and we're done

I think it might be time to let Camby out of the doghouse. We could use a couple more guys inside to rough up Hibbert. We got him, so we might as well throw him out there and see if hes got anything left for us.

If we dont win we go home anyways.
Camby can't walk
Ugh, your right. I thought he was good. But he still dealing with PF.

Guess Tyson is the end all be all again at Center. Hopefully we get the same reffing we got in the last game and they actually call **** on Hibbert then. Melo going to the line for the 1st time in the 4th is laughable with how physical the Pacers play him.
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get this guy to suit up

We played like ****, they played worse, but we still pulled it out last night.

They wont miss 14 FTs again and have 10+ unforced turnovers. We cant play like we did last night again and expect a W.

It really does all come down to making the shots we've been missing.

They turn the ball over often, all series
We played like ****, they played worse, but we still pulled it out last night.

They wont miss 14 FTs again and have 10+ unforced turnovers. We cant play like we did last night again and expect a W.

It really does all come down to making the shots we've been missing.

I agree with you except for the point about the turnovers. We are good at forcing turnovers and the Pacers do not take care of the ball well at all. In fact I am confident they will turn the ball over at least 10 plus times again. I can't see them missing 14 FT's though.
Atleast Woodson makes SOME kind of adjustments unlike Dantoni. If we dont get into the ECF, I do agree, he needs to get fired.
We played like ****, they played worse, but we still pulled it out last night.

They wont miss 14 FTs again and have 10+ unforced turnovers. We cant play like we did last night again and expect a W.

It really does all come down to making the shots we've been missing.
The turnovers thing has already been discussed but yeah...I'm with you on all that.
Woodson isnt getting fired its like everyone forgets who owns the team

I didnt see that much to make me think we beat the pacers in indy. I dont think we are mentally tough enough or well coached enough to win 3 games in a row

But thats why they play the games.
Its not even about Dolan owning the team regarding firing Woodson. NO OWNER would fire Woodson after his first full year as head coach with this team that he led to 54 wins and an Atlantic Division title.

I am glad Woodson made some adjustments even thought it may be too little too late but lets see if he learns and grows from it as a coach from this point going forward. I am not the biggest Mike Woodson fan but quite frankly any talk of Woodson getting fired is absolutely ridiculous!
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Yeah. We were a subpar team a season ago. Now we here.
Give him one more year till he gets the axe if he doesn't improve next season.
I feel like if the average knicks fan can point out and make these adjustments and you as a PROFESSIONAL NBA COACH cant make em you should be fired.
Woodson isn't going. He's not that bad. After the **** he did in game 4 though, I don't want him. This team won 50+ games, beat some solid teams and made it to the ec semifinals. Let's be serious.
I feel like if the average knicks fan can point out and make these adjustments and you as a PROFESSIONAL NBA COACH cant make em you should be fired.

This thinking is so illogical.

So if you don't make adjustments during the first year of your job and make a mistake you should be fired for it?! Come on lets be serious and realistic here.

Was Woodson initially a little stubborn? Yes indeed but he did make adjustments. However some of you are truly overreacting....if you resort to this kind of thinking I don't see how you can ever truly be effective in a position of decision-making or management because by this logic you would end up firing everyone.
This thinking is so illogical.

So if you don't make adjustments during the first year of your job and make a mistake you should be fired for it?! Come on lets be serious and realistic here.

Was Woodson initially a little stubborn? Yes indeed but he did make adjustments. However some of you are truly overreacting....if you resort to this kind of thinking I don't see how you can ever truly be effective in a position of decision-making or management because by this logic you would end up firing everyone.

Coaching a professional sports team is different from managing a workplace.

Relating to Woodson, he wasn't making the necessary in game adjustments. Should've switched up the offense, stop double teaming every Pacer that got the ball, timely substitutions, and not let JR run us to the ground. These are things any fan would've noticed, let alone an NBA coach. Maybe he shouldn't be fired, but he realizes now that his stubbornness dragged on too long and may have cost us the series.
To be fair, Woodson accepted blame for his poor decision making in game 4.

Going big was a HUGE mistake and he paid the price for that in a loss. I think Woodson finally has figured out how to play the Pacers. Especially on the defensive end. You saw a lot less double teaming and we def did a lot better on the defensive boards.

The only thing now is to just do the same things in Indiana and make our shots. Indiana has a terrible ability to score the basketball, that's why they slow the game down make it a defensive grind. If we can get our offense running and moving, we will win. Plain and simple. Indiana is slow and they much rather get in position in a half-court game and try you defensively than try to keep up with the offense going up and down the court in a quick tempo.

We also need to make the shots that we've been making all season. We just haven't been making our shots and that's hurt the team a LOT.

We also need to figure out how to make Indiana send a double team. That is the LAST thing they want to do on defense and there's a reason for that. When they double, there's a soft spot on the defense and Hibbert becomes neutralized. If we can't make them double, we need to at least penetrate and make the help defense come over, which is almost the same as a double team. This should create an open man for us on offense. Ball movement is key here.

I think if we can contain Stephenson and DJ Augustine, we'll be fine. I don't mind letting Paul George go off, but we need to keep the other players on the Pacers on check.

I hope we can do most of this tomorrow night.
If the NBA doctors keep George Hill out of game 6 and game 7... I will admit the NBA is semi-rigged and "not real"
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