Another Examples Of How SOME Females Have An Unrealistic View Of Self Entitlement

To all the dudes who give up seats to ANY woman, please stop.

You're ruining it for the rest of us.

Stop putting the P on the pedestal.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

1. She has to be MY girl, family, friend, pregnant, disabled, or elderly.

I'll hold a door open for anyone though, other than that she can go (#*@ herself.

First reply and it was "//thread"
+*%. courtesy is holding the door for anyone and nobody here has said they had a problem with that.

giving up a seat is a lot different. a girl isn't so weak she can't stand.

like it has been stated, if they need it / deserve it they'll get it.

elderly, lots of belonging, pregnant, children. or if the girl is attractive and In my blind simping I decide giving up a bus seat and standing for an hourwill win her over.

Why should I give up a seat to a strange woman just because she's a woman, that's not courtesy at all nor is it respect.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

1. She has to be MY girl, family, friend, pregnant, disabled, or elderly.

I'll hold a door open for anyone though, other than that she can go (#*@ herself.
i ride buses all over campus to get from class to class, i can count on one hand how many times i've seen anyone give up their seat to another person. mylegs work just as fine as the next person so i have no problem standing.

i too will give my seat up to a handicap or elderly person, regardless of the fact that i am a female.

i might be the only one that feels this way, but it kind of pisses me off when someone holds a door open for me when i'm a few steps behind, i mean yes iappreciate you holding the door, but that means i have to speed up walking because they've placed a self imposed "wait" upon themselves as ifthey're doing me a favor. i am fully capable of opening doors for myself. unless i have a lot of groceries or books or something in my hands, feel free tokeep walking.
I remember I held the door open for a girl at the library, and she gave me a "weird" look. I no longer hold doors for females that I don't know.

Giving up my seat (for anyone) on the bus occurs at my discretion.
F all that. Reminds me of how these broads at my college were acting like somebody is supposed to get up so they can sit down. Ya'll are able bodied 20something year olds stand yo %%@ up, I go out early to catch the shuttle for a reason.
I don't expect anyone to offer me a seat, I'm young and I can stand perfectly fine
I've offered men with grocery bags or men with kids my seat and they never take it, I don't know if it's a man thing
Like most people said family, elderly, pregnant, things like that. If your my age to bad but thats also why I purposely sit in the back cause usually youdon't have to worry about them situations usually in the back of the bus.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

These women are the future wives and mothers guests on ABC's why am i not married

Older women (40s+), elderly or pregnant. None of the above, you can stand. Your feet work.

I think ya'll are missing the whole point of giving up your seat for a woman.

It's not that they "don't have legs" or some %$*! like that.

As a man it should go without saying the appreciation you should have for a woman. After all, none of us would be here without one.

Women in our society have done a great amount for us, and have suffered a great deal because of us as men. Is it too much to ask to offer some simplecourtesies as a gender to show our appreciation? And if it isn't, then why not?

(and before anybody says, "well, yeah but I'm not showing appreciation for no JO." -- I'm not talking about them.)
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I think ya'll are missing the whole point of giving up your seat for a woman.

It's not that they "don't have legs" or some %$*! like that.

As a man it should go without saying the appreciation you should have for a woman. After all, none of us would be here without one.

Women in our society have done a great amount for us, and have suffered a great deal because of us as men. Is it too much to ask to offer some simple courtesies as a gender to show our appreciation? And if it isn't, then why not?

(and before anybody says, "well, yeah but I'm not showing appreciation for no JO." -- I'm not talking about them.)
I understand perfectly what you're let me rap with you for a bit.

I give my seat up for all women except those my age and ones that feel entitled. But it's not because of thewhole "we wouldn't be here without them" thing. Hell, they wouldn't be here without us. Women don't birth themselves.

A lot of the chivalrous activities that men do are usually a front (because they tryna get at the chick) and areseverely outdated. Why are they outdated? "Independent" women made them that way. Most gender roles and traits are being done away with, which iswhy it's not uncommon for a woman to be a CEO these days. Some of these women even get offended if you offer em a seat or hold the door open. "I cando it my damn self!" and all that jazz.

This is why I find myself doin it less and's not because I don't honor women or justfeels archaic and these independent-when-convenient (another convo altogether) chicks are killin it off.

Some younger (high school/college age) women don't seem to like or care about that type of thing.
Originally Posted by dunks87

i might be the only one that feels this way, but it kind of pisses me off when someone holds a door open for me when i'm a few steps behind, i mean yes i appreciate you holding the door, but that means i have to speed up walking because they've placed a self imposed "wait" upon themselves as if they're doing me a favor. i am fully capable of opening doors for myself. unless i have a lot of groceries or books or something in my hands, feel free to keep walking.
you're buggin
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by dunks87

i might be the only one that feels this way, but it kind of pisses me off when someone holds a door open for me when i'm a few steps behind, i mean yes i appreciate you holding the door, but that means i have to speed up walking because they've placed a self imposed "wait" upon themselves as if they're doing me a favor. i am fully capable of opening doors for myself. unless i have a lot of groceries or books or something in my hands, feel free to keep walking.
you're buggin

Buggin is not even the word for it.

Women are really this confused?
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

I've gotten on the bus/train plenty of times with a heavy bookbag, purse, bags, etc., struggling, and most of the time these men do offer their seat.

A good majority of the time I decline, but it's nice to know that some are gentlemen. But when it doesn't happen, I don't get upset, but I do think it's kind of inconsiderate.
1. Would you give up your seat if you saw a dude your age with many bags getting on the bus?
2. Do you find it inconsiderate ANYTIME you get on the train/bus and no man offers? Why? Explain why it is inconsiderate.
3. Does that same inconsideration rule apply for women giving their seats up to men? Or are women the only ones that benefit from this "rule"

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I think ya'll are missing the whole point of giving up your seat for a woman.

It's not that they "don't have legs" or some %$*! like that.

As a man it should go without saying the appreciation you should have for a woman. After all, none of us would be here without one.

Women in our society have done a great amount for us, and have suffered a great deal because of us as men. Is it too much to ask to offer some simple courtesies as a gender to show our appreciation? And if it isn't, then why not?

(and before anybody says, "well, yeah but I'm not showing appreciation for no JO." -- I'm not talking about them.)

Wow is all I can say. Wow. Someone really has pushed that mentality on you.

1. None of use would be here without a woman? So women have babies by themselves?

2. I am still not understanding why ANY woman deserves to be offered a seat. I am really not understanding

Sounds like you were raised by a household full of women. No disrespect
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by dunks87

i might be the only one that feels this way, but it kind of pisses me off when someone holds a door open for me when i'm a few steps behind, i mean yes i appreciate you holding the door, but that means i have to speed up walking because they've placed a self imposed "wait" upon themselves as if they're doing me a favor. i am fully capable of opening doors for myself. unless i have a lot of groceries or books or something in my hands, feel free to keep walking.
you're buggin

Buggin is not even the word for it.

Women are really this confused?

it only gets worst
I don't really expect a man to give me his seat.
It's just like if I'm sitting and an older woman stands in front of me and I'm like. "Well how old is she?"
If she's kind of elderly, but looks healthy enough to be able to stand without stumbling, ehhhhhhh
I would do it because I believe in having some chivalry, but that's just me. I could understand why some guys wouldn't do it though. Also, if "alady" has to make a dumb comment because you don't give up your seat, then she's not a lady and doesn't deserve politeness.

the way society is now a days...i dont expect much from anyone. i personally as a female i will give my seat up to any child, pregnant, mother with smallchild, elderly, or disabled person. it is really sad how today's people are. I was flying home from california and on the airport shuttle there was amiddle aged white man sitting down with his camera bag occupying another seat (shuttle was jam packed...all kinds of people standing up) and theres this ladythat gets on struggling with a rack of luggage and a sick kid (he was coughing and stuff) dude just looks at her. so i am like can you move your bag and whileyou're at it can you stand so they can have a seat. it was dead silent on the shuttle and dude gave me the stare down of the century. My comment may havecome off rude but he couldnt say anything because he knew he was in the wrong. I could tell he was mad tho. lol
I don't expect a man to give me his seat. I do expect him to give an old lady or man, pregnant woman or disabled person his seat though & look downupon men who don't. Shows how you were raised.
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