and we're done

Most NBA players miss a week or two. If he comes back, they're passing him just because it's the playoffs.
All NBA teams MUST follow proper protocol concerning concussions sustained by injury. I mean, look at the NFL. If a player has a concussion, dude is out for 2 games some times. They don't do this to mess up games. They do it for proper player safety. After all those studies made about concussions and the long-term effects, professionals sports leagues and taking these type of injuries a lot more seriously.

On that note, many people are reporting that George Hill might be out for the next game and possibly the rest of the series.
I voted not sure, because knowing our FO, they'd wait extra long, til all the wishlist guys find homes, then fire him and pickup leftovers.

At the end of the day, it looks like there's only a handful of available guys better than him.

We need a better roster, more than anything. But if we could get Mike Malone or Brian the damn thing.
All NBA teams MUST follow proper protocol concerning concussions sustained by injury. I mean, look at the NFL. If a player has a concussion, dude is out for 2 games some times. They don't do this to mess up games. They do it for proper player safety. After all those studies made about concussions and the long-term effects, professionals sports leagues and taking these type of injuries a lot more seriously.

On that note, many people are reporting that George Hill might be out for the next game and possibly the rest of the series.

Word, look at the retired athletes committing suicide but leaving their brain intact so it could be studied. **** is serious business.
I voted not sure, because knowing our FO, they'd wait extra long, til all the wishlist guys find homes, then fire him and pickup leftovers.

At the end of the day, it looks like there's only a handful of available guys better than him.

We need a better roster, more than anything. But if we could get Mike Malone or Brian the damn thing.

Why these two guys?
Mike Malone is kinda the brains behind the Warriors operation. He's the Xs and Os guy. He's the one drawing up the plays outta timeouts. NBA coaches voted him the best assistant coach in the pros. He's defensive minded. He turned LeBron and that band of scrubs into a defensive juggernaut. He did the same thing in New Orleans. I mean...there haven't been that many changes in the Warriors roster, but look at how defensively disciplined and responsible they are.

I just get this feeling that he's the next Thibs or Spoelstra. A guy who, once he gets the big job and some talent, his team is taking off.

And Brian Shaw was Phil's golden disciple and choice to take over the Lakers job. That's all the co-signing I need. :lol:
Mike Malone and Brian Shaw are def GREAT coaches. Doubt Mike Malone leaves the Warriors though.

Brian Shaw is one Hell of a coach. Malone gets a lot of recognition, but Shaw doesn't get to shine. Honestly, If you pay close attention to the Pacers bench or huddles during timeouts, you clearly see Brian Shaw drawing up plays and telling Vogul what's up. That kind of reminds me of Rick Carlisle when he was Larry Bird's assistant coach in Indiana. Dude would call a timeout and you'd see the players huddled around Rick holding the dry erase board, drawing up a playing :lol:

Honestly, I don't even want to talk about coaches right now. We're still in this series.
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I feel like if the average knicks fan can point out and make these adjustments and you as a PROFESSIONAL NBA COACH cant make em you should be fired.

Lmao son really? it's that easy huh?

And does Brian Shaw even want to be the main guy? Chill though, Woodson dug us from the depths and was a coach of the year candidate. Sometimes dudes just need time to learn and grow word to Rick Carlisle. It's not a stubborn D'antoni type situation, plus I hate when teams just give up this early on some sort of plan. Management does need to be tough on him though, like it's time to show out.

Sometimes all a good coach needs to be great are the right pieces that can execute.
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need Melo to have one of these classics tonight

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I agree with the Goatee that perhaps J-Kidd should sit some, he is a decent play maker and all, but if you haven't scored since before the NFL draft, and you've been open then your confidence is shot, I mean I dig Woody's loyalty, great trait, but it could've cost us this series.

STAT sitting is more confusing, I know he's rusty, but if anything else you can't teach 6'11. I know he's on a minutes restriction, but his presence on the defensive end could be huge, even if he is just using his 6 fouls, he's gotta be good for between 2-6 points and 2-4 rebounds. Just saying, I'm hopin for a gm7 and just let the chips fall where they may.

Edit: I want to win game 7.
We win tonight

I expect a better game from JR Smith
Another solid game from Carmelo
Pablo will get his minutes
Cope will get Kidd's minutes
Get Amar'e to the FT line a few times
We play Hibbert and West the same way as game 5. They were effective but can't dominate and don't need to be double teamed.

Let's get it felllllaaasssssss >:
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i was let go from my job yesterday, a knicks win tonight would lift up my spirits tremendously :frown:
I don't care if Hibbert gets 20+ points, he should not be double teamed.

Woodson playing him like he is Shaq. :smh:
Flex Appeal: The Series Changer
May 18th, 2013 9:15 am
Tommy Dee,

The Knicks world is caught up in the great impact of Chris Copeland and while it’s a great story and certainly valid, I noticed an Xs and Os wrinkle yesterday that, in my opinion, has the Knicks firmly back in this series heading back to Indiana for Game 6.

The adjustment of the series, and year, went to Mike Woodson and his staff last night. I will go on record saying if the Knicks continue to run the flex offense wrinkles in Game 6 they will force Game 7.

What is the flex offense and why is it the perfect set for Playoff Melo? Here we go…

The flex is designed to get touches and baskets closer to the rim and with use of down screens (or pin downs) it allows for Melo to catch the basketball in spots where he’s more comfortable- at either elbow.

Look at Melo’s Game 3 and Game 4 shot charts. He struggled to get comfortable touches, which for scorers lead to more scoring opportunities, and thus had to settle for long shots outside the paint.

The flex, in my opinion, is the perfect set to run against Roy Hibbert. All series the Knicks have tried to attack Hibbert when he’s in the paint. When the play is in front of him he’s been able to read the situation and anticipate chances to stop penetration before it gets to the rim. That’s what shot blockers do. They have to anticipate help and step in thus leaving their man after the offensive player commits. The beauty of the flex is that it forces Hibbert out of the paint and to either block having to follow Tyson Chandler. It also eliminates his angles as he will be forced most of the time under the rim and protecting against baseline cuts and not at the front of the rim. If Melo catches the ball in the paint off a flex cut he’s too strong for Paul George who has shown a propensity to be allergic to screens. The more screens he’s hit with the more physical the game becomes. Advantage Knicks on both sides.

Again, if Melo catches it deep and Hibbert helps on him the lob opportunities present themselves thus getting potential critical easy baskets for Kenyon Martin and Tyson Chandler, more specifically, aside from just pick and lob dunks from Ray Felton.

Speaking of Felton, he’s really good at curl elbow jumpers as well and whether off side pick and roll or pin downs, he is very good at knocking shots down on the right side elbow going left. Those makes allow for an easier trip into the paint as well as you saw last night.

More to the point, the flex is an impossible offense to consistently defend because it promotes constant movement until the point where the offense is happy with an isolation. In the Knicks case they will take Melo isos on the elbows all game long. That’s his office. Frank Vogel is on record saying that the Pacers won’t change what they do. Great. The Knicks shouldn’t either.

Keep running the flex and watch this series shift back in the Knicks favor quickly.
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Chill though, Woodson dug us from the depths and was a coach of the year candidate.

He made decisions that made sense, talked to the players and actually practiced defense. That's all stuff no coach has done in NY in a decade. Not being Pringles and doing those things makes anyone look amazing.

But we overproduced. Kidd came in and took over the offense. Sheed came in and took over the defense. But that's not gonna happen again. And once they both fell off the team went to hell, and he didn't make adjustments. Kidd and Sheed to start the year isn't gonna happen again. Pablo, K-Mart and JR to end the year, isn't gonna happen again. No Rose, no Granger, no Bynum, no Lou Williams, no Wall, no Rondo and fat D-Will aren't going to all happen again. Hate to say it, but unless we pull big roster moves out of our ***, this is it and with Woody, we're gonna be a .500 team next year.

I'm just tired of playing the, "hope someone shows up and saves us" game. Just because he's not Pringles, doesn't mean he's amazing. Anyone decent would look good after Pringles. But we haven't played a great all-around game all playoffs. The fact that 5 minutes into any game you can tell if we're gonna stand a chance or not is ridiculous. And defensively...think of it like this...Boozer is a very bad defensive player. But he's good on defense for Thibs. Undersized and not that quick, but he gets to his spots, rebounds and fights out there. That's the perfect case of what great coaching can do for you. I want that.

Cuz we're stuck with this team and it's win now. And dudes have to be dependable for 48 minutes. Melo is Melo. He doesn't make his teammates better, they make him better. And he has so much damn potential, that if his teammates are doing their jobs on both ends and he trusts them and doesn't have to worry...he turns into a supernova. Happened in the Olympics. Happened in March. We need a guy who can make his teammates better.

All that said...we could do a lot worse, Grunwald needs to get off his ***, and there's only really two guys I'd want over him.
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