Anti-Americans in America

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.
It's not about crying and complaining. 
This is rightfully our land.  We obviously don't have the means to pick up and start somewhere else, and unlike some we aren't willing to blindly assume our rights to foreign land. 

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 
You can complain or be proactive.

Complainers should just move along.

Why would I consider moving to Europe? I like my life here. If I didn't I'd move.
I hate this damn country.  I'm goin' to Hong Kong
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.
It's not about crying and complaining. 
This is rightfully our land.  We obviously don't have the means to pick up and start somewhere else, and unlike some we aren't willing to blindly assume our rights to foreign land. 

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 
You can complain or be proactive.

Complainers should just move along.

Why would I consider moving to Europe? I like my life here. If I didn't I'd move.
I hate this damn country.  I'm goin' to Hong Kong
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by LilJRDN

Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Those people are just as annoying as the arrogant people that live their life thinking

 Unfortunately, too many people fall under this category 

I just noticed, where's Africa?
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by LilJRDN

Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Those people are just as annoying as the arrogant people that live their life thinking

 Unfortunately, too many people fall under this category 

I just noticed, where's Africa?
Originally Posted by BananaBoy2601

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

As much as people wanna bash on America, name more than 5 other countries in the world you'd realistically be able to live the way you do in America.
Blind Nationalism, thinking our country is better because we were born in it.

South Korea

Anywhere in the world basically.

   LMAO. You've never been to Ireland, have you?

It's additionally pathetic and insulting that you'd list Ireland AND England. The British Empire is the biggest violator of human rights and decency in history.  

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 

 Why would I? I'm flush, baby. I'm not the one complaining.

To paraphrase Carcetti, "Everyday I wake up white in a country that is".
Originally Posted by BananaBoy2601

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

As much as people wanna bash on America, name more than 5 other countries in the world you'd realistically be able to live the way you do in America.
Blind Nationalism, thinking our country is better because we were born in it.

South Korea

Anywhere in the world basically.

   LMAO. You've never been to Ireland, have you?

It's additionally pathetic and insulting that you'd list Ireland AND England. The British Empire is the biggest violator of human rights and decency in history.  

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 

 Why would I? I'm flush, baby. I'm not the one complaining.

To paraphrase Carcetti, "Everyday I wake up white in a country that is".
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by BananaBoy2601

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

As much as people wanna bash on America, name more than 5 other countries in the world you'd realistically be able to live the way you do in America.
Blind Nationalism, thinking our country is better because we were born in it.

South Korea

Anywhere in the world basically.

   LMAO. You've never been to Ireland, have you?

It's additionally pathetic and insulting that you'd list Ireland AND England. The British Empire is the biggest violator of human rights and decency in history.  


dude also has RUSSIA & BRAZIL in there 
 what is that list for, really? choice vacay spots for 30 year olds?

that's American Pop culture education for ya. 
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by BananaBoy2601

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

As much as people wanna bash on America, name more than 5 other countries in the world you'd realistically be able to live the way you do in America.
Blind Nationalism, thinking our country is better because we were born in it.

South Korea

Anywhere in the world basically.

   LMAO. You've never been to Ireland, have you?

It's additionally pathetic and insulting that you'd list Ireland AND England. The British Empire is the biggest violator of human rights and decency in history.  


dude also has RUSSIA & BRAZIL in there 
 what is that list for, really? choice vacay spots for 30 year olds?

that's American Pop culture education for ya. 
Your argument is that immigrants that become Americans shouldn't be unappreciative, but that American-born Americans can be unappreciative? We're all American. Either you dislike Anti-American Americans or you don't. Separating them based on how they became Americans is a little silly.
Your argument is that immigrants that become Americans shouldn't be unappreciative, but that American-born Americans can be unappreciative? We're all American. Either you dislike Anti-American Americans or you don't. Separating them based on how they became Americans is a little silly.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

i guess i'm what u could call anti-american. i was born and raised here. i'm black so this obviously isn't my original land. but if u are a righteous person, how can u not look at america in utter disgust? i mean america as we know it today came about because the indians were tricked, slaughtered and robbed of their land by merciless thieves. we are such ignorant, lazy, hypocrites in this country. us, the citizens i'm speaking of. look at what we allow these politicians, our so-called "leaders," to get away with. mass murder on a global scale. population control. katrina. the haiti earthquake. the japan crises. (whoever disagrees that we're in fact responsible for all these "natural" disasters should google: haarp). 9/11. codex alimentarius. planning a staged alien invasion to get us all on board for their wonderful new world order, where the remaining survivors will be chipped slaves to the elite. the list doesn't end man. whoever doesn't agree with what i just stated is not dealing with reality.

but we don't even have to go that far. just look at how the homeless and poor ppl are treated in this country. look at the living conditions in the inner cities. and contrast that with the luxurious, celebrity, rock-star lifestyle our leaders are living. a blind man can see what we're headed for here. but everyone acts like this is all so normal when in reality we all know it isn't. the mind control thru the music and media is really what has us in such a deep sleep, among other things.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

i guess i'm what u could call anti-american. i was born and raised here. i'm black so this obviously isn't my original land. but if u are a righteous person, how can u not look at america in utter disgust? i mean america as we know it today came about because the indians were tricked, slaughtered and robbed of their land by merciless thieves. we are such ignorant, lazy, hypocrites in this country. us, the citizens i'm speaking of. look at what we allow these politicians, our so-called "leaders," to get away with. mass murder on a global scale. population control. katrina. the haiti earthquake. the japan crises. (whoever disagrees that we're in fact responsible for all these "natural" disasters should google: haarp). 9/11. codex alimentarius. planning a staged alien invasion to get us all on board for their wonderful new world order, where the remaining survivors will be chipped slaves to the elite. the list doesn't end man. whoever doesn't agree with what i just stated is not dealing with reality.

but we don't even have to go that far. just look at how the homeless and poor ppl are treated in this country. look at the living conditions in the inner cities. and contrast that with the luxurious, celebrity, rock-star lifestyle our leaders are living. a blind man can see what we're headed for here. but everyone acts like this is all so normal when in reality we all know it isn't. the mind control thru the music and media is really what has us in such a deep sleep, among other things.
Can some name for me a country whose population is made up entirely of the very first people to live there and where they have never ever practiced slavery?

People like to point out the fact (and it is a fact despite what some revisionists historians say) that millions of Native Americans where killed or forcible moved and that slavery was practiced for almost the first century of this Country's existence and discrimination was the official law of the land for an additional century. I just wish that people looked at it in the context of human history. Bad behavior by others does not justify bad behavior but it should end the narrative that the United States is some uniquely evil country and that it posses two unique original sins of slavery and conquest of aboriginal people. Those two things are, tragically, the norm for a nation's founding.

What is unique is that a few Western Countries dared to criticize slavery, second class citizenship for women and absolute monarchy, things that were taken for granted everywhere else. The United States and few other Western societies considered free speech, privacy, legal protection from torture and consensual government (not perfect and direct democracy but a republican or parliamentarian system where power is, to varying degrees, diffused from beyond that of the King, High Priest and his close friends and family) to be virtuous and while we have sometimes miserably failed to live up to those ideals we try and sometimes succeed in promoting these items. Meanwhile, many in the rest of the World consider consensual government, free markets, individual rights, freedom of religion, freedom for women, civilian control of the military and other Western ideas to be either dangerous (The Russian and Islamic tradition) or unholy (The Islamic tradition) or as threats to their power and wealth (Chinese and to a lesser extent certain Japanese, European and Wall Street elites).

I, for one, will never leave this country. I want to stay and participate in it governance. Despite what some of my peers say, the situation is not hopeless, we are not under the unchecked power of corporations or big government or some international cabal (although all three sit, ready to pounce and acting as constant threats). Power is still diffused in this country and many people who can get a legal education and/or begin a career in politics, can indeed do their small part, as part of a larger effort, to preserve what remains of a constitutional, liberal, republican government and with concentration and diligence, expand and fortify and repair this enterprise that is America.
Can some name for me a country whose population is made up entirely of the very first people to live there and where they have never ever practiced slavery?

People like to point out the fact (and it is a fact despite what some revisionists historians say) that millions of Native Americans where killed or forcible moved and that slavery was practiced for almost the first century of this Country's existence and discrimination was the official law of the land for an additional century. I just wish that people looked at it in the context of human history. Bad behavior by others does not justify bad behavior but it should end the narrative that the United States is some uniquely evil country and that it posses two unique original sins of slavery and conquest of aboriginal people. Those two things are, tragically, the norm for a nation's founding.

What is unique is that a few Western Countries dared to criticize slavery, second class citizenship for women and absolute monarchy, things that were taken for granted everywhere else. The United States and few other Western societies considered free speech, privacy, legal protection from torture and consensual government (not perfect and direct democracy but a republican or parliamentarian system where power is, to varying degrees, diffused from beyond that of the King, High Priest and his close friends and family) to be virtuous and while we have sometimes miserably failed to live up to those ideals we try and sometimes succeed in promoting these items. Meanwhile, many in the rest of the World consider consensual government, free markets, individual rights, freedom of religion, freedom for women, civilian control of the military and other Western ideas to be either dangerous (The Russian and Islamic tradition) or unholy (The Islamic tradition) or as threats to their power and wealth (Chinese and to a lesser extent certain Japanese, European and Wall Street elites).

I, for one, will never leave this country. I want to stay and participate in it governance. Despite what some of my peers say, the situation is not hopeless, we are not under the unchecked power of corporations or big government or some international cabal (although all three sit, ready to pounce and acting as constant threats). Power is still diffused in this country and many people who can get a legal education and/or begin a career in politics, can indeed do their small part, as part of a larger effort, to preserve what remains of a constitutional, liberal, republican government and with concentration and diligence, expand and fortify and repair this enterprise that is America.
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.

I hope you are referring to americans going to other countries n not the other way around
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.

I hope you are referring to americans going to other countries n not the other way around
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Can some name for me a country whose population is made up entirely of the very first people to live there and where they have never ever practiced slavery?

People like to point out the fact (and it is a fact despite what some revisionists historians say) that millions of Native Americans where killed or forcible moved and that slavery was practiced for almost the first century of this Country's existence and discrimination was the official law of the land for an additional century. I just wish that people looked at it in the context of human history. Bad behavior by others does not justify bad behavior but it should end the narrative that the United States is some uniquely evil country and that it posses two unique original sins of slavery and conquest of aboriginal people. Those two things are, tragically, the norm for a nation's founding.

What is unique is that a few Western Countries dared to criticize slavery, second class citizenship for women and absolute monarchy, things that were taken for granted everywhere else. The United States and few other Western societies considered free speech, privacy, legal protection from torture and consensual government (not perfect and direct democracy but a republican or parliamentarian system where power is, to varying degrees, diffused from beyond that of the King, High Priest and his close friends and family) to be virtuous and while we have sometimes miserably failed to live up to those ideals we try and sometimes succeed in promoting these items. Meanwhile, many in the rest of the World consider consensual government, free markets, individual rights, freedom of religion, freedom for women, civilian control of the military and other Western ideas to be either dangerous (The Russian and Islamic tradition) or unholy (The Islamic tradition) or as threats to their power and wealth (Chinese and to a lesser extent certain Japanese, European and Wall Street elites).

I, for one, will never leave this country. I want to stay and participate in it governance. Despite what some of my peers say, the situation is not hopeless, we are not under the unchecked power of corporations or big government or some international cabal (although all three sit, ready to pounce and acting as constant threats). Power is still diffused in this country and many people who can get a legal education and/or begin a career in politics, can indeed do their small part, as part of a larger effort, to preserve what remains of a constitutional, liberal, republican government and with concentration and diligence, expand and fortify and repair this enterprise that is America.
Well said. This country has done some bad things all countries have to some extent. However there are lots of things to appreciate about what living here offers. Its easy to take it for granted, and when people who are proud to live in the US hear people complain about this country its easy to think they are unappreciative of what they have, "foreigner" or not. (Whether thats the case or not is difficult to determine)
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