Anti-Americans in America

#!@% you. It's my right as an American to criticize Americans, the American way of life, and the American government. Taking that away from people is taking the American out of them because by exercising their disdain for Americans they are exercising an American right.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Did this post respond to my statement, help your argument, or have any point at all ?   

Because I don't see it. (serious)
You are saying that Americans have exploited people on both a domestic and global scale, however, I am saying that only a few people(old white men) have done such a thing. It isn't fair to categorize all Americans under what has occurred because to be honest, the future of any nation is always in few people's hands.

I didn't categorize anybody. All I stated was that this country was built on and stands where it does currently due to exploitation, this is indisputable fact. 

Poor people have ventured to America, and even forced to come here. Those people still struggled hard to become successful individuals(the American dream). 

Just as the woman in your OP most likely. Let's not forget or gloss over the fact that those "forced" to come here may very well have been because their homeland was raped by Western imperialism. 

Therefore, people coming here seeking this American dream should be greatful for the opportunity

Why exactly should they be grateful ? ESPECIALLY if they come from a region left in carnage by American greed ? They come here, work hard, help the US economy, and achieve "the american dream". Fair enough. They are only doing what the US is built on: chasing the dollar. There should be no expectation of these folks to suddenly bow down and become unyielding patriots just because our great nation allowed them the privilege of working here (
) Realize that it is all about the money and the relationship works both ways. I'll wait for America to start "respecting" the globe before I hold immigrants to that standard. 


Tkthafm great literally took the words right out of my mouth.  It is amazing how so many people are uneducated when it comes to knowledge of the history of the nation they live in.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Did this post respond to my statement, help your argument, or have any point at all ?   

Because I don't see it. (serious)
You are saying that Americans have exploited people on both a domestic and global scale, however, I am saying that only a few people(old white men) have done such a thing. It isn't fair to categorize all Americans under what has occurred because to be honest, the future of any nation is always in few people's hands.

I didn't categorize anybody. All I stated was that this country was built on and stands where it does currently due to exploitation, this is indisputable fact. 

Poor people have ventured to America, and even forced to come here. Those people still struggled hard to become successful individuals(the American dream). 

Just as the woman in your OP most likely. Let's not forget or gloss over the fact that those "forced" to come here may very well have been because their homeland was raped by Western imperialism. 

Therefore, people coming here seeking this American dream should be greatful for the opportunity

Why exactly should they be grateful ? ESPECIALLY if they come from a region left in carnage by American greed ? They come here, work hard, help the US economy, and achieve "the american dream". Fair enough. They are only doing what the US is built on: chasing the dollar. There should be no expectation of these folks to suddenly bow down and become unyielding patriots just because our great nation allowed them the privilege of working here (
) Realize that it is all about the money and the relationship works both ways. I'll wait for America to start "respecting" the globe before I hold immigrants to that standard. 


Tkthafm great literally took the words right out of my mouth.  It is amazing how so many people are uneducated when it comes to knowledge of the history of the nation they live in.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

#!@% you. It's my right as an American to criticize Americans, the American way of life, and the American government. Taking that away from people is taking the American out of them because by exercising their disdain for Americans they are exercising an American right.

People forget this country is founded on dissent. I've said it before, our forefathers would be ashamed of some the people who call themselves "Americans".

tkthafm with excellent responses as usual
Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Those people are just as annoying as the arrogant people that live their life thinking

 Unfortunately, too many people fall under this category 
Originally Posted by Hizzle

#!@% you. It's my right as an American to criticize Americans, the American way of life, and the American government. Taking that away from people is taking the American out of them because by exercising their disdain for Americans they are exercising an American right.

People forget this country is founded on dissent. I've said it before, our forefathers would be ashamed of some the people who call themselves "Americans".

tkthafm with excellent responses as usual
Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Those people are just as annoying as the arrogant people that live their life thinking

 Unfortunately, too many people fall under this category 
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.
It's not about crying and complaining. 
This is rightfully our land.  We obviously don't have the means to pick up and start somewhere else, and unlike some we aren't willing to blindly assume our rights to foreign land. 

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.
It's not about crying and complaining. 
This is rightfully our land.  We obviously don't have the means to pick up and start somewhere else, and unlike some we aren't willing to blindly assume our rights to foreign land. 

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Did this post respond to my statement, help your argument, or have any point at all ?   

Because I don't see it. (serious)
You are saying that Americans have exploited people on both a domestic and global scale, however, I am saying that only a few people(old white men) have done such a thing. It isn't fair to categorize all Americans under what has occurred because to be honest, the future of any nation is always in few people's hands.

I didn't categorize anybody. All I stated was that this country was built on and stands where it does currently due to exploitation, this is indisputable fact. 

Poor people have ventured to America, and even forced to come here. Those people still struggled hard to become successful individuals(the American dream). 

Just as the woman in your OP most likely. Let's not forget or gloss over the fact that those "forced" to come here may very well have been because their homeland was raped by Western imperialism. 

Therefore, people coming here seeking this American dream should be greatful for the opportunity

Why exactly should they be grateful ? ESPECIALLY if they come from a region left in carnage by American greed ? They come here, work hard, help the US economy, and achieve "the american dream". Fair enough. They are only doing what the US is built on: chasing the dollar. There should be no expectation of these folks to suddenly bow down and become unyielding patriots just because our great nation allowed them the privilege of working here (
) Realize that it is all about the money and the relationship works both ways. I'll wait for America to start "respecting" the globe before I hold immigrants to that standard.

Tkthafm great literally took the words right out of my mouth.  It is amazing how so many people are uneducated when it comes to knowledge of the history of the nation they live in.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Did this post respond to my statement, help your argument, or have any point at all ?   

Because I don't see it. (serious)
You are saying that Americans have exploited people on both a domestic and global scale, however, I am saying that only a few people(old white men) have done such a thing. It isn't fair to categorize all Americans under what has occurred because to be honest, the future of any nation is always in few people's hands.

I didn't categorize anybody. All I stated was that this country was built on and stands where it does currently due to exploitation, this is indisputable fact. 

Poor people have ventured to America, and even forced to come here. Those people still struggled hard to become successful individuals(the American dream). 

Just as the woman in your OP most likely. Let's not forget or gloss over the fact that those "forced" to come here may very well have been because their homeland was raped by Western imperialism. 

Therefore, people coming here seeking this American dream should be greatful for the opportunity

Why exactly should they be grateful ? ESPECIALLY if they come from a region left in carnage by American greed ? They come here, work hard, help the US economy, and achieve "the american dream". Fair enough. They are only doing what the US is built on: chasing the dollar. There should be no expectation of these folks to suddenly bow down and become unyielding patriots just because our great nation allowed them the privilege of working here (
) Realize that it is all about the money and the relationship works both ways. I'll wait for America to start "respecting" the globe before I hold immigrants to that standard.

Tkthafm great literally took the words right out of my mouth.  It is amazing how so many people are uneducated when it comes to knowledge of the history of the nation they live in.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.
It's not about crying and complaining. 
This is rightfully our land.  We obviously don't have the means to pick up and start somewhere else, and unlike some we aren't willing to blindly assume our rights to foreign land. 

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 
You can complain or be proactive.

Complainers should just move along.

Why would I consider moving to Europe? I like my life here. If I didn't I'd move.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

People actin like it's hard to leave the country and live somewhere else.

Buy yourself a ticket, find a place to live, get a job, pay rent, live there. Sure I simplified it a bit, but really it ain't all that hard.

It ain't rocket science and it can be done if there is a will to do it.

Most of y'all will stay cryin' and complaining cause it's easier to do.
It's not about crying and complaining. 
This is rightfully our land.  We obviously don't have the means to pick up and start somewhere else, and unlike some we aren't willing to blindly assume our rights to foreign land. 

Have you considered moving back to Europe? The cold, dark, rainy, deforested land of Europe? 
You can complain or be proactive.

Complainers should just move along.

Why would I consider moving to Europe? I like my life here. If I didn't I'd move.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Prove it. 
When I say we still are Britain's colony, common sense will tell you that US foreign policy defends the Eurocentric dominated hegemony.

 If you disagree then you're probably more privileged then the average US citizen, or disillusioned by whatever status you do have in the ' land of the free'  

I don't know no NATO....word to Bernie Mack. 

yeah i kno we defend a eurocentric world because it benefits the country.. but to say we are Britain's colony is a misleading statement
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Prove it. 
When I say we still are Britain's colony, common sense will tell you that US foreign policy defends the Eurocentric dominated hegemony.

 If you disagree then you're probably more privileged then the average US citizen, or disillusioned by whatever status you do have in the ' land of the free'  

I don't know no NATO....word to Bernie Mack. 

yeah i kno we defend a eurocentric world because it benefits the country.. but to say we are Britain's colony is a misleading statement
Originally Posted by thabasedgod

yall know the way the government was form it was always for the white man...
blacks was always kept confined, i.e: slavery, no jobs, projects, etc
so my point is that whites was trying to erase black's culture/traditions
as you can see today that many other races still have traditonal methods
while you can see that white molded blacks in america to where they have no culture/traditions from africa

but you also see asians n europeans all still stick to their culture but blacks on the other hand are now "creating an amerian black culture for themselves" // being ghetto n such

just lettin yall know how i feel about the gov... piece of %+@%
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Truth.[/color]

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Stop disregarding the fact that the rest of the world is the product of America, and the mother countries of America.

This is circular and doesn't place any unique blame on America. This seems more of an indictment of human nature.
Don't give me that human nature %*%$ as a cop out for purely evil intent. Which one of these third world countries has initiated global wars responsible for the deaths of millions of human beings? Now these poor indigenous people are at each other throats because there situation has been interfered with by foreigners with no conduct or respect for people different than they are. Diseases introduced, guns introduced, the concept of ownership introduced to a people who largely lived communally.  I'm not denying social status, which is a basic reality,  but there is a certain phenomena going on that transcends that reality and allows me to challenge the existing social order.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Applaud this man. [/color]
Originally Posted by thabasedgod

yall know the way the government was form it was always for the white man...
blacks was always kept confined, i.e: slavery, no jobs, projects, etc
so my point is that whites was trying to erase black's culture/traditions
as you can see today that many other races still have traditonal methods
while you can see that white molded blacks in america to where they have no culture/traditions from africa

but you also see asians n europeans all still stick to their culture but blacks on the other hand are now "creating an amerian black culture for themselves" // being ghetto n such

just lettin yall know how i feel about the gov... piece of %+@%
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Truth.[/color]

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Stop disregarding the fact that the rest of the world is the product of America, and the mother countries of America.

This is circular and doesn't place any unique blame on America. This seems more of an indictment of human nature.
Don't give me that human nature %*%$ as a cop out for purely evil intent. Which one of these third world countries has initiated global wars responsible for the deaths of millions of human beings? Now these poor indigenous people are at each other throats because there situation has been interfered with by foreigners with no conduct or respect for people different than they are. Diseases introduced, guns introduced, the concept of ownership introduced to a people who largely lived communally.  I'm not denying social status, which is a basic reality,  but there is a certain phenomena going on that transcends that reality and allows me to challenge the existing social order.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Applaud this man. [/color]
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by sonofsam

america > the world .

I love this place but the fact that I was born in NYC is 
.  Greatest city, greatest country.
Y'all be on some straight illuminati, conspiracy theory bull#@$ I swear. 

And to who ever listed all those countries as better places to live than here, you are out yo mind plehhboii. 

Israel?  $%#%#

Paraguay? $%#%#

Uruguay? $%#%#
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by sonofsam

america > the world .

I love this place but the fact that I was born in NYC is 
.  Greatest city, greatest country.
Y'all be on some straight illuminati, conspiracy theory bull#@$ I swear. 

And to who ever listed all those countries as better places to live than here, you are out yo mind plehhboii. 

Israel?  $%#%#

Paraguay? $%#%#

Uruguay? $%#%#
i guess i'm what u could call anti-american. i was born and raised here. i'm black so this obviously isn't my original land. but if u are a righteous person, how can u not look at america in utter disgust? i mean america as we know it today came about because the indians were tricked, slaughtered and robbed of their land by merciless thieves. we are such ignorant, lazy, hypocrites in this country. us, the citizens i'm speaking of. look at what we allow these politicians, our so-called "leaders," to get away with. mass murder on a global scale. population control. katrina. the haiti earthquake. the japan crises. (whoever disagrees that we're in fact responsible for all these "natural" disasters should google: haarp). 9/11. codex alimentarius. planning a staged alien invasion to get us all on board for their wonderful new world order, where the remaining survivors will be chipped slaves to the elite. the list doesn't end man. whoever doesn't agree with what i just stated is not dealing with reality.

but we don't even have to go that far. just look at how the homeless and poor ppl are treated in this country. look at the living conditions in the inner cities. and contrast that with the luxurious, celebrity, rock-star lifestyle our leaders are living. a blind man can see what we're headed for here. but everyone acts like this is all so normal when in reality we all know it isn't. the mind control thru the music and media is really what has us in such a deep sleep, among other things.
i guess i'm what u could call anti-american. i was born and raised here. i'm black so this obviously isn't my original land. but if u are a righteous person, how can u not look at america in utter disgust? i mean america as we know it today came about because the indians were tricked, slaughtered and robbed of their land by merciless thieves. we are such ignorant, lazy, hypocrites in this country. us, the citizens i'm speaking of. look at what we allow these politicians, our so-called "leaders," to get away with. mass murder on a global scale. population control. katrina. the haiti earthquake. the japan crises. (whoever disagrees that we're in fact responsible for all these "natural" disasters should google: haarp). 9/11. codex alimentarius. planning a staged alien invasion to get us all on board for their wonderful new world order, where the remaining survivors will be chipped slaves to the elite. the list doesn't end man. whoever doesn't agree with what i just stated is not dealing with reality.

but we don't even have to go that far. just look at how the homeless and poor ppl are treated in this country. look at the living conditions in the inner cities. and contrast that with the luxurious, celebrity, rock-star lifestyle our leaders are living. a blind man can see what we're headed for here. but everyone acts like this is all so normal when in reality we all know it isn't. the mind control thru the music and media is really what has us in such a deep sleep, among other things.
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