any NTer know how to play any music instruments?

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Acoustic guitar

Some piano


French Horn





[OGBJ] wanna play my skin flute? [/OGBJ]


I'm mad I wrote and backspaced skin flute 3 times before I hit the post button
Originally Posted by omgitswes

i fell like a straight ##### for quitting guitar because the strings hurt my fingers

Word. You definitely have to build up a callus for that. It's easier to go from acoustic to electric than it is electric to acoustic though.
yeah i only played acoustic, I still have it too. might try to get back into it.
really wanna learn violin and cello one day
Played the trombone in middle school. Wanted to play the french horn but the instructor said my lips were too big to play that instrument



Acoustic, mandolin, and banjo. I play electric guitar, but am currently without one
. Learning the drums a little bit here and there.
Most reed instruments ... Clarinet / Alto Sax / etc.

Played a little Trumpet but all that spit that leaks outta that !*#% was too gross ... and to think, my uncle is Dizzy Gillespie so that should inspire me morebut nah ..
Electric Guitar just sold my guitar so I'm working on buying a Stratocaster I have a crybaby wah-wah pedal that I'm letting go for $60
graduated with a degree in Music Education.

i can play and teach all of the insturments you would see in a standard symphony orchestra.
Originally Posted by demcovici

Drums. They're pretty fun.

And it's fairly easy to pick up on.

i disagree.

my major instrument was percussion.

if you're talking about set drumming, then yes, it's easy to get to where you can keep time and play basic beats.

if you're talking about rudimentary drumming...
that's a whole different game.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I'm working on piano right now... from YouTube.

@ me being the only Chinese person in the world not forced to learn piano at a young age.

YOU'RE CHINESE?!? Since when?! Slap it!

You jokin' right?

I'm a damn stereotype.

I can't even read the word "free" without salivating.
i play the guitar. its pretty fun playing along with songs you know. sucks not being able to jam with anyone though.
I wanna learn piano/keyboard.. but i guess im too old to learn (26). but im going send my kid to piano/keyboard lessons.
Still playing cello since 5 years old... currently a sophomore. In city youth orchestra right now. It is a lot of fun I'd say. A lot of my friendsdon't think sitting there playing for four hours is fun, but when you're with so many good people in one orchestra, it makes it fun. Practicing sucksthough.

I've played:
Bass Guitar, getting kind of good at it

I don't know if I want to continue music because frankly, the job market for music is not that great, and pay isn't so great right now. But I'vespent 8k on a cello... so....

I want to play double bass, which is actually very simple, same tuning as a bass guitar, so I figure it'd take a few months and I'd be good.

What I also want to play:
Double Bass
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