Another Examples Of How SOME Females Have An Unrealistic View Of Self Entitlement

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I think ya'll are missing the whole point of giving up your seat for a woman.

It's not that they "don't have legs" or some %$*! like that.

As a man it should go without saying the appreciation you should have for a woman. After all, none of us would be here without one.

Women in our society have done a great amount for us, and have suffered a great deal because of us as men. Is it too much to ask to offer some simple courtesies as a gender to show our appreciation? And if it isn't, then why not?

(and before anybody says, "well, yeah but I'm not showing appreciation for no JO." -- I'm not talking about them.)
I understand perfectly what you're let me rap with you for a bit.

I give my seat up for all women except those my age and ones that feel entitled. But it's not because of the whole "we wouldn't be here without them" thing. Hell, they wouldn't be here without us. Women don't birth themselves.

A lot of the chivalrous activities that men do are usually a front (because they tryna get at the chick) and are severely outdated. Why are they outdated? "Independent" women made them that way. Most gender roles and traits are being done away with, which is why it's not uncommon for a woman to be a CEO these days. Some of these women even get offended if you offer em a seat or hold the door open. "I can do it my damn self!" and all that jazz.

This is why I find myself doin it less and's not because I don't honor women or just feels archaic and these independent-when-convenient (another convo altogether) chicks are killin it off.

Some younger (high school/college age) women don't seem to like or care about that type of thing.

thank you.
didnt read all the arguments presented in this thread, but from my experiences of growing up in brooklyn
only the hoodrats with no manners would have the nerve such statements
I wouldn't have given up my seat to em. I'm sure if u did and some elderly person got on the bus, they'd look at em like "tough cookiesyo"
Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

*That's just a bold skeezer.
1. If she's old, very attractive or a family member.
so that's the secret.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

if they are older than me, disabled or pregnant...I'll give up my seat

ps. if they kept making a could just say "I give up my seats for ladies...I don't see any standing"
i dont think you have the balls to say that to two 17yr old ghetto chicks.
i sure as hell dont.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

These women are the future wives and mothers

1. My mother, elderly or pregnant. None of the above, you can stand. Your feet work.

I couldn't have said it better myself. OP, from what you described it sounded like a couple of young hoodrats in the making. i would've given em the'yea and im not giving up my seat, watchu gonna do, watchuuu gonnnaa do?!' look. word to
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

1. She has to be MY girl, family, friend, pregnant, disabled, or elderly.

I'll hold a door open for anyone though, other than that she can go (#*@ herself.
Originally Posted by Club29

StaXX wrote:

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

This is kind of a specific example for myself, but my mother raised me to give up any seat for any woman. My mom passed away almost a year ago, and at her memorial service I gave a speech encouraging everyone there to honor her by treating every woman like their mother. I plan to carry that with me til I see her again, and hope to impart that on anyone willing to listen.
Honorable dude. I'm with you. I'll give up my seat to any girl. Even if she doesn't deserve it.

thats because you're a putz.

ol, she can stab me but hitting women is wrong type dudes
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