Any NTers currently in college?

Nursing major. ill be done in 2 years. Then maybe ill go for a Masters to be a Nurse Practitioner or Nurse Anesthesiologist

Going the med school route if you decide to become an anesthesiologist? I ask because I was thinking about going to nursing school.

There are schools that offer nurse anesthetist programs where you can earn a masters degree. Some of the prerequisites to get into the program are similar to a med school's prerequisites; however its technically not med school. In other words, i wouldn't be considered a doctor, i would just be a specialized nurse after grad school.

You should really consider nursing. You help people. Moneys decent. You'll always have a job. Not stuck in a cubicle. Room to advance (especially is you're a guy). Oh and females for days.
Almost my 3rd year at Academy of Art in SF. Part time student considering it's very expenive. Won't graduate until another 3/4 years if im still part time. Got a long way to go still. 
^I'm not trying to deter anyone from getting a college education, the cons out weigh the pro's.

Not everyone fits into the mold of being a minority, single parent house hold, from the inner city, who's parent or parents make less than 30 - 40k a year, in order to get financial aid, a book voucher, free meal plan and free dorming.

Some people are not trying to sacrifice 4-6 year to military, in order to get their College education paid for.

Yes there are scholarships...but sometimes they benefit a very small class of people.

Now if we are talking about Academic Scholarships based on Scholastic Achievement, for 4.0 GPAs, all A's and perfect scores on SAT's, with volunteering in the community. Then that's different. I applaud and commend you if you receive that and get a free ride.
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Engineering major at the University of Washington. School is so tough bros
I started out as an Engineering major at Clemson until I transferred to my current school in January. I thought I would of liked engineering but it wasn't for me so I decided to change over to Business & Math.
^I'm not trying to deter anyone from getting a college education, the cons out weigh the pro's.

Not everyone fits into the mold of being a minority, single parent house hold, from the inner city, who's parent or parents make less than 30 - 40k a year, in order to get financial aid, a book voucher, free meal plan and free dorming.

Some people are not trying to sacrifice 4-6 year to military, in order to get their College education paid for.

Yes there are scholarships...but sometimes they benefit a very small class of people.

Now if we are talking about Academic Scholarships based on Scholastic Achievement, for 4.0 GPAs, all A's and perfect scores on SAT's, with volunteering in the community. Then that's different. I applaud and commend you if you receive that and get a free ride. :pimp:

You know those two things aren't mutually exclusive at all...and you don't need perfect SATs and a perfect GPA to get a merit based scholarship :lol:

You are right though that college isn't for everyone, but for my major and what I'm interested in you definitely need it (Biomedical Engineering). For a lot of fields you definitely don't need to spend those 4-5 yrs and can make a VERY good living straight from high school, but some people don't know what they want to do right out of one way is right necessarily every person is different.
Checking in

BA Major, IT Minor

Taking a marketing class this semester and I really like, hopefully I can get a job related to it
Checking in

BA Major, IT Minor

Taking a marketing class this semester and I really like, hopefully I can get a job related to it

BA is bachelor of arts

unless you mean Business Administration, which is pretty much useless.
Better off just changing to Marketing
Yes I mean Business Administration, and I have been considering switching. The required courses for both are very similar so it really wouldn't hurt me
cliff notes: I am not sacrificing 4 years of my life, for a diploma, and 30-20k debt.

where in the world can you get a BA / BS in 4 years for ONLY $20-30K?

because EVERYONE would want to and be able to go to college if it was that cheap!
Currently pursuing an environmental science degree.

Obviously college is a waste in our modern state society to some, but its not true for everything... Where do you think we get our elementary, high-school, and college teachers from. What about our human storage of historic scholars, and medical doctors. We have city and state construction, different forms of economics, the IT field <which lots can get into through self study and resources on the Internet... Just depends on what your looking to get out of life. Some people will be those average humans that form our strong foundation that we can build on, and others will try to achieve there dreams with innovation or money chasing with or without college...

For what I'm trying to do, college is needed...
^No college for me. Don't believe in having a institution and unqualified instructors tell me how I should go for 4 years, graduate and be a worker. Work hours and overtime and make money for someone else. I work for myself only, make money for me, my own boss. Self employed.

self-employed doing what? school us, sensei, on how it should be done . . .
where in the world can you get a BA / BS in 4 years for ONLY $20-30K?

because EVERYONE would want to and be able to go to college if it was that cheap!

I've spent somewhere between 30-40k
debt free too :pimp:
Why the switch?

I wanted to finish finance and go back and do music anyways but i found out if i did my BA it would be hard for me to get another one in a dif major so i switched completely. Ive been playing guitar for 10 years without stopping so Its something ive always been good at. Im doing real good right now anyways and if all else fails ill continue to work my way up in the banking industry.
Senior majoring in Poli Sci/History. College is a bunch of busy work. I spend most of my time educating myself and 

what do you plan to do with that degree?

under-credit sophmore majoring in accounting as well at UTSA...terrible school btw :smh:
San Antonio though..... :pimp:

Most underrated city in Texas....

Tied with Houston for second best behind Dallas.

San Marcos

San Antonio

^No college for me. Don't believe in having a institution and unqualified instructors tell me how I should go for 4 years, graduate and be a worker. Work hours and overtime and make money for someone else. I work for myself only, make money for me, my own boss. Self employed.

self-employed doing what? school us, sensei, on how it should be done . . .

yeah, what exactly do you do that makes you think it's so foolish to go to college?
how are you guys paying for college??

ive been paying straight out of pocket. didnt qualify for financial aid and parents dont wanna help. i dont really mind because i work alot harder since its my money and im completely debt free 

but i got about 3 more semesters and thats like another 20g's 

im gonna start hitting the scholarships hard
how are you guys paying for college??

ive been paying straight out of pocket. didnt qualify for financial aid and parents dont wanna help. i dont really mind because i work alot harder since its my money and im completely debt free 

but i got about 3 more semesters and thats like another 20g's 

im gonna start hitting the scholarships hard
I have a scholarship that paid for 100% of my 2-year degree classes and 60% of my 4-year ones. My employer also pays for 6 credits a semester (two classes) regardless of price. I'm very fortunate. 
how are you guys paying for college??

ive been paying straight out of pocket. didnt qualify for financial aid and parents dont wanna help. i dont really mind because i work alot harder since its my money and im completely debt free 

but i got about 3 more semesters and thats like another 20g's :x

im gonna start hitting the scholarships hard

GI Bill, saved up money while in the Army, and working while in college.
There are schools that offer nurse anesthetist programs where you can earn a masters degree. Some of the prerequisites to get into the program are similar to a med school's prerequisites; however its technically not med school. In other words, i wouldn't be considered a doctor, i would just be a specialized nurse after grad school.

You should really consider nursing. You help people. Moneys decent. You'll always have a job. Not stuck in a cubicle. Room to advance (especially is you're a guy). Oh and females for days.

I was considering nursing but I feel like it's impacted in my area. I wanted to go to school to be a physicians assistant but now I'm hearing that it could also be impacted. Decisions decisions....the female part is definitely a plus though.
I started out as an Engineering major at Clemson until I transferred to my current school in January. I thought I would of liked engineering but it wasn't for me so I decided to change over to Business & Math.

Good for you my dude. Do what you enjoy.
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