Any Physicians/Doctors out there?

I'll be a first year med student this fall. Praying to hear good news about UVa tomorrow.
Little over a week left Three00 till we find out where! Its not good having all this free time to think about it. Good thing Ive been travelin to distract me.
shoe head Doctors..
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

nice good luck... doing a radiology rotation next month, figure itll help me in the ER... and get home by 1pm everyday too
4th year Radiology rotation= Vacation

GL to you too. Youll be able to have a life outside of medicine too huh.
We need to start an alumni network/ advice thread from those in med school for those wanting to get in.
Yeah if anybody has any questions etc get at me Im on my med school's admissions committee so i have a feel for what they are looking for even thought itis mostly known anyway.
Congrats DaJoka and Kickinheadz. Med school can be a beast but it has been the best years of my life.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

shoe head Doctors..
besides "why do u want to do ER?", the next most commonly asked question on my interviews was "so u collect.... sneakers?!? tell meabout that!"
Originally Posted by nycsemaj

We need to start an alumni network/ advice thread from those in med school for those wanting to get in.

word... PM me if you guys have any questions... i got all the time in the world... til july that is hahha
Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

shoe head Doctors..
besides "why do u want to do ER?", the next most commonly asked question on my interviews was "so u collect.... sneakers?!? tell me about that!"
You actually put that on apps? I steered well clear ofthat one.
Lol yeah i didnt put that i collect j's or that i am an avid poker player on my app. How are ER interviews? Rads interviews are about as chill as you canget hell i barely even got why do you want to do Radiology. Im so gonna love this field. Not too late to switch Three00 oh wait yeah it is.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

shoe head Doctors..
besides "why do u want to do ER?", the next most commonly asked question on my interviews was "so u collect.... sneakers?!? tell me about that!"
You actually put that on apps? I steered well clear of that one.

I also brought it up in my primary app. (activities)...even talked about how I operated an eBay store. Got some interest from interviewers out of it
Starting med school this year.....still waiting to hear from a bunch of schools but I got acceptances, that's all that matters.
I'll be graduating in May w/ my masters. I do want to get my PHD someday but I'm really burnt out from all this schooling.
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