and we're done

amare out for the season

I wonder what Kenyon Martin is doing now. I know he wanted a sizable deal but with the days winding down and Amare's status as of now looking bleak...
Time for Melo to put NY on his back and make these role players better.

I knew Amar'e's injury was more serious than they made it out to be as soon as I heard him missing pre-season games over a bruise. I didn't say anything cause I didn't wanna jinx it but as critical as chemistry is for this group, something had to be up to sit dude out for that long.

Dude is a fighter though, he's gonna try his best until his knee gives out completely. Not gonna turn on him now for something thats out of his control.

The front office needs to realize this is Melo's team now though and start making moves accordingly.

In the big scheme of things, Shump is more important to the team than STAT. Hope he recovers sooner than expected.
Disagree, and not to slight Shumpert. But, Amar'e is still imperative for this team, just needs to be put in the right spots. This team can't sustain not having a 2nd scorer over the long haul, nor can Melo IMO.
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Disagree, and not to slight Shumpert. But, Amar'e is still imperative for this team, just needs to be put in the right spots. This team can't sustain not having a 2nd scorer over the long haul, nor can Melo IMO.


Regardless of how ill-fitting the two are, they were the two that were either gonna do it or not do it. Those were are horses and to not have one means this team is basically in the same place as last year
Time for Melo to put NY on his back and make these role players better.
I knew Amar'e's injury was more serious than they made it out to be as soon as I heard him missing pre-season games over a bruise. I didn't say anything cause I didn't wanna jinx it but as critical as chemistry is for this group, something had to be up to sit dude out for that long.
Dude is a fighter though, he's gonna try his best until his knee gives out completely. Not gonna turn on him now for something thats out of his control.
The front office needs to realize this is Melo's team now though and start making moves accordingly.
In the big scheme of things, Shump is more important to the team than STAT. Hope he recovers sooner than expected.
QFT, haven't posted in a while ,was trying to remain optimistic about stat,but it's time to move on he's finished ,time to make moves to surround melo with a good team,try to set something up for someone to come here somehow,I know it's probably impossible.but stat isn't anything more than a role player at this point.
Stat is only important if he's our only option at the four. If Copeland can provide some O until Shump gets back we'll be good.
Dudes really acting like a healthy amare wouldn't be a beast and like we'll be just fine cuz Copeland can fill in smh.

Yea maybe last year amare was trash but part of our projected success was assuming our second most talented player was healthy and also ready to implement some of his new back to the basket moves.

Ppl need to go watch a highlight video to remind themselves of what we're missing now.

It's still gunna be fun to watch the Knicks but if amare can't get healthy we're not doing ****.
Amare can be a beast... with the right point guard... and the right star alongside him.

We'll still need him, but I won't hold my breath for Amare, Melo, and Woodson to figure out and successfully implement a gameplan. My best case scenario is both getting hot in the playoffs and take turns carrying the team. 
Are you guys really acting like Amar'e's injury matters? Who's surprised he's hurt? I forget he's even on this team. Can we please focus on my cable problem? Jesus Christ, some of us have real **** going on. How am I supposed to watch Amare sit in an overly tailored suit this season,with maybe even a scarf? 
Stat and Melo came here for restaurant business opportunities, and the skinny spoils of fashion week. ****, acting like you guys aren't even from New York, with your Midwestern high hopes.

Get back to posting more.
Admittedly I was drunk and cranky from work, but some of that stuff still holds up. Obviously I'd rather see the Knicks with Amare than without him, but it's pretty frustrating watching him stand out of bounds behind the basket on d, missing jumpers, and being overly satisfied with himself after dunks. We're talking about a 30 year old man who broke his hand punching glass in the middle of the playoffs. I hate him.
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Do the knicks really think they have a chance this year? I love the knicks but its hard to hear them talking about rings at media day when they just got soo much older. Sheed is like the 3rd oldest guy on the team, like really? The lakers got better and the heat are still the heat. How can they seriously sit there and talk about the finals
Simple Anthony is a ball stopping isolation player, Amare is a motion based pick and roll player. It's oil and water.

Its simple, Amare is a certified bum after he lost his mid range jumper.

so how the **** does Westbrook and Durant workout? They're both ISO players.
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