Any Niketalkers into meditation?

I used to meditate after yoga on the beach, but that was when I smoked bud. 
I found it to be immensely beneficial.  I started by reading a couple of super short books.  Following your breathe is really the easiest.  As a great intro piece I liked "How To Meditate" by Lawrence Lashan (Sp?) but if you were going to pick 1 and actually stick to the practice, I'd recomment "Turning the Mind Into An Ally" I forget the guy's name.  But I started with basic breathe stuff and eventually studied zen sword karate under a Korean zenmaster for a year.  Filtering out all that extra brain matter so that you can be more centered is a definite long-term benefit of meditation.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone.  If you want more specific stuff on how to physically do it I guess msg me?  I don't wanna yap too much.
yee son i use an app on my phone that opens up your chakras while i meditate. It's like 15 minutes long but it feels like time stops. Really helpful when im stressed out or when i just want to relax. Some 
 while i listen to the app is on a whole other level, you can feel the chakra going up to next pool until it reaches your third eye. **** is amazing.
yee son i use an app on my phone that opens up your chakras while i meditate. It's like 15 minutes long but it feels like time stops. Really helpful when im stressed out or when i just want to relax. Some :pimp:  while i listen to the app is on a whole other level, you can feel the chakra going up to next pool until it reaches your third eye. **** is amazing.

doesn't it? that the Kundalini rising.
Ive been doing some third eye meditation for the past 3 months and and started hillucinating every other night... It got to the point where i couldnt sleep at night... Stopped that with the quickness and it faded away... I gotta look for methods to balance out my other chakras before i do that again
I wouldn't mess with Chakra/Transcendental medititation without a teacher/instructor.  I've done primarily zen breathing and tibetan breathing meditations that don't incorporate any type of visualization and found a great center in my life as a result.  I've slowly moved up to the more visualizing ones but I would certainly plead with anyone who's wanting to do meditation to get some guidance and if you're doing anything other than breathing/shamata make sure someone is helping you.  Otherwise your meditation could reinforce the issues you've already been dealing with rather than help you find your center.

I do 10 min in the morning and 10 min before I sleep.

I would say let your natural reactions happen when you first start meditating, and read the book I posted while your just beginning to'll eventually realize that "thinking" is more deep-rooted than you think....once your able to catch yourself thinking while meditating then you'll know how to calmly get back to conscious awareness.

It takes a lot of practice and when you think you've gotten it you sometimes realize you were doing it all wrong....but it's a circle of can't happen unless your ready.
Taoist Meditation, you physically feel energy while practicing.

Any other meditators experience a sensation while in the "zone"?
I don't know about meditation but I sit down and relax for about 5 minutes before bed every night and just try and clear my mind to some music. It's really easy to fall asleep after that.
Very interesting topic. My older brother is in prison. He recently started meditating, and said he really enjoys it. He kinda talked me into it, but after reading this topic; it seems that this is very serious stuff...
My grower does it and he says its the best thing out their. He says you need to do this atleast one hour of a day or you will go result of toady's time, People are gong insane..everyone should take some time and meditate for a second.
I try it but I need some professional guidance. I can't really concentrate like I want to.

meditating is so underrated... Even people that have knowledge of its benefits dont do it... SMH
I meditate before major exams. I've been working on transcendental meditation techniques, I like to believe it works. :D
I guess I sorta take meditative breaths and moments between sets when I work out
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