Another Earthquake in MD!!! EDIT: 5.8 in Virginia

Thought the dryer was going crazy at first, then the shaking got more intense and ran out the house
The LaVar-Dukes show afterwards was HILARIOUS though...LaVar was in the bathroom when it happened
this thread is funny

twitter today was off the chart comedy. it was great

i didn't feel a damn thing out in queens
Happy all my DC/VA/MD NT'ers are safe. It was quite interesting, but not scary...happened to fast. All I was doing was preparing for some sort of building collapse. 
I work on a Navy Base and we were about 2-3 hours away from the epicenter. When everything started shaking we were all expecting it to be a plane flying low and sounds from the engines to follow after. The sound never came and the shaking got stronger, thats when everyone started to evacuate. Glad there was no serious damage hope everything is okay to those affected by this quake.
Just left Chinainatown chipotle. Sat my food down...kicked off my shoes...all of a sudden my office start shaking...I'm on The top floor so initially I thought it was just a rumble from a big truck passing. But my office kept shaking...I don't think ive ever ran that fast in my life. Skipping steps you name it. Wasn't my first earthquake but its been way too long. I felt like the ceiling was going to fall in on me.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by ksteezy

the thing is that west coast guys freak out at snow.....soething that honestly is not a catastrophic event.....earthquakes are knows to destroy !**+....dudes really expect people not to be afraid?? us vaginas? guys freak out at the sight of slushy
son. nyc shut down over what was barely a 1.0. i've had farts more catastrophic than that

5.8? PSHHH....
Its not like it happens everyday on the west coast but people arent crying about it
This whole thread is comedy

Us West Coast heads shouldn't be laughing at the folks on the East, we're LONG OVERDUE for a BIG one. Even if the earthquake in NY was just a 2.0 something, I still would be @*$%!+*+ myself just for the fact that there are skyscrapers everywhere. Imagine if NY had a 6.0-7.0 earthquake, buildings would be toppling down everywhere... none of them @*+%! are earthquake proof.

Just hope the earthquake on the East won't trigger anything out here in the West, even though we're in different zones and have different plates.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

This whole thread is comedy

Us West Coast heads shouldn't be laughing at the folks on the East, we're LONG OVERDUE for a BIG one. Even if the earthquake in NY was just a 2.0 something, I still would be @*$%!+*+ myself just for the fact that there are skyscrapers everywhere. Imagine if NY had a 6.0-7.0 earthquake, buildings would be toppling down everywhere... none of them @*+%! are earthquake proof.

Just hope the earthquake on the East won't trigger anything out here in the West, even though we're in different zones and have different plates.
Don't want cali floating away after that big one 

I was at football practice when i felt the shock, i thought it was some of my teammates banging on the lockers
But after like 20seconds i saw EVERYTHING toppling and $%^&
Dudes were hiding under the benches and running outside, COMEDY
But glad yall safe tho
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

ninjahood is probably trapped under boxes upon boxes of jordans after it collapsed on him, engulfing his room.


that insurance claim is going to suck. room looked the same mess before and after the quake.
Guys...from a seismology aspect it was somewhat significant here on the East Coast. We don't have Earthquake resistant structures like out West. Just a little stronger and it would have been a tragedy. Also the scientists are saying that our crust over in VA is "only" 3.7 miles deep, and that's pretty shallow. Basically that means we don't have deep enough crust to handle earthquakes. So basically while our West Coasters are basically laughing at us, we really dodged a bullet.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Guys...from a seismology aspect it was somewhat significant here on the East Coast. We don't have Earthquake resistant structures like out West. Just a little stronger and it would have been a tragedy. Also the scientists are saying that our crust over in VA is "only" 3.7 miles deep, and that's pretty shallow. Basically that means we don't have deep enough crust to handle earthquakes. So basically while our West Coasters are basically laughing at us, we really dodged a bullet.

Yet I wonder how many West Coast NTers would be freaking out if they got a nor'easter
y'all inconsiderate man
Wow what's wrong with you guys? Laughing at people from NYC who get a little shook when something related to 911 happens... If you throw an event that rarely happens into a place where people aren't prepared for it- it's going to be talked about, it most likely will be on the news and for a while. So did you guys just expect the news to mention it once and the mayor say nothing? Then wouldn't you guys all be making up theories how the government is testing weapons and one went off so they brush it off as some earthquake to make everyone feel better?? Maybe not. But a lot of you WOULD be saying ridiculous stuff if it wasn't addressed and talked about. I sure as hell would want to reassure my city that has gone through a tragic event and also address what to do in case of mother nature flipping out. Most of you Cali cats are so corny. You can't come in here and say yo glad everyone is safe and hope everyone in the DMV is good... instead you gotta come in here and make yourselves seem cooler than everyone by being insensitive and actually looking like a d-bag. Bravo, d-bags.
Aftershock just hit me in NC about 20 minutes ago. Was weak and only my room shook a lil bit. No one else felt it in my house
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