Any NTers even seen/been in a wreck?

Jun 21, 2007
I just saw one this morning, and im shook. chick fell asleep behind the wheel and swerved off the road into a ditch. Luckily when i got there she was already out the car, and had a few scars, but the car was !%$*!% up pretty damn bad. Wish I would've took pics.

How did you guys handle yourself after the situation?
What year did Hurricane Andrew hit?

I wanna say '92?

My Fam and i got into a pretty nasty wreck during that time.

my brother broke his arm but the rest of us walked away with cuts and scratches.
I saw 2 fender benders yesterday and I was in my friends charger about 3 months ago and he was doing a highway pull we were at about 90mph and a drunk driver hit the passenger side where i was and glass shattered all over me. My friends head broke the driver window, we only had cuts and bruises but the drunk driver died. Pulled out some big *+* bottles of liquor from his truck.

I helped with both fender benders cause they just stopped in the middle of the road like ppl arent trying to drive when a gas station was 10 yards away from them i told them to move the #!@* off the street and park in the gas station. Other one was on the highway i told them to move to the shoulder cause they were just sitting in the middle of the road.

Like seriously if your car isnt totaled move out of the damn road. Common sense.
When I was 10, a truck swung around a corner and head-on hit the Kidnercare bus I was on. No one died or was even hurt, but the drunk ****** who hit a bus full of kids was freaking the %@++ out
Dude was on the verge of crying trying to plea to the bus driver not to call the cops.
I got cut off on the highway really bad, swerved and I over-corrected and the car went into a skid at 75 mph, hit a ditch, flipped and rolled into some woods.

Landed upside down, climbed out of a broken window without a scratch on me. The passenger had a cut on her leg that required some stitches, but other than that was ok. Going into the skid she was screaming and I think I let out a huge "OH MY GOD!!!!" and after we landed she was a huge wreck and crying. I had like a 5 second freakout when I saw she was bleeding and my car was totaled, but I quickly calmed down and tried to be level headed.

Some people pulled over, so did a cop and eventually the paramedics came. They took my vitals and I was perfectly normal
heartrate and blood pressure were fine, no signs of injury or trauma, the paramedics said they've never seen that before after an accident. I can only assume I have superhuman healing qualities or I'm unbreakable.

It was easily the scariest moment of my life, nothing flashed before my eyes unfortunately. Happened in the blink of an eye. Took my eyes off the road for 1 second to look at the radio and it happened. Definitely made me appreciate how quickly things can happen and go wrong in life, and since then I always avoid texting, unnecessary distractions while driving. And I probably would have been killed without wearing my seatbelt.
I've seen/heard a few.

1) Going to six flags with my summer camp a few years ago, we had three different buses. I was on the 2nd bus. The first bus saw the accident as it happen. It involved 2 Honda civics and a semi-trailer truck(18 wheeler). One civic was flipped over a few feet away from the other two vehicles while the other was pinned under the trailer of the 18 wheeler. Idk the outcome though(whether there were casualties or not), but it was a horrible sight because the other civic was completely crushed.

2) My father was behind another car when the car in front of him was hit my a driver. The vehicle in front spiraled and hit a light post. The car wrapped around the pole and my dad saw the whole thing. In fact, it could've been him, which makes it even scarier. You could hear the woman screaming. It was sad.
I was in the house when it happened but I heard the whole thing. I'm pretty sure she survived.

3) I wasn't at home when this happen, but some guy in a Cadillac Escalade came riding down a hill and hit this one car that was trying to make a turn onto the same street the Cadillac was going. The Cadillac driver was going pretty fast(ran the stop sign), so once he hit the driver, their vehicles sort of locked together. The result of that was the Cadillac ended up pushing the vehicle he hit into a row of park cars. A total of maybe 4 or 5 parked cars were complete demolished. The driver of the Cadillac just sped away once he was free of the original car. The originally hit car was in the middle of the street, flipped over. My dads car was parked with the other cars, but because he was parked further down, his car was untouched. He was about to leave the house too on his way to toys r us.
I was a passenger.. the lac was totaled. I was never scared or realized until I got a little bit older how lucky I was/am. Impact occurred mostly on the passenger side where I was sitting... maybe a seconds difference and that would have been it. **@@ I coulda been crippled. but I walked away with not a scratch on me. I thank God everyone involved walked away unharmed.
i was drunk one time so my girl was driving me home in MY car....she backed into a car leaving the party
i wouldve been better off driving home...yes intoxicated
yeah, i totaled my car
my and the other driver walked away good.....even though i had a busted lip but other than i was good
dozed off at the light, went when it was still red and speared right into this older woman's driver's side, luckily she wasnt hurt...she was being extremely nice to me and worrying and asking if I was ok over and over, considering it was my fault

a year after that a car ran in the back of me, the car that hit me was done 
...again nobody seriously hurt thankfully
I was at school SFState and that area on 19th can be pretty busy.

A cop was chasing after one car, this lady in an SUV decided it was ok to do as she wished, cop and her collided. Her car was flipped.

That's about it...I think.
O yea i was driving in a car behind my uncle who was on a Triumph Dayton a car was trying to cut him off and he had wheat timbs on and kicked the door and they stopped f'ing with him on the highway. I wish i had that on video tape it was so damn funny.
Originally Posted by arhymingape12

I just saw one this morning, and im shook. chick fell asleep behind the wheel and swerved off the road into a ditch. Luckily when i got there she was already out the car, and had a few scars, but the car was !%$*!% up pretty damn bad. Wish I would've took pics.

How did you guys handle yourself after the situation?

I been in like 3
... none my fault

First time i was on the way to school passin by that blockbuster where u gotta merge... the car in front of me slammed their brakes so i slammed mine and just missed it. Car behind me did the same. Car behind that car @!!$@% up so the car behind hit me and i hit the car in front. Messed up the hood of my car. I was shook... cried and everything
. I think that was like junior year.

Second time i was at a stop sign at the end of a neighborhood. Car passes by, stops, backs up in the the entrance of the neighborhood, hits my car, and drives off the opposite direction. I was mad that time.

Third time i was goin to the mall, old ppl were drivin, hit me on the side. I cusses those old ppl out
cop threatened to arrest me if i didnt calm down.

I saw a crazy one on my way to Charlotte one day. I look down for a split second at my phone, look back up and i see a car like 30 away from us flippin in the air. It was on some Bad Boys 2 chase scene type +@$%. It was crazy. I was shook the rest of the ride.
oh yeah going 50 in a school zone drove right passed the stop sign and t-boned some lady, and boy was it a !@%$-storm she was crying screaming all that jazz, and then her husband stepped to me in a way like it was so cool to do that to her(i was 16 just got my DL) he talked to me for 15 minutes about everything other than the wreck... kids walking by as they left the school was trippy cause i could have easily took out 5 of em. I went to court for it because i plead not guilty (SMH) the lady showed up and was all ready to testify until the judge asked me how i plead and i said guilty....9 months for me to do that to her and i walked out with a huge smile on her face. I later found out she paid for witness' to show up for the trial so that must of sucked.
I've been in like 4 wrecks.

3 with my dad who's a horrible driver but I barely remember them because I was so young,but
I remember the worst was with my mom when I was like 8/9 some woman ran a red light
hit the side of the car spun around in a circle a few times stopped right before we hit the guardrail of a bridge.

When I first got into the car I was sitting on the side that was hit but I just felt like moving to the middle seat...
had this car overtake me once and slam right into the van in front.good thing there was room for me to swerve away. this was at 2am,dude prolly fell asleep.
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