Any NTers with a history of anxiety and/or depression? vol. struggling

Oct 12, 2010
The first time I ever experienced symptoms was in 2007. I was finishing up my junior year in college and literally had no idea what triggered it. I only felt "comfortable" in my bed, my appetite drastically decreased, I was always worrying about little things and scared about what the future held. It was a terrifying experience. The only people I told about it were my folks. I felt like the biggest vag but couldn't do anything to snap out of it. So I see a therapist and get prescribed lexapro for the symptoms. It did work, but part of me thinks it was just the placebo effect.

Now fast forward nearly 5 years and I'm starting to get similar symptoms but more anxiety mixed in. Losing appetite, pit in my stomach, feeling unsure about the unknown. It's a bad feeling man. I know I sound like mental weakling but I have virtually no control of it. I have a hard time anyone outside of my family about it because there is so much stigma attached to depression. Figured NT would be a good place to get it off my chest.

I'd be interested in hearing similar experiences including how you went about battling the demons.
I am 23 and every night before I go to bed I stay up and stress out about my future. Don't know if I am considered someone with anxiety as I imagine many people in their 20's worry about the unknown. 
mee too bro dont want to sound like a !#+@* tho...

kinda like a fear of not being successful/social anxiety ??
What/!?!?!?! I go through this same thing everynight....I used to lose sleep over it all the time a couple years ago...started getting rough when I was around 22-23....I didn't know where my life was going, if I'd be able to make it and support a family and blah blah blah...used to become a nerves/mind kept messing with me.

I realized that the main problem with people that think like this is that they think more in the future tense than living in the present and are always worrying about the unknown and making up these dire scenarios in their head of "what if".

My best advice is trying to live in the present, cutting what you want to do right now instead of thinking about what you want to do in the future so much, and STOP WORRYING...worrying about something never got anyone anywhere they needed to be in their life.

I just called a graduate program and I was asking the lady how to send my letters of recommendation and the lady basically was acting like I was an idiot....when I had to keep speaking with her I couldn't help but smile because the old me would have gotten disheartened from talking to her then I would have become slightly depressed that I was treated that way and cry myself to sleep
, but the me right now I just brushed that !*$! off like a damb baus.

Stop worrying so much and just relax...getting
has done me wonders...but sometimes it isn't for everybody. I feel a lot of pressure at the possibility of going away for 2+ years for grad school and the anxiety it brings with it like the possibility of failure or how i'm gonna pay back these loans. but I take this !*$! a day at a time...if it needs to be done I'll welcome that uncomfortability and I'll live in it.

If you let these situations and people determine how you feel and control your emotions for you, you'll end up a slave to them.
im feelin the whole dont become a slave to emotions, its my life i can change whatever i want
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

What/!?!?!?! I go through this same thing everynight....I used to lose sleep over it all the time a couple years ago...started getting rough when I was around 22-23....I didn't know where my life was going, if I'd be able to make it and support a family and blah blah blah...used to become a nerves/mind kept messing with me.

I realized that the main problem with people that think like this is that they think more in the future tense than living in the present and are always worrying about the unknown and making up these dire scenarios in their head of "what if".

My best advice is trying to live in the present, cutting what you want to do right now instead of thinking about what you want to do in the future so much, and STOP WORRYING...worrying about something never got anyone anywhere they needed to be in their life.

I just called a graduate program and I was asking the lady how to send my letters of recommendation and the lady basically was acting like I was an idiot....when I had to keep speaking with her I couldn't help but smile because the old me would have gotten disheartened from talking to her then I would have become slightly depressed that I was treated that way and cry myself to sleep
, but the me right now I just brushed that !*$! off like a damb baus.

Stop worrying so much and just relax...getting
has done me wonders...but sometimes it isn't for everybody. I feel a lot of pressure at the possibility of going away for 2+ years for grad school and the anxiety it brings with it like the possibility of failure or how i'm gonna pay back these loans. but I take this !*$! a day at a time...if it needs to be done I'll welcome that uncomfortability and I'll live in it.

If you let these situations and people determine how you feel and control your emotions for you, you'll end up a slave to them.
Thanks man, that's good advice. Whenever the symptoms start to kick in, I feel like I'm in the fight for my life. It's worse than any physical pain I have ever experienced in my life, and I've been through some hell (collapsed lungs, opened up via a 10" incision across my chest, broken limbs). Give me all that at the same time over this.

I know there are people out there who hear the word "depression" and think of mental weakness. I'll admit that before I ever had to deal with it, I was one of those people. But you really can't speak on it until you go through it. It's scary stuff.
for those that dont know: Depression is a real, clinically diagnosed condition. Something to do with lack of dopamine in the brain? I dont really remember
I've never been depressed but I used to feel anxious and nervous about my future. I think that's natural though, everyone is unsure of where they'll be later on in their life. Nothing bad has thrown me off course though, so I figured it was all useless anxiety and nothing I should be worried about.

I've come to the conclusion that no matter what, I can't lose as long as I'm still around. I'll only lose when I die.
I always feel anxious and nervous about college, i'm about to finish junior year and i'm freaking out
i feel like this all the time and everyone who experience this knows what to do but cant figure out how to do it

people tell you to go exercise, meet new people, accomplish something etc...easier said than done

we cant do these things because we are not motivated to do so

so my advice is this...STOP FAPPING
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i feel like this all the time and everyone who experience this knows what to do but cant figure out how to do it

people tell you to go exercise, meet new people, accomplish something etc...easier said than done

we cant do these things because we are not motivated to do so

so my advice is this...STOP FAPPING
All of this!!

It is easily the most FRUSTRATED thing ever and it causes even more self-hatred (towards myself). Everyday I go to bed and dread waking up and having to survive the next day. I honestly feel as though I'm ready to go.
i find myself in this situation as well. to make things worse, depression/anxiety disorders are common in my family.
hopefully this thread stays active enough to not only help me but others as well.
I completely agree with everything he said. The last line I found funny, I thought it was suppose to be taken that way?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I completely agree with everything he said. The last line I found funny, I thought it was suppose to be taken that way?

Oh my bad man. Excuse my overly-sensitiveness.
Its cool. I didn't initially see the relevance it had with everything else he said but now I understand. Just goes to show you there are so many facets or emotions(thoughts) you can go through when you're depressed and that it doesn't affect everyone exactly the same.
I was laid off from my job six months ago. The first month I was cool really not tripping. Then I second month of being unemployed I started getting this pain on my left side of my chest. I went to the doctors and was told it was anxiety. I was glad it wasnt anything do with my heart. But been dealing with anxiety ever since. Doctor gave me pills but they really dont do much. I have a really hard time falling alseep and stress out alot more.
I too suffer from depression like symptoms from time to time. But what has helped me and might help you to is to focus on your strengths. When I got paid off in late September, I felt like a complete failure. But after a few days I realized it wasnt my fault and that business at my former company was slow. My head boss claimed I made too many mistakes but later said it was budget cuts, yet his daughter (whom was also my boss) wrote me a letter of recommendation stating how good of a employee I was. Not to mention ill be one of the few, if not the first, people in my family to have two bachelor degrees (one in graphic design, the latter in english lit which ill be finished with this summer).

To the OP, God Speed and keep your head up. everyone worries about their future at one point or another. But as long as you're persistent and work hard towards success, youll be fine.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i feel like this all the time and everyone who experience this knows what to do but cant figure out how to do it

people tell you to go exercise, meet new people, accomplish something etc...easier said than done

we cant do these things because we are not motivated to do so

so my advice is this...STOP FAPPING
All of this!!

It is easily the most FRUSTRATED thing ever and it causes even more self-hatred (towards myself). Everyday I go to bed and dread waking up and having to survive the next day. I honestly feel as though I'm ready to go.
Been feeling a lot like this lately. It's 10x worse in the morning, I don't know if it's blood sugar or what but I wake up with a bottomless pit in my stomach like "here we go again." I don't have the means to medically get help (unemployed since June, no health insurance), so going at it alone is taking its toll.
Sometimes I feel extremely uncomfortable, in a way that I can't even explain, when I start to think about getting old/kids/where I'm gonna end up when I'm 40. It gets to the point that I need to lay down and just talk to a close friend (usually opposite sex) about other happy things to get my mind off of things. It isn't always about telling people your problems, as much as it is to kick it back with your close friends when you're feeling this way.
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