Another Earthquake in MD!!! EDIT: 5.8 in Virginia

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Residents in Malibu, just outside Los Angeles got an interesting surprise today with around half an inch (12mm) of snow.

Reports from the area say snow fell down to 200 feet above sea level, so maybe not quite on the beach, but close there to it.

The snow, thicker in the hills behind Malibu slowed traffic and authorities were warning residents to drive with caution.

There is also unconfirmed reports of snow in parts of Los Angeles, Palmdale and even San Diego, although we’d expect not much would have stayed on the ground for long.

Here’s some amateur Snow in Malibu footage from YouTube. This isn’t the first time it’s snowed in Malibu, the last time was 2007, but snow in the area is consider extremely rare.
you do know that malibu is near hills. and the roads become slippery right ? we have landslides so driving with precaution is something one should do if you don't want to fly off the cliff.

you do know what .5 inches is?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by ksteezy
you do know that malibu is near hills. and the roads become slippery right ? we have landslides so driving with precaution is something one should do if you don't want to fly off the cliff.
you do know what .5 inches is?
you do know that most people in socal do not check their tires often ? a lot of people drive with bald tires. i'm not trying to justify it but i doubt you have ever been to malibu therefore you don't know the topography. make sure you listen to the bloomberg conference
Does anyone on the West coast know what kind of after shocks we can expect after a 5.8/5.9 earthquake?
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Ryda421

you do know that malibu is near hills. and the roads become slippery right ? we have landslides so driving with precaution is something one should do if you don't want to fly off the cliff.
you do know what .5 inches is?
you do know that most people in socal do not check their tires often ? a lot of people drive with bald tires. i'm not trying to justify it but i doubt you have ever been to malibu therefore you don't know the topography. make sure you listen to the bloomberg conference

YOU DO KNOW that we are as prepared for earthquakes as Malibu is for .5 inches of snow??? closed, just tryig to put things in perspective for you Indiana Jones west coasters....have a little simpathy man.
NYC news going on almost 2 hours of "breaking news coverage" over this earthquake
. Must be a slow news day
The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me....

the fact that we are close to 2 hours since the earthquake hit, and the folks on the news have to say "please don't tie up 911 by saying an earthquake hit." I mean, really????
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by ksteezy

you do know what .5 inches is?
you do know that most people in socal do not check their tires often ? a lot of people drive with bald tires. i'm not trying to justify it but i doubt you have ever been to malibu therefore you don't know the topography. make sure you listen to the bloomberg conference

YOU DO KNOW that we are as prepared for earthquakes as Malibu is for .5 inches of snow??? closed, just tryig to put things in perspective for you Indiana Jones west coasters....have a little simpathy man.
you do know that malibu's mayor did not announce a press conference ? there was no one climbing buildings. no breaking news coverage the whole day. malibu did not shut down for the rest of the day
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

@ at these scared eastcoast dudes over a 6.0. We westcoast people don't get out of bed for anything lower than a 7.0.

im saying

%+%#$ clowns

Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by ksteezy

the thing is that west coast guys freak out at snow.....soething that honestly is not a catastrophic event.....earthquakes are knows to destroy !**+....dudes really expect people not to be afraid?? us vaginas? guys freak out at the sight of slushy
son. nyc shut down over what was barely a 1.0. i've had farts more catastrophic than that.

I need to chime in on this west coast topic ... mainly to say, yall dumb as #*%+ ...

ive been in cali when a earthquake hit ... im from md and my whole bball team was shook ... that being said, this quake was worse than them little tremors you catch in Cali ... add that to the fact that this is the worse quake in this area since 1897 ... ... ... you might logically expect some uneasiness ...

i am fortunate enough to drive to work in the city ... had my on 295 ASAP and getting the @%#% ...
Originally Posted by psk2310

Does anyone on the West coast know what kind of after shocks we can expect after a 5.8/5.9 earthquake?

a 5.8 or 5.9 earthquake on the east coast is not the same on the west, as well as after shocks
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

ninjahood is probably trapped under boxes upon boxes of jordans after it collapsed on him, engulfing his room.

Its crazy that I called out of work sick today and there's a earthquake.
Imma come into tomorrow like I heard things got a little shaky while I wasn't around.
@ You westcoast cats thinking NYC went into panic mode and people were scattering and crying and all that.

All people did was stop for a sec, whipped out their phones and went about their business. It was an uncommon occurance. Number 1 overheard reaction "Yeah whatever I got a lot of things to do today."
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Ryda421 wrote:
you do know that malibu's mayor did not announce a press conference ? there was no one climbing buildings. no breaking news coverage the whole day. malibu did not shut down for the rest of the day

you do know that an earthquake is considered a natural disaster
Aftershock was 2.4 or something...and only hit a 5 mi radius...
Off work early on a beautiful summer day

Preciate It
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Ryda421

you do know that most people in socal do not check their tires often ? a lot of people drive with bald tires. i'm not trying to justify it but i doubt you have ever been to malibu therefore you don't know the topography. make sure you listen to the bloomberg conference

YOU DO KNOW that we are as prepared for earthquakes as Malibu is for .5 inches of snow??? closed, just tryig to put things in perspective for you Indiana Jones west coasters....have a little simpathy man.
you do know that malibu's mayor did not announce a press conference ? there was no one climbing buildings. no breaking news coverage the whole day. malibu did not shut down for the rest of the day

You expect a mayor to throw a press conference over .5 inches??...that would be a expect our mayor not to throw a press conference on something that we are completely vulnerable to and that now we know can affect us in the future?...YOU DO KNOW our bridges are not meant to withstand these shakes???....alot of our sky scrappers are 50+ years old and an earthquake can easily knock them over, killing thousands? expect our Mayor NOT to adress this???....cmon son..
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