someone up and make a jumper at the same time...
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so what do you guys think about the james harden trade?
:wow: News to me. I wasn't paying attention to anything but the Knicks (and that wasn't a lot since I was waiting for the season to start) so I hadn't entered the season thread for a long while. Time for me to catch up.

I don't even mess with other television news for the most part. And yeah they got a few hotties.

They don't fear monger anywhere near as much as other channels. Even with this storm they been more level headed with it
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Flooding in Long Island and the storm hasn't even started...Full moon tides

stay safe y'all

hopefully this will be nothing too serious
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What have you heard about when it will start? I heard Sunday night but then today I heard Monday morning. Trying to leave the house to watch the giants
they're evacuating the flood zone parts of long island, fire island

Cuomo just announced the MTA will suspend all service at 7 PM tonight
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